Forex Growth Bot



Please, don’t go to a live account immediately.

This is unwise.

Following please a post to this thread by JROWE.

Please read this.

Forex is just like blackjack. Bots are like guys who claim they can count cards. Some are like Rain Man, others are like Sloth, from the Goonies. It’s up to you to understand how they work and what exactly they’re doing. The question of whether or not to let them trade on their own depends on what it is exactly that they’re doing.

Hi JK…its so nice to have you here with all your good and positive attitude…

I"ve been observing some winning trade became lost, so some FGB users keep wondering either they will let robot do the job or just close them manually… so do you guys think that we should drive the robot or just let it run autopilot…?
They aren’t magical market readers - there is a specific planned sequence of events that occurs upon each tick of data. The EA analyzes market data, compares it to a set of conditions laid out that trigger market orders, and either waits it out, or performs an order or close.

If you don’t understand how the bot works, then why are you using it? I say this, not from the perspective of a seasoned trader, or from the perspective of someone who dislikes bots, but from a sane desire to see people not hurt their finances. Blind faith is fine when it comes to personal convictions. In the cold, hard reality of Forex trading - blind faith seems a little stupid. Just a little.


  1. How does this bot work?
  2. What strategy does it employ?
  3. Can you understand and execute the strategy on your own?

If you can’t answer those questions satisfactorily, then you need to educate yourself enough so that you’re comfortable with all the answers, or get a refund and hold back from trading until you know what’s happening.

I’m a programmer, and the more I learn, the more I love the idea behind Expert Advisors. They allow the trader to separate strategy from psychology, and give us a powerful tool with which to make money. They aren’t shortcuts to Forex success. If you don’t understand how it works, then you can’t possibly understand how to use it correctly.

If you’re willing to gamble with your investment, then feel free to let loose with a bot that you don’t understand. If you’re interested in investing intelligently and working towards success - sanely, responsibly, and diligently - then do the groundwork and understand both the bot and the market. Answer those three questions, and then double check. Backtest with unadulterated data, forward test on demo accounts (multiple accounts at different brokers.) Try trading the bots strategy on your own to see if they make sense.

To answer the question: Don’t put it on Autopilot. Trust your own judgment unless or until you understand the EA strategy. I have no idea how FGB works, and I’m not saying it’s good or bad - I’m not making any judgment on the bot itself, because I’m hugely not qualified to do so. Hopefully I can insert a little common sense into the discussion, though.

Nice post, thank you! =)
And please dont think that Im so stupid that I let trade any bot my real money without any tests! I asked because Im looking for an EA that I can let run on autopilot. And I thought if any guys who already tested the bot for a longer time then me can tell me it’s not possible, than I can stop testing and spend my time for testing other EA’s. Thats all! =)

Hi Bruck,

I don’t think your stupid at all!

I some times have an over protective reaction which has to do with my sincerely caring that no one including myself loses their shirt!

My apologies if in anyway I made you think that I thought you were being stupid.

I just personally would never let the best EA or any human being run on Auto Pilot completely when it comes to my money.

But that is just me.

Warmest regards,


Hi Silverspot,

For some reason my reply to you did not post so I shall try again.

Have you tried to google “MT4 for colorblind?”

Perhaps there are some solutions out there in cyber space.

Also, perhaps there are some programmers here who can make a simple code that you can use with MT4 that will present the words BUY and/or SELL with the appropriate colors?

You also might want to have your chart set in black,Grey and white candlesticks?

Just some thoughts,

Warmest regards,


No problem, no problem… =)

I just would like to know if its true what FGB promises… in backtest it made 10k to ~30k during the last 3 months with 2 Lot per trade. I backtested a lot and it looks really good. Just want to know other opinions and experiences. =)


I think the Forex Growth Bot Indicator ROCKS and I think the Bot looks extremely promising.

All Bots have times of loss as well as wins and my biggest concern is not to end up with a blown out account.

