Forex Buy & Sell Trading Signals

Hello Ezmai, I think you well know by now(read first posts of this thread) that short term signals main rule is you do not enter the market if market price came close to our signal entry price but did not hit it directly instead tried it at second atempt.
As you realized market price had hit 1.5631/31 then bounced directly around 10-15 pips before going to 1.5623/24 and doing the same then was kept for sometime at that area before targeting 1.5600/05 support buy so you had much time to exit at small gain or loss since this pair looked clearly as for ā€œprice actionā€ movement that are cheer all traders to study well if they are willing for best decisions in terms of entries and exits.
Then at 1.5600/05 market price slept a lot but if I had a sell order would exit at that level, whie might breakeven or take small gain if bought since not preffered to leave open positions till coming market open new week( starting Monday), despite that sometimes market opened for pairs against the dollar around 50 pips upward but this would be as gambling and we do not play this game in forex despite that you might run winning sometimes but not our understanding & strategy in forex trading.
This pair had strong support at previous days at 1.5650/60 but it was seen clearly that after many tests it might breakout and remember what I said in previous post as reply to some of you that as thereā€™s retracement or swing trading thereā€™s also breakout trading, high and low. All that I had advice the trader who was previously consistent posting his results here and you must all have remember and took my many advice into consideration.
After market price had broke 1.5650 support then you must had quickly exit and joined the breakout strategy after market retest 1.5650 then continued downward so you enter as breakout at 1.5645/50 and exit at 1.5600/05
You must never hold on a clear loosing trade especially that my signals and analysis are very clear, if break retracement itā€™s going to our short term sell or buy signals or sometimes some certain mentioned price level, so you trade with fast thinking and applying and youā€™ll never be caught at big loss but small one from time to time when market do not move as expected or even as my very accurate analysis say. There are always ā€œifsā€, if broke this level would target the other, for example if broke 1.5600/05 was going to target 1.5550/60 but lack of time as it was end of hours of friday, the next near target was 1.5585, it made some additional maybe also spread move of 5 pips toward 1.5580. But no need to milk pips till end, good exit for a sell order was 1.5600/05

Merry Christmas

Hi Hubinator,

As I just lightened the whole situation for ā€œEzmaiā€. Exactly as you said is right, a good short was around 1.5650 as breakout to exit at 1.5600/05 since 1.5550/60 was a far target as explainedā€¦ As what you said about best upward target was 20thā€¦ as you well remember that this pair tested 1.5650/60 for around 3 days and kept holding and going upward to above 1.5700 which is more than 50 pip each time so breakout wasnā€™t too far from happening sooner or later despite it was maybe not expected by many since many traders expected this support to hold at current holidays and that there would not be enough power to push it down but breakout had occurā€¦
About the news release, dollar must clearly weaken with a bad news release not power despite current market understanding is not stable as sometimes it is looked as okay US Economy is improving so traders might be willing to accept risk by buying those pairs. Itā€™s a big conflict now especially at end of year but as you realized US New Home Sales came little better than forecast which powered the dollar till end of day but at same time Euro was still holding only the play was for gbp/usd pair that was clearly too overvalued at past days since BOE language was still the same with more monetary policy easing & lower of interest rates for coming months so there was no real reason for the past big spike in this pair.
Currently, You and Ezmai must hope this pair open higher at Monday and wait for my coming Monday Daily analysis to conclude what best to do later on if you still have open orders and itā€™s not about those orders being in a demo or live account because as A Real Trader I adapt Good Trading not just because of the money. From current point of view good exit would be around 1.5640/50 if this pair open higher or goes to target that area later on since this price level had turned as resistance after it was a crucial support.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you & May Lord Jesus Christ be with you allā€¦

Also, merry christmas to all of you + thanks @ MM for the detailed explanation. Well, sometimes itā€™s really difficult to figure out how market participants will react to news.

However, I will use the coming days to post a couple of charts from yesterday so we can analyze the signals and what possible trading chances did exist.

