Forex MegaDroid

Hi again

Set up MD. Having a problem with the status thing in the top left corner of the chart - it doesn’t show fully.

It shows version information, Authenticicated and Aggressive: True but nothing else.

I’ve done the backtesting and it works fine on that.

Any ideas? I’ve contacted MD support and I’m waiting for a reply.

It’s normal. MD doesn’t trade in the weekend.

It should start trading (and showing the rest of the information) tomorrow, when the market opens.

Good luck with MD! :slight_smile:

If it doesn’t trade on the first day, no worries, it will start trading when it sees a nice setup. :slight_smile:

I’m relative new on this market business but in my short experience I use Megadroid not just to get trades but also to place trades for myself . I like to go with high risk and my Megadroid get high profits as &500 in one trade , of course I lose big money too when it goes wrong .

Cause Megadroid doesn’t trade very often I place my manuals trade every time I see downward impulse detected or upward … By the way not always works but I make almost $4000 in 15 days ( I guess I was lucky ) Then I forgot the stop lost and my account lose $2500 …

Anyway it is a test account … I just want to be sure it can be used like that …
If you try place trades using MD please post your experience
Thank you

I’ve been experimenting with manual trading as my MD didn’t trade yesterday (demo account only so far). In the last 20 minutes I made £124 with numerous small trades. Not bad I don’t think!

Not bad … Md is a good robot but too slow for what I need … I was able to bring my account from $3000 to $7500 in only 15 days with manual trade and MD help . A big loss ( $3500) took my account to the $3000 again but in only 4 days Im in the $6000 again and thats only spending 30 min at day in front the PC …

What do you think about the Stop loss . Do you set it and how . Im playing with that now trying to understand if SL is good or not and how high to set it up

Hey there…

Think you guys also got the next “special offer” from the MegaDroid-guys.
“Forex Maximizer” :slight_smile:
Promising another free give-away if you buy it… MegaDroidPro Edition.

I don’t understand why the MD-guys keep on advertising for other bots and give one of their own ones as bonus if you buy it.

Just as the last time with the offer for “Forex Magic Bullet” the free give-away seems worth more then the actual product you buy.

The site just shows some statements from the bot.
(Not live-forward testing result as MD had it)
Forex Maximizer

…does not convince me that this is a profitable and consistant bot.

Anyone considering buying that? :rolleyes:
The MegaDroid Pro (= MD trading on 3 pairs) alone would be more interesting.

But the way they are “selling” it is just strange to me…
Any thoughts on that?


No trades for me last night…frown:

What are the 3 pairs? Any chance they are the same as their 3 bots combined? :slight_smile: (EURUSD, EURCHF, and I’m not sure about the third, I trashed that version it lost so much.)

I think they are just giving you the same thing over and over again. Through ClickBank referrals they get about as much as they would by selling their own product, so why cretae a new one?

If they sold you their bot, you’re either going to ask for a refund or not. They get X money (or not). This way they also get the same X money, but you are twice as likely to keep the product, since you have two bots, not one. If you like either one of them, you will not ask for a refund. Overall, they get more money.

That’s how I see it anyway… :slight_smile:

ask us again and post us a photo of it…


Hey there Ati…

Think you are right… They try to get in some more money of course.
They have the problem that MD seems still to work too consistent :smiley:

I even read the mail wrong the MD pro trades 4 pairs…
but the don’t tell more :slight_smile:

from their email:
Today, Forex Megadroid Pro is the best MULTI-CURRENCY
scalping EA on the market - hands down.

Now… over the past few months, we have been getting
countless requests from people wanting to purchase MD Pro.

After a lot of thought, we decided to release it to the market
about 2 months from now (end of June) at a price of $699
and limit its availability.

We really want this EA to belong [B]to a small and exclusive
…" blablabla

Don’t know if they even look at the other bots they promote.

Maximizer site talking about Scalping robots :
Because what the “gurus” never tell you is, when their programmers create “scalping robots” they make them work by cutting every corner in the book, and setting the leverage (read: risk) SKY HIGH… and
After all, it’s not all that hard to rack up a profit of just 3-4 pips… but then a “market reversal” comes along and wipes out the tiny profits you’ve made – and then some. "


Just wondering if they sent this stuff to all of the MD-users again…

They keep sending you stuff, yes. :slight_smile: And MagicBullet keeps sending you stuff, and all the other robots keep sending you stuff. I now have like 4-5 extra super deals on the new robot even from bots that I already got a refund for. :slight_smile:

I guess I will never miss the launch of a new robot ever again. :smiley:

Downward impulse detected and it’s going long… I don’t like it when it trades so late :frowning: Also huge SL .

Closed the trade manually for 12pips profit :smiley: Neither like 150pips SL nor 15pips TP trades.

hey there wendy…
already wondered why your trade already closed.
I set a traling stop on my trades these days… I don’t trust those choppy market at the moment… So at least don’t end up in a loss…
I did let it run now for the 15 pips.
But reduced my risk as well to only 10%… so small lot today.

Oh yeah I could have changed the SL instead of closing the trade. Coz it did reach TP 10mins later. Almost up 10% this month :cool:

12 pips in the pocket are nice as well :slight_smile:
looks pretty good for your account!
Due to my reduced risk level and the trailing stops I use my account is only up avout 4% this month… but as long as it keeps doin this constantly I am happy :slight_smile:

Have you been reading Neal Stephenson? :smiley:

But yes, the droid is back on form! I was very tempted to trynbuy Forex Maximiser just to get hold of Megadroid Pro. Anyone using Pro already?

hehe… That happens when I type late at night… I don’t hit the keys properly :wink:

Was the MegaDroid Pro available already before? didn’ find any information (official site) or results on the net.
But what I think… this is just their separate robots that where available before… MegaDroid (EUR/USD), Scalpa (EUR/GBP), (EUR/CHF)… + x (GBP/USD maybe)
with a new label… But not sure.
Would be interesting to see some results of that bot though
Using the Forex Scalpa (EUR/GBP) already… and I am not that happy with it.
even with the demo-account (better spread) the results are negative
(real account only running on ultra small risk…but in the reds as well for me)

Scalpa sucks, I trashed it along with the bot it came with. I kept AccuScalper (MD’s EURCHF bot), that is amazing. Trades a little more than MD, produces roughly the same results.