JohnnyKanou who is actually our thread “Leader” stated that a good trader asks “How much can I lose?” not just “How much can I win.”

So far FGB stops out at around -40 pips.

I like this due to fact that there are some Bots that have a -300 stop loss which I think is insane.

Why not just buy Forex Growth Bot and put it on a Demo now?

You have 60 days and they will refund you if you are not happy?

They use Click Bank and I did not have a problem at all with Click Bank when I needed a refund on a product not related to this thread.

Had my money back in 24 hours.



I have enjoyed this thread immensely.

It’s a bit frustrating watching the bot work this morning. FGB issues a buy signal at approximately 2 am EST, then sits idle through a 300 pip upswing, only to trigger two buy orders at what appears to be an elliot wave peak near 6 am EST. Now I am watching it retreat. I have manually closed out a few positions that retreated this way over the last few days. Today, I have decided to let FGB run it’s course on these trades and see what happens.

Are you fellow FGB’ers seeing the same trades today ?

Hi Pippa,

Yeah, I tried it. They suggested the same thing you did…adjusting the background, etc. I did all of that, and can see all differences except for those red and green arrows! They look EXACTLY the same to me! Maybe something will come back from FGB support, after they get through laughing :sunglasses:

Hello MGBYT,

You BET!!!

Since last week FGB will buy toward the end of the trend(lets call it 4-7 on Green Indicator Arrows, too close to resistance levels for my taste, then trend goes sideways and/or down.

Thanks to the FGB INDICATOR with (confirmation)supporting indicators Bolli Bands, RSI and MacD I have +60 pips to make up for the -53 pip loss from the BOT(wish I had closed out the loser trades like you!).

The BOT closed out in the -20’s which is when it should have stayed in(my indicators showed break out and up trend from lower oversold resistance level! Had some great Buys on the Indicator and made my +60.

IF FGB stayed in for something like -10 more pips we would have a wonderful profit.

I realize that Bots can’t read the news but Ireland is basically in Bankruptcy, Spain is 20% unemployment, Portugal is going down and Civil War in Libya has brought Oil production there to a halt and Kaddafi is getting kicked out.

Libya is not the largest Oil producer but it is one of the closest to Europe.

Hence this crazy market this past week. Bad for Dollar, Good for Euro, Oil production prices slamming Europe and U.S.

Other EA bots have suffered from last week to this week and this is when I thank God that I am at least working with a Bot that does not have some crazy -300 pip stop loss!

Warmest regards,



Thanks for the reply. This morning, the bot closed out the first buy (1.38352) at 1.38071 for a loss. The second trade did not get closed out. I let it run without interference and after it passed 1.38700 I put in a stop loss at 1.38600. I have not yet figured out how to put on a trailing stop loss. Any way, I was stopped out at 1.38600 and then EURUSD has resumed it’s move into the 1.38700’s.


To put it mildly,

I believe we are in for a very rocky EUR/USD week with the advent of the Civil War in Libya.

British and U.S Navy and Air Force are positioning around Libya.

The only way we can have a “no-fly” zone is to take out Libyan ground to air defense systems.

NATO Embargo on Libya. Bombs going off in Baghdad. Now some members of U.S militairy have been injured and/or blown up in Germany.

It will be quite a thing to see how any EA and not just FGB gets through these coming weeks.

Fasten your seat belts whether manual trading or Bot we are in for a bumpy ride,

And I perhaps naively pray again for not another war,


Hey guys I have been trying to get onto babypips forum for over two days. I don’t know what happened.

Big thanks to Piparella for all the great answers and constant participation!

I agree whole heartedly to his remarks. Always demo first!

Guys remember this one very critical, crucial, important fact.

You are responsible for all of your trades!!!

Never allow yourself the luxury of thinking it is fgb’s fault when you blow your account, or it is this signal service or that robot or that analysts opinion that cost me to lose my money.

Bulldoody!!! It is all your fault 100% accountability.

