Forex MegaDroid

Demo Account made 10 pips - Bugger. Oh well, better safe than sorry :slight_smile:

Im on the east coast for Florida time usa, and It only trades about 5pm for about one hr. no trades on fridays and only a few trades during the week.

Had a profit just now. 2 trades this week. I have 21 wins and only one loss so far.

Read through the other letters and get a feel for it. I have had several other bots and this is the best so far, but doesnt trade often. Only trades on one pair. have tryed it on other pairs and it never triggered a trade for me. IM using a VPS so im never without a clear and fast connnection.

Garry in Naples FLorida

Wendy, what risk setting are you using on your live account? I have mine set at .1

Garry in Naples Florida:D

Did any one have a trade today? I did not even want to chance it so it was off. Plus im going to watch it like a hawk over the next few times it does trade.

Just so you know why i trade forex! I want thisā€¦ track at home and loads of toy for me and my little boy

YouTube - James Stewart heli shoot and backyard riding session


Yes, mine traded today. 10 pip win. :smiley:

Aw missed the 10 pips today thenā€¦ not the first time when I turn off MD.

Iā€™m using 0.3.

I think 30% risk is too much but usually it only risks 10% when the SL is 50pips. But when the SL is 150pips iā€™ll risk like 35% (70% when recovering lol) of my account balance which is way too much. Manually setting the SL to 50 pips isnā€™t good either. Have had a break even trade with 150pips SL which would have hit SL if it was 50pips. I think MD should only trade with 1/3 of the org lotsize if it wants to have a 150pips SL. Then MD will be almost perfect for me.

Well you did see the US markets bottom fall out today! Just a tough time to trade and when leave a EA to trade normal markets when it ā€œcouldā€ go crazy!

You know, it did that a few months back when it hit its stop loss in 30 secondsā€¦ Not a great day for me

how did you get all the result without md on mt4

This is a good point that Iā€™ve been wanting to raise on here for a few weeks (I keep forgetting though).

Quite a few brokers offer free VPS with an account. For a balance of under 10k I think itā€™s critical to use one of these with MD. If you think of how often MD trades recently, even with 30% risk the VPS cost (for example ForexVPS) can eat up half your monthly profit straight away.

I currently pay for VPS but Iā€™ve been meaning to switch to a free VPS broker. As BHS says though, itā€™s important that the broker is still a good one.

Here are the ones I know of:

Any others of interest?

Lol, donā€™t buy MD, itā€™s crap.

I had it on with Alpati UK, but no trade.

Here is some MD Risk figures:

EUR\USD  Rate:	1.2759		
GBP\EUR Rate	1.1529		
Stop Loss	50		
One Pip:	0.0001		
Leverage	50		
Account Size	100000		
MD Risk Level	Risk  % Per Trade	Profit per 10 pip	Profit As Percentage of Account Balance
1	22.58993652	4517.987303	4.517987303
0.9	20.33094286	4066.188573	4.066188573
0.8	18.07194921	3614.389842	3.614389842
0.7	15.81295556	3162.591112	3.162591112
0.6	13.55396191	2710.792382	2.710792382
0.5	11.29496826	2258.993652	2.258993652
0.4	9.035974606	1807.194921	1.807194921
0.3	6.776980955	1355.396191	1.355396191
0.2	4.517987303	903.5974606	0.903597461
0.1	2.258993652	451.7987303	0.45179873
0	0	0	0

EUR\USD  Rate:	1.2759					
GBP\EUR Rate	1.1529					
Stop Loss	50					
One Pip:	0.0001					
Leverage	100					
Account Size	100000					
MD Risk Level	Risk  % Per Trade	Profit per 10 pip	Profit As Percentage of Account Balance			
1	45.17987303	9035.974606	9.035974606			
0.9	40.66188573	8132.377146	8.132377146			
0.8	36.14389842	7228.779685	7.228779685			
0.7	31.62591112	6325.182224	6.325182224			
0.6	27.10792382	5421.584764	5.421584764			
0.5	22.58993652	4517.987303	4.517987303			
0.4	18.07194921	3614.389842	3.614389842			
0.3	13.55396191	2710.792382	2.710792382			
0.2	9.035974606	1807.194921	1.807194921			
0.1	4.517987303	903.5974606	0.903597461			
0	0	0	0			


Iā€™m new to forex trading and I donā€™t really know anything about it, but it sounds really interesting and reading this thread makes me think that Megadroid would be the best and safest investment.

Iā€™ve just got a few questions which Iā€™d be really greatful if people could answer.

Once Iā€™ve downloaded and installed Megadroid, are there any other steps/costs that I need to carry out? Like registering with brokers? Any recommendations?

How much would I need to deposit in an account at the start? Does a bigger deposit mean potentially bigger returns? Iā€™d only be willing to start off with Ā£100-200, is that enough for decent returns?

Thanks so much - a lot of great info here.


I suggest you read some forex material before getting started. Babypips has a nice introduction to it for example.

