DailyFX offers several categories of Market News, and Trading Strategies. Explore the tabs at the top of the dailyfx homepage, and see whether any of their content meets your needs. Some of the articles are daily, and some are posted less frequently. That site has an excellent reputation in the retail forex world.
Kate Curtis writes for the broker Trader’s Way, and posts HERE in Babypips. Her long-running thread is titled “Daily Market Outlook”, but became weekly starting last October. You might benefit from her take on the markets. By the way, Trader’s Way is a well-respected broker here in Babypips, and is designated as a Trusted Broker in my Offshore Broker thread.
Also, take a look at Wayne McDonell’s daily (4 days per week) video presentations. Wayne is Chief FX Strategist for Trader’s Way, and you can find his thread HERE. His videos run about one hour each, and may have the sort of content you’re looking for.
By the way, Welcome to this forum!