Guys i wouldn’t say it if I didn’t know for a fact that it is true. psychology is thee most important aspect of trading, even automated trading. The first thing to get rid of is the thought of right and wrong. Let it go there is only profitable and unprofitable. From this standpoint you can accept responsibilty without feeling “pain” The market is not right or wrong it just is. When we participate in the markets we are not right or wrong and the market is never out to “get us”

So when fgb trades we have to observe, is she profitable or is he unprofitable but it doesn’t stop there, thats only the beginning because we set the risk. We decide weather or not to tweak settings. Ultimately we decide to risk our hard earned cash in hopes of earning more.

Okay no more soapbox. I just recognized myself in some of the posts. I’ve been trading for around 6 years. For a long time I tried to find the magic bullet or the best trade calls ets… In the end when I failed I could say ow that bot sucks or that analysit sucks but it was me putting on to much risk and blindly trading in “hopes” that I will find success. BTW get rid of the word hope. For the sake of trading it doesn’t exist!

Okay I’m really done for now. Anyway I was planning to update my trades in “real time” but with the hard time I had logging onto bp i have decided a once a week recap would be fine. As of now I have one trade open in positve territory. I will certainly keep you guys posted.

Hi Traders, like to say hi and great forum. I have Forex Growth Bot ( paid for it ) and will be asking for my money back. 7 losses in a row both live and demo, which is also backed up by
Lean patterns and understanding the fib retracements and you will improve your trading. I have used all these EA’s both on demo and live and they have left holes in my accounts. FGBot enters trades at exhausted fibs 50-60 pips to late. Dont waste your time on it. cheers
from other forum

well to each his own. As with all bots I am watching this one closely. Lat week wasa meager 2.2% return. I will see what this week brings. Right now th eonly open trade is up +20 something. According to my risk model that puts it around +2% however the week is not over and that trade is still open.

If you haven’t already maybe you could check out Forex Morning Trade. It is another robot I trade live with great success. Also I am looking hard at enigma12.

Hi, What do you mean about Kangaroo EA? Look very nice.

Hi bigor,

which settings did you used?

That’s an interesting use of FGB, just for entries. I’ll take that into consideration myself!

Hello JK,

A) Are you still using forex overdrive ? Very curious about this EA but did not want to divert focus of this thread? If you like it would you be interested in starting a Forex Overdrive thread and talk about what settings you are using?

B) Just found a thread on changing FGB settings to the one the Indicator has. Back tests seem to be showing higher risk, higher profit yet not a crash and burn on the losses.

C) I am actually about to purchase Forex Morning Trade due to the fact that I am interested in Bot assisted Trading and would like a few “Assistants” that I can work with.

Up +311 pips on Demo 1 BUT closing out FGB Trades at height of resistance (again)



Hello Bigor,

How long did you Demo Forex Growth Bot?

During what months?

Did you use a VPS?

What Broker did you use?

How tight were the spreads?

I realize that FGB has been entering “exhausted trades” since Wed. of last week and we have been writing about this extensively!

I cannot help feeling that to trash a system based on less than one month of use when you have a two month money back guarantee is not only impatient but illogical.

Such a behaviour pattern can only lead to destructive reasoning in trading manually or with a bot!

I know! I am actually an impatient person who works very hard at the art of “patience.”

I am sorry that you have lost money on a “live” account and we have warned everybody repeatedly NOT to facilitate any system whether Bot or manual without Demo testing first for a reasonable amount of time. (at least a month, at least)

It would be so so helpful to others on this thread if you could concisely answer how, when and why you came to your conclusion(s) and within what time frame.




Your suggestion of patience is also good advice for those of us who are following the thread from the sidelines. I found the FGB activity this morning to be frustrating; Initiating three buy trades at what appears (to me) to be a firm resistance, while at the same time missing the run form 1.38350 range to 1.39600 range. It would have been nice to see the bot capture those pips. Fortunately for my own sanity, I did capture them in my other practice account