You need a good broker. This sounds simple, but itā€™s not. You need one with low spreads, fast execution, good and fast servers, preferably a high leverage (this may not be necessary), you need it to be regulated so they donā€™t run off with your money, you need good support from them in case of problems. You also need one which accepts low initial payments. Depending on how frequently you want to withdraw, you also need one with small withrawal fees. You need a broker that has MT4 platform (thatā€™s what MD runs on). First off you need the broker to allow robots. Something you wonā€™t know beforehand is how MD will behave on the broker, but it needs to be a broker where MD performs well. Robot performance depends greatly on the broker! And when you canā€™t find a broker that meets all these requirements, you need to make compromises, depending on your own needs. This is really not an easy job!

Feesā€¦ that also depends on your broker. Some brokers have a monthly fee, some have a monthly fee if your balance is below a certain amount, others have no monthly fees.

If you start with Ā£100-200, you need a MICRO account. Donā€™t let anyone fool you that a mini account will survive this small amount. It wonā€™t. Not with MD anywayā€¦ :slight_smile:

Depending on how much risk you take, with a good setup, MD can make you 2-3-4-5-6-7-8% profit per month. Maybe even more with insane risk settings. But keep in mind, that it can lose a lot more in a single day! In fact, if youā€™re risking too much, it can lose ALL YOUR money.

Ah, back to brokers: pick one that does not automatically change your credit card when your account balance is getting low. Iā€™ve seen a broker that will charge your card for more money, instead of giving you a margin call. Now THAT can be nasty, losing a lot more than you intendedā€¦

Thereā€™s probably some kind of withdrawal fee when you want to get money from the broker, and of course you need to pay your taxes.

Keep in mind that the robot wonā€™t make you rich overnight. It can give you more gain than a bank, but it can just as easily lose all your money.

And of course, this comes from a newbie, too, who still depends on robots to make money. :wink:

Thanks a lot for that - thatā€™s really helpful!

Can you recommend any brokers? There seem to be so many out there. Would Interbank FX be good? They offer a standard and mini, but not a micro account.

Others Iā€™ve seen offer standard and micro - I canā€™t see one that offers mini and micro along with standard. Are they just the same thing under different names?


IBXF has micro accounts. In fact, they even have nano-accounts, where you risk 10% of a micro account. (And gain only 10% of that too, but itā€™s a good start.) Naming is a bit tricky with IBFX. Their mini account can be both a ā€œmicroā€ and a ā€œnanoā€. They play around with the lit sizes. Read a little about the lot sizes to be able to tell if itā€™s good for you. (I have a small account with them, they seem okay to me, but FOR ME MD did not perform too well on my IBFX account. I wanted to check the account names, and for some reason I cannot seem to be able to log in nowā€¦ Hmm, Iā€™ll need to sort this outā€¦)

IBFX has a card that you can get your money to, itā€™s cheap (monthly fee!!!), but has a 40USD postage fee when you request it. You can go without the card until you have thousands of dollard in the account, and then it wonā€™t seem such a big expense. :slight_smile: They have other withdrawal options, too, but I think they cost some extra money.

My main account is with Alpari UK, for me MD does better here. GBP17 withdrawal fee (more expensive if you withdraw several times a month). Sometimes they have huge spreads, and their support is sometimesā€¦ wellā€¦ whatā€™s a good word for itā€¦ interestingā€¦ :slight_smile: So far they have answered all my questions, but at times the response was something like I write when Iā€™m really frustrated. :slight_smile:

This is in no way a suggestion. I have no idea what your exact needs are. These are my experiences with these two brokers, others may have totally different experiences with them. I used to have an account with Gain Capital, but that was way back years ago when they did not have MT4 accounts, so those experiences are not valid anymore.

Most brokers offer free demo accounts, I suggest you register, and try them.

I use ibfx also and they seem good for Megadroid. I use a VPS service and with ibfx and it works well for me. :smiley:

Im set up with the smaller account that they offer, but it dont matter with the MD, you set your own risks and then its calculated for you.

Oh yes, VPS is another thing that you should considerā€¦

If you donā€™t (canā€™t) have your computer turned on 24 hours a day, you might need it. Although it seems that itā€™s okay if you just have it on during MDā€™s trading time. But that can run long, if the trade does not close soon.

I have my computer turned on all the time, so I donā€™t use a VPS (virtual private server), but if you want one, ouch, that can be quite expensive for the GBP100-200 investment range. It costs anywhere from USD30 through USD50, to even 80 or so per month.

Itā€™s not a must, if you can leave your computer (and fast Internet-connection!) on all the time, then I wouldnā€™t worry about it initially. Maybe later, when you are making way mor ethat the cost of the VPS, you can put the robot there, and you no longer have to worry about Internet connectivity.

Thanks, Iā€™ll definately consider VPS as I canā€™t have my computer on all the time, but I do have it on most of the day and evening (when trading times would be).

Iā€™m going to see how I get on with the demo account, and may decide to deposit 4 figures into a real account, depending how I do.

There are brokers who give you a free VPS if you have a certain account balance (USD 2000 at a broker I remember), and trade a certain amount per month.

Another thing to consider when choosing the brokerā€¦ :slight_smile: I told you it wouldnā€™t be easy. :):):slight_smile: