Last week our [B]Forex Buy/Sell Automated Trading Signals[/B] utilized the “Momentum2” strategy to purchase the Swiss Franc and Australian Dollar against the Japanese Yen. They also purchased CHFJPY using the “Range1” system, all totaling an unrealized gain of over 400 pips as of now. The systems continue to hold these trades open with stops located 94.8648, 82.8750, and 94.2322, respectively.
See more [B]Forex Buy/Sell Signals on DailyFX+[/B] and be sure to monitor any updates on these specific signals, as our automated forex signals can and do change on a daily and intraday basis. For more information and guides on using our DailyFX Buy/Sell Signals, see our [Weekly Forex Trading Strategy Outlook](http://See more Forex Buy/Sell Signals on DailyFX+ and be sure to monitor any updates on these specific signals, as our automated forex signals can and do change on a daily and intraday basis. For more information and guides on using our DailyFX Buy/Sell Signals, see our Weekly Forex Trading Strategy Outlook report.) report.