Forex Education - How long does it take?

No way to stop learning, I admit. But how can we keep motive to learn forex for a long time? Because, within very short time learning Forex is totally impossible. any idea ?

It’s a big challenge , for newcomers to keep continue in learning Forex a Great mentor is inevitable , otherwise he could lost interest and leave this market.

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its important to learn something new EVERYDAY…you’re absolutely right

It will depend on you. How much time will you invest per day? How attentive are you? Your level of understanding, enthusiasm, determination and many other things decide how much time you need. But it is a long-term process. There is no shortcut of learning. You have to be honest with yourself.

Our own psychology is important that tells you how much time you will need to spend in forex trading to get valuable education experience. All traders had different mindsets and picking quality. Honest and serious efforts will make you able in less time period other wise you will not get skill in even years.

The only way to learn forex is to go on live trading ( I think) . Demo trading can not create seriousness in you as live trading does. Learn the basis from different places, books, internet and execute it in your live trading platform. I also would like to suggest you to use micro account initially. Then whenever you will get confidence, and find some winning strategy, you may go on standard account

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Agree. When we trade in demo we can’t focus seriously because there is no real money. We trade here at random and got nothing. But if we practice in real account of course there is more possibility to learn good real trading experience. But there is a possibility to lose money due to lack of experience. But it is better than demo for all time.

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Yes it is up to a trader how much time he has , he can work with fresh mind .DO not spend much time that will make you so bore. Trading is done with interest and passion. However it is necessary to remain updated from market . Some people pick things in less time . Forex learning continues every day when you interact with market. This education improves day by day.

I’m sure that a lot of time. If someone wants to say that it’s possible to become a pro in 3 months - it’s nonsense. It takes several years to finally feel confident, find your own strategy and get a stable income.

Completely agree with you. within 3 month to be a pro trader , its sounds just like as a scam nothing without it.

I could advise you to spend some time copying the deals of other traders. But don’t do it mindlessly, do it intentionally thinking about why the trader made a particular decision.

i will start in march finish by december . become a millionaire by 2020 and billionaire by 2023 .
thanks .

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Glad to know that you are in a thirst to learn about forex market. Now, I just want to say that learning forex is not that easy. Yes various e-books, video tutorials, learning from professionals, etc. are various tools in forex market. but demo trading is somehow different since demo trading accounts offer the real experience of trading and you will egt the opportunities to learn forex market. So how much time you will require is dependent on your abilities to learn forex trading and your abilities to read the market.

The more you connect your life with this sphere, the more you have to know. It means you are always learn something new and step by step become from newbie to profi.

Sorry to sound so argumentative, but I’d say exactly the opposite, myself: in my experience, almost nobody ever becomes very capable after only 6 months. Even people who join the graduate entry trainee trader schemes of financial institutions and get highly focused, full-time, professional education take a lot longer than that, before becoming “very capable”.

Another perspective strongly opposed to my own, there. In my opinion, far from being “the only way”, I think very commonly experienced results actually demonstrate that that’s a really bad way: in my experience, the people who do best, and benefit most from their initial live trading experiences, are usually those who’ve mastered the theory first, rather than trying to learn by practical experience. The skills we need, to trade successfully, are counter-intuitive ones, and trying to learn them by practical experience, without starting from a sound initial theoretical understanding, is a real mistake for most people, in my opinion. And one that’s very often difficult to recover from.

No way to ignore the learning process but learning can be valueless if there is no proper practice. That’s why we have to ensure practice more and more bedsides learning if you want to get maximal result in Fx.


But practically we the traders who are particularly newcomers always try to earn money without practicing , as a result they become loser due to lack of real trading experience , we all should understand the reality of Fx trading , there is no one who can earn something from here without passing a long time with great patience.


“The more I know, the more I realize how much I don’t know…”! Learning is a lifelong exercise. You would never be completely learned. So, what is important is to be learned enough to get down to the job, in this case, trading.

Yes , there is no way to stop learning and practicing in Forex trading even for the professional traders , it’s a long journey for until the end of time . that’s why most of them traders above all newcomers lost to keep motive when trading.

Nice point . keep motivation for a long time is the main challenge . there is nothing 100% in Fx trading and that’s why no way to stop learning in spite of passing a minimum time. now I am looking for a real Fx Mentor who can keep motive for all time in spite of having much losses.