Ok, here we go with my chars. Please note that the purple line is the retracement line as indicated in the medium term signals:


Signal: This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 1.3055/60, break is to our short term sell signals while on the downside toward our short term buy signals.

A possible entry for a short position was exactly at the retracement line (1.3055). Not much to gain here; possible exits were at 1.3030 or 1.3040, so a win of +10 or +20 pips could have been achieved.


Signal: This pair is still on uptrend, retracement at 1.5650/60, break is to our short term buy signals while on the upside toward our short term sell signals with good sell at 1.5760/65 strong resistance.

Short at retracement line (1.5650) and all the way down to Support 3 @1.5605 or even further until end of the trading day @1.5580-90. So with a short trade a win between +60/70 pips was possible.


Signal: This pair is still on downtrend basis with sideways movement, retracement at 0.9385/95, break is to our short term sell signals while on the downside toward good support at 0.9300/05 then to our short term buy signals.

Not sure what do to with this pair. It was retracing exactly to the retracement line and then went down. So a possible entry would have been a short position slightly below the retracement line. Possible exit @ 0.9360, so a profit of +20/25 pips was possible.


Signal: This pair is still moving sideways, above 78.05 is to target high at 78.20/25 then powering the trend to the other short term sell signals, while below 78.05 is to target 77.95/00 then to the other short term buy signals. This pair is moving with too low volatility and short daily range which is only appropriate for scalping trading.

Uh, this was a tricky one. Crossed the retracement line upwards and then downwards, so I think in both cases a maximum of +10 pips each could have been achieved. But I think I rather would have been ended with break even as usually I use a stop loss and move it to the entry as soon as 10 pips are reached.


Signal: This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 1.0245/50, break is to 1.0270/75 then 1.0305/10 then 1.0330/35, while on the downside toward 1.0160/65 then 1.0145/50 and posssibly 1.0090/95.

Not sure about this pair. Well, I think if I had started around midnight I could have gone short @ 1.0205. A possible win was at Support 2 @ 1.0180 for + 20 pips or if held until closing of the market the result most likely would have been a break even or a couple of pips.

Thanks for Good posting charts since it really more explain whatā€™s going on. Looking to you posting such charts consistently in coming days, Iā€™ll help in commenting explaining each pair chartā€¦& if you can finish the Good work by all 12 charts would be Great, Oh and donā€™t worry keep Gold & oil for othersā€¦LOL

Honeztly, retracement was at 1.3055/60 but personally did not enter at that price since it broke for many days toward 1.3100 and above despite collapsing later, but since I do not predict but tell traders what the charts show me, I must give full Honest info about the exact retracement, high, lows, breakout prices.
Ofcourse, in all cases entering at retracement wasnā€™t bad but not that profitable, better was selling higher as market price is
moving sideways

Personally, I stopped trading this pair after I gained Big Money from 2 past recent Interventions, but bought sometimes when this pair collapsed down to around 77.00. I always prefer buying this pair at dips, and had advice previously that this pair is currently best for scalpers and if I was a scalper would always search for a buy opportunity, but since I search for big pips, I wait for some dip buying.

This pair had the easiest position by selling exactly at retracement, maybe not that big pips gain but around 20-30 pips since market isnā€™t really moving right, I prefer traders to search for buy orders as in Usd/Jpy because you never know when SNB might intervene and currently this pair might not really collpase since there still fear from SNB Intervention as you realized it was collapsing but suddenly bears disappeared after Swiss Finance Minister talked about further measures are possible.
Itā€™s like a rat & cat bt. bears & SNB but do not know who is taking each animal role but mainly SNB is the Catā€¦lol

This is the kind of examples that you do not trade because this pair did not hit retracement to bounce back and sell nor broke above to buy as breakout after clearly testing.
An opportunity was if broke below support at 1.0180 to target first possible buy at 1.0160/65 then bounce toward 1.0180 to test it, then it holds above 1.0160/65 to try to target retracement or break to the other targets.
Briefly, all by all is better NO TRADE.

