Forex Price Action

Sady , it did not work out. But that isnt going to make me give up. Gonna strive to do better

Despite the current candle not having closed yet , this pin bar is just too convincing along with the bearish candle currently being formed.

It should really only be of major affect the daily time candles. The issue is that with a daily candle the close changes the data that the candle shows. So a 12:00 - 12:00 is a different daily candle than 5:00 to 5:00. These 2 daily charts would look drastically different. An hourly chart the close wouldnā€™t matter because the bars are intraday. A 7:00 - 8:00 candle would look the same on both charts no matter what the close of the day is.

So if you are intraday trading than the close is not as important, but if you want to look at daily charts you should be using New York close.

Cool, thanks man.
Is anyone here a member of the ForexSchoolOnline ? Iā€™ve been trying to email Johnathon but i donā€™t get a reply yet. Does he still do the online membership ? If so how long does it take to get able to login ? Iā€™ve tried signing up but i cant login or get email back, i hope he still does it, i was really enthusiastic about learning price action, i dont want to ask paypal for a refund but iā€™m wondering if he doesnā€™t do it anymore but the website is still up and taking payments ? Thanks to anyone(possibly members) who may be able to assist . Thanks

All sorted :smiley:

I am a member of ForexSchoolOnlineā€¦ Johnathon is a bit busy man and was travelling last week in some marriage, Yes he still do takes new members.

Have you received a mail that you are now a member of Forex School Online? Have you set a Username and a password?

Yes, its all good. There was supposed to be a confirmation email but i never received it so i couldnā€™t click the confirmation obviously and i was unaware that Johnathon was travelling but he sorted it out for me and iā€™m joined up and on the forum, heaps to learn and take in so iā€™m just watching the market at the moment while i learn, the markets not going anywhere so plenty of time, its a lifelong pursuit i guess so hare and the tortoise methodology for me. Thanks

This chart seem good, any comments?

Hey yooha,

This signal is great and has a decent chance of working out, but I chose to pass on it because of the strong previous bullish momentum and it is sitting right on top of a very key daily level.


Sorry I havenā€™t been around here as often but I will be taking the weekly pin bar on AUDUSD. Very large and obvious. Itā€™s trading in a tight range so I will take full profit at the low.

Safe Trading,

Wish you the best of luck. And good to see you posting again, its always great to learn from you Joey.

I see some traffic at 0.773, but your signal is strong and hopefully able to pass through that.

I just took this pin bar trade set up on EUR.AUD 4HR. Any opinions? I felt it is on strong resistance, price came to a stall there and its a legit pin bar.

I really like this set up too. Itā€™s on USD.CAD 4HR. Iā€™m not going to take it because the market gets a little stagnant in the evening but Iā€™d thought Iā€™d share for the discussion. But I feel the price is beginning to range in this pair and a nice pin bar has formed on resistance/psychological area of 1.2000. What do you guys think?

Hey Pippin, I see you took a trade a day before some big news concerning AUD, none other than the decision rate and unemployment data. Although people keep saying strange things like ā€˜donā€™t worry about the news, theyā€™re already priced inā€™ the truth is they bring a lot of volatility and can destroy otherwise good positions. I would have passed that one.

Hi gmoreno21,

That setup seems to be giving a profit for those who entered the trade. But the setup was not fully concordant with the rules since the 4H trend is down, do you agree?

Iā€™ve just started using this method and Iā€™m learning all I can.


Hey Funnypip,

Youā€™re looking at news announcements as a bad thing for price action. We NEED volatility to trade and if your trade turns out to be a loser, itā€™s not because of a news announcement. The trade was either going to fail or you did not manage it correctly. I actually look forward to news announcements because thatā€™s when the real moves happen meaning that I can get some good movement for my trade. Sure, prices can whipsaw but the market is ALWAYS unpredictable and Iā€™m not going to try to predict what could happen from a news announcement, Iā€™m just going to read the price action and trade accordingly because I know my edge will play out over time. If you are a fundamental trader, then by all means! but I am not. Iā€™m just a price action trader. Hope that makes sense.


Dead right,I know people wont agree (usualy because they,ve been brainwashed by others )but truth is big news outputs can do serious damage to your account, even on a daily treat them with respect no matter what the devotees tell you .sorry pippin I know you disagree.:53:

Hi Jaime,

Thanks for the reply. Iā€™m here to grow and learn too and always appreciate the input. My goal is to be a little more social in my trading.

On the EUR.AUD set up, I can see how the trend might look like its going down and trust me when I say, I did take that into consideration.

What I saw, was a trend that wasnā€™t very strong and then completely stalled on a STRONG resistance turned support. At this point the price started ranging and then a pin bar showed up, showing a rejection of that support. Now, if the trend was really strong in this situation I wouldnā€™t have taken this trade but, a good combination of a weak/ranging trend, price stall and a strong rejection was enough for me to enter.


It has been a long time I donā€™t visit this thread, I mastered Jonathonā€™s method and everything. But in the last couple of month many many high probability trades ( the ones that Jonathon posts too) donā€™t get triggered or turn out losing trades. Itā€™s not the trade management, they just simply donā€™t get fulfilled. Iā€™m just getting frustrated here and worried and it has been 4 years or so I use this method. Itā€™s like someones out there looking and screwing the high probability trades Mr.Evil maybe :slight_smile: i keep a diary and everything and let me tell you Something is going on. If someone tells you otherwise than heā€™s not trading in the same Universe.