Forex Price Action

Update on this trade:

1 hr into this trade I have hit my 1/2 profit level and moved my SL to BE +1.

exelent! nicely said


Hello fellow traders. Lovely Thursday we have here. Workā€™s no good, but having you here on the other side of the ocean makes me a happier person instantly.

My GBP/CAD TP 1.5738 has been triggered while at work, I wanted to split it in half & move reminder to BE, but have such a small account that it is not possible to take half a micro lot off the table unless I increase my Risk% which Iā€™m not comfy withā€¦

It is looking pretty good now, and still few hours to close. It looks like it was rejecting two support lines at onceā€¦ If we blend it, it will create a pretty decent PB, please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. Chart below.

This is exactly how I played my GBP/CAD D1 yesterday. Not sure if it is correct, but seems logical to me as usually when a new candle is being created the price retraces a bit. I missed it initially and when checked the charts for the second time - chance occured so decided to get it because of what I thought a solid PA and it seems to go even lower, but Iā€™m already out.

I classed it as 2BR, post #2198 and entered short 1.5793, with [email protected].

Stay focused!

GBP/CAD played very nicely. My first TP was already hit. Moved my SL to BE. Thanks to you and Johnathan.

What you think about usd/cad on daily tf?
The candle is not closed, but it seems a very nice.
I think it is a A+ setup.

Nice. Big room running down. PA not convincing yet. By the way your g/u went well.

No problems. At the beginning it did retrace back up a little which allowed me to sneak in to the trade after initially missing it. Good times on the GBP/CAD!


Wellā€¦ since the candle closed now, I would like to hear your opinion about this setup:


P.S. The BRN is just below the candle.


Johnathon how many trades do you do a week please?
Thank you

he said he takes 3-8 a month sometimes more sometimes less so some weeks 1 - 3 some weeks none

Personally, i am affraid of this pair. Look how it behaved in May 2012, there were engulfs as well, but they didnt work at all.

Have you not received any of the 3 emails or messages?

Please go and select the option that allows you to receive message and add an email if you would like replies. I have tried!

Can you comment the setupā€™s on usd/cad and aud/nzd that we posted please?

No sorry. I donā€™t comment/give opinion on live setups or post live setups in here as it simply is not fair on members. Maybe we can come back to it when it is passed and played out.



Goodstuff sensei!

[ ps: say hello to the young 'uns :slight_smile: ]

Can you hear my little guy in the back ground? Hahaha. Unfortunately I donā€™t get to pick when the trades come and I also canā€™t keep my boy out of my office!

Thatā€™s good Daddyhood, balanced life :slight_smile: Goodstuff!

Brave souls. My aud/nzd is about to be hitā€¦ Good luck we all who took this trade.

Donā€™t know about balanced! I have him home with me 6 days a fortnight as he is only 3. And on those days there is no balance at all!!! I have to bribe him just to get into the office onto the computer with deals which are normally such as if he lets me do 10 mins on the computer I will let him have 5 ins of youtube clips on heā€™fs fav cartoon (lightening Mqueen). Hahaha But in the end the whole reason I came to Forex because of the life balance. I am so so lucky that I get to spend my days with him at home!

So I am sorry to anyone who was distracted to him in the background! That was no joke the 5th time I had to make that video because he kept shouting out asking about what the lines meant! Also that banging you hear, that is him to! As I said I donā€™t get to pick when the trades come. I just take them and I though that signal in particular proved a really great chance to show what I am always going on about when I say LARGE and OBVIOUS.


where is your entry if you donā€™t mind me asking?