Other pairs you did not mention, hopefully next timeā€¦ are as following:

NZD/USD This pair kept small daily range didnā€™t target good resistance nor retracement, so NO TRADE

Euro/Chf This pair is as Usd/Chf, I prefer buying lower

Gbp/Chf Same as both Usd/Chf & Euro/Chf preferable is buying lower despite opportunity was as breakout strategy, but all was mixed and ended lower at end of day and might open in downtrend if price didnā€™t open higher at market open after below 2 hours from now

Euro/Gbp Good Breakout buy from retracement after many days of testing of this level toward the second breakout target at 0.8365/70 for exit, not big pips but around 20, since this pair mainly have short daily range

Aud/Usd I believe this pair had best opportunity of the day with clear signal " while on the upside toward 1.0175/80 good resistance then above wouldā€¦" This clearly meant sell at 1.0175/80 and friday high price for this pair was at 1.0180, so perfect sell for around 45/50 pips. Focus at some words I mention as 'then above would targetā€¦" clear meaning or hint is again assuring the importance of good resistance price level.
Euro/Jpy was mixed as Euro/Usd but went to retracement at 101.75/80(hit accurately 101.72) but that was at final hours friday so NO TRADE since thereā€™s no enough volatility at final hours and better not keep orders opened till next market open of a new week.
Gbp/Jpy This pair also as Gbp/Usd made the big fall at final hours was great for breakout strategy as gbp/usd, at retracement 122.10/20 and exit was easy at final target 121.65/70 where market price ended day at 121.63/64(some decimals in bt.)

Also Remember the Great ride from above sell at 122.65/70 where I mentioned clearly "while on the upside would face good resistance at 122.65/70, a base above would power the trend towardā€¦"
market price had hit 122.64/65(decimals in bt. both numbers), and also focus at clear words "a base above would power the trend towardā€¦: this surely mean how important is good resistance.
Ofcourse from time to time it might breakout later on but after many tests and clear powerful trend and high volatility, anyway price action would clearly show you if it is possible.

As you realized, there was many Great Opportunities to enter the market and gain big pips while some pairs was clearly NO TRADE so you do not make a mistake and predict any outcome, you simply stay out of market for pairs that do not enter our daily analysis criteria.

Take Note that even if we have opportunities for all pairs, with only one live account trading you only use the preferable pair you like and picking the best pair or few pairs to trade according to my daily info is very important and might make the whole difference. Use Good Money Management and well calculate lot size compared to account size for Best MMā€¦
I personally do not trade all 12 pairs at one account, but pick the best seen profitability pairs which also hit our targets, executing trades for those picked pairs at different live accounts, no account would have same pairs traded so no contradiction occur and for Best Money Management especially I like to trade Big Lots as such Great Opportunities.
Ofcourse, this is in case of all or most pairs seen targeting our price levels. In other cases, I might end up with executing trades in only one or 2 live accounts like friday if few pairs meet my targets. Giving you a small secret or tip if you want as Christmas Gift but do not ask more for The New Yearā€¦LOL
Certainly, you must not enter all this headacheā€¦lol with only 1 live account traded, so around 3-4 maybe 5 pairs traded at once with Good MM by using right Lot Size compared to account size, no need to too much increase lot size in this case of many pairs or orders executed. Do not leave pips for the market but for other tradersā€¦LOL

Expect Monday 26th December 2011 Daily Signals & Analysis in few hours from now

Best Luck Traders

Hello Traders,

Forex Signals & Analysis for 26th December 2011:

Short Term Signals:

Usd/Chf Buy at 0.9320/25 then 0.9305/10 then 0.9280/85, sell at 0.9395/00 then 0.9415/20 then 0.9440/45

Usd/Jpy Buy at 77.90/95 then 77.85/90 then 77.70/75, sell at 78.20/25 then 78.30/35 then 78.40/45

Euro/Usd Buy at 1.3000/05 then 1.2980/85 then 1.2940/45, sell at 1.3095/00 then 1.3120/25 then 1.3150/55

