Forex Price Action

To be honest Brink if you feel like it is turning into bullying then just refrain from reading/posting in this thread.

I personally didn’t take offence to the marketing part of your post but I did find this comment of yours so far beyond ridiculous:

[I]"and no i dont think jonathon “needs others to find trades for him"
but i definiteley think he uses the army of thread followers to maybe keep and eye on al 47 pairs every hour…
and im deadly serious about that.” [/I]

That to me was just flaming the situation and particularly to us who are also members over at the private forum and who know what he posts there it is so way off base it’s laughable. I think this is the part of your post that got some people’s backs up.

Just my 2 cents.

But yeah I guess we should let it rest.

For what it’s worth Johnathon did e-mail today to let me know what went down. Apparently he received a warning for the last article he posted because it linked back to his site. No biggie it also said it was the 1st warning and that he had 2 left. The next thing he knows he was banned.

Certainly something interesting at play…

He is disappointed at how some of the knives have come out so quickly after he was gone, hopefully he can sort this out with BP and get back to posting here. Time will tell I guess.

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Hi all,

I’ve read another A+ signal from Johnathan website. See image here:

However, the price broke the support (Johnathan’s chart @ 1.0316). I’ve drawn another support 2 @1.0243 which is below the Johnathan’s original support 1 on my chart below. My question is that is the support 2 considered as a valid support? If yes, then how do you really determine the “Right” support / resistance? or actually both are valid and depends on PA to determine it.


To Babypips: I hope I will not be banned as Johnathan didn’t post the chart in this thread, I bring it up just for discussion but no to market his website. So pls do not ban me as I still want to learn from this thread very very much!

Hei bhops!

What are the reasons, why u would like to be short instead of long?


12 votes are not going to help! Come on people!

That’s a good question, I was wondering as well, unless there is no difference after consolidation and you are allowed to assume any of both? Are you?


Probably that Bearish move down in April/May is still fresh in my mind and the current retrace back up is sitting righ in the midst of the 50-61.8 fibo’s. Just makes me feel more Bearish than Bullish.

Thanks for your reply! :wink:

Now 13 votes;-)

Oh, i thought this pair is uptrend. Im already on it.

Well you may be right and I may be wrong :18:

Hi Richard!
Did you end up taking the AUDJPY H4 BUEB?


Suddenly…marketing experts everywhere!

But on 150 pages I’ve never seen anyone complaining about the marketing purpose of the thread.

In fact if nobody ever had mentioned the FSO course the thread would still be as good as it is now.
I learned how to spot setups and the basic principle of MM. Enter after break, take half to at next logical S/R and set rest to BE. Thats it. No course needed. If you want to learn about MM in detail then go somewhere else and look it up.

All the “facts” that people bring up now are just ridiculous. If you would have followed the thread closely you would know that yourself. But thats not the case.
I read it. I know that Pepperstone is not the only broker you can use. Its all about the candle close and he said that!
I also know that he doesnt watch 42 pairs every 4 hours. Only about 30 pairs on daily TF and a hand full pairs on 4h BUT only during London/UK. If you wouldve practiced the PA method thats thaught here you would know that this does not take more than 30 minutes a day.

And no. It is not a fact that this is a marketing thread. It’s an opinion that I can’t share. And yes, I studied marketing.

Please keep the thread going everybody. Hopefully I will find the time to finish reading and start posting some charts on my own.

I really hope that they lift the ban. Especially when the real reason for the ban was posting an article…

Thanks for the kind words Richard :slight_smile:
No worries about me leaving the thread bro, I’m here to stay :slight_smile:

I’m also happy to let you guys know that BP mods lifted Johnathon’s ban (whoohoo!)
As he said in his latest post though, he is super busy for next two weeks; we all will try and pick up the slack till then.


Hi PJ!

You make good & valid points here, thanks!

My thoughts: In this scenario, knowing that price likes to retrace before continuing with a trend, my hope is that price would retrace to the weekly/daily previous support ( and find it to be new resistance ) before proceeding downwards.

Since the high of the BUEB is at the BRN of 1.5400, I’d look to place an entry order above the high, so that should price push upwards past the BRN, the trade would be confirmed, while targeting the weekly/daily s/r zone above.


Agreed. I am watching this level HEAVILY. I love love love these kind of charts where you can clearly see a level that has acted as Support in the past hopefully act as new Resistance with a nice PA signal as confirmation and with the trend.

Hi JP!

Nice fact you’ve pointed out there! (about the Bank of Japan’s interventions).
Actually, there’s an interesting article about this by Mark [ one of FSO’s senior traders ]: The risk of trading the JPY

With regards to the ‘pinbar’ on D1:
-> As you said, it’s not valid ( formation-wise and area-wise ).
-> I’m waiting to see what’ll happen when price gets to 78.00 BRN, hoping for bullish PA


Hey all,

so I am back!!!

Unsure what happened and what some of you guys/gals said but it worked. I had left and next thing I know it is lifted.

Thank you to everyone who left kind messages of support. I tell you what it put a real smile on my face to see even the people that don’t normally post to come out of the woodwork with messages of support!!

I was banned for linking one of my free articles. This was the same as the other articles I had shared and from all the messages and emails I got you guys loved the free articles and vids. I will refrain from this in the future and post no links.

I must say one thing for myself. I have never pushed anything in here. Every single time I have been asked something about my website in here I have guided the convo back to learning price action. I am here to help people with price action. I think some people do not realise just how many hours I have put in answering questions for people in here. I have also never claimed to make anyone rich or made anything seam rosy. I have been honest about what I do and I even got Bhops to let members he had been with me for a long time because I did not want any secrets! I have never claimed I have invented anything. I have simply taken bits and pices from a lot of places and formed it into a method that is very simple and most of all