Gbp/Usd Buy at 1.520/25 then 1.5495/00 then 1.5410/15, sell at 1.5695/00 then 1.5750/55 then 1.5790/95

Medium Term Daily Analysis:

Usd/Chf This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 0.9385/95, break is to our short term sell signals while on the downside toward our short term buy signals with Good Support at 0.9300/10

Usd/Jpy This pair is still moving sideways, above 78.00/05 is toward our short term sell signals while below 77.85/90 is toward 77.70/75, still moving in tight daily rangeā€¦

Euro/Usd This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 1.3055/60, break is to our short term sell signals while on the downside toward our short term buy signals

Gbp/Usd This pair is mixed today after it closed at low friday but opened 50 pips higher today as I expected it to be in previous post, a base above 1.5645/50 is toward our short term sell signals with good resistance at 1.5750/55, while on the downside below 1.5570/80 is toward our short term buy signals

Usd/Cad This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 1.0235/45, break is to 1.0250/55, above here is to target 1.0210/20, while on the downside toward 1.0175/80 then 1.0165/70 then 1.0150/55

Nzd/Usd This pair is still on uptrend, retracement at 0.7710/20, break is to 0.7695/00 then 0.7680/85, while on the upside toward 0.7760/70 good resistance, above here would target 0.7775/80 then 0.7795/00

Euro/Chf This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 1.2235/45, break is to 1.2255/60 then 1.2270/75 and possibly 1.2285/95, while on the downside below 1.2220 is toward 1.2195/00 then 1.2185/90 then 1.2170/75

Gbp/Chf This pair is mixed today, on the upside toward 1.4685/90 then 1.4730/35 then possibly 1.4765/70 High, while on the downside toward 1.4535/40 then 1.4515/20

Euro/Gbp This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 0.8365/70, break is to 0.8390/95 then 0.8405/10 and possibly 0.8340/45, while on the downside toward 0.8315/20 then 0.8290/95 then 0.8270/75

Aud/Usd This pair is still on uptrend, retracement at 1.0110/20, break is to 1.0095/00 then possibly 1.0065/70 while on the upside toward 1.0185/90 then Good Resistance at 1.0200/10, break is to 1.0230/35

Euro/Jpy This pair is mixed today, a base above 101.85/90 is toward 102.20/25 then 102.35/40 then 102.55/60, whiel on the downside toward 101.55/60 then 101.40/45 and possibly 101.15/20

Gbp/Jpy This pair is also mixed today, a base above 122.00 is toward 122.55/60 then 122.95/00, while on the downside below 121.40/50 is toward 121.15/20 then 120.95/00

** I expect short daily range for all pairs today due to Banks Holiday, maybe Good Day for Scalpers but as usual we are ready for any situation that might pop up, so we always have daily deep details for all pairs.
Gold & Oil are still in holiday celebrating Christmasā€¦LOL

Have A Great Trading Day


Signal: This pair still on downtrend, retracement at 1.2215/20, break is to 1.2245/50 then 1.2260/65 then 1.2275/80, while on the downside toward 1.2185/90 then 1.2175/80 then low at 1.2145/55.

No trade for this pair.


Signal: This pair is still on downtrend, retracement at 0.8335/40, break is to 0.8350/55 then 0.8365/70 then 0.8385/90, while on the downside toward 0.8295/00 then 0.8280/85 then 0.8260/65.

Not sure it there was a valid trade for that pair.


Signal: This pair is still on uptrend, retracement at 0.7680/90, break is to 0.7665/70 then 0.7630/35 then 0.7600/05, while on the upside toward good resistance at 0.7775/85 then 0.7800/05 then 0.7855/60.

No trade for this pair.


Signal: This pair is still on uptrend, retracement at 122.10/20, break is to 121.90/95 then to 121.65/70, while on the upside would face good resistance at 122.65/70, a base above would power the trend toward 122.85/90 then 123.05/10 then 123.30/35.

Breaking the retracement line @ 122.10 called for a short trade; excit in the range of 121.65-75; so a win of +30/40 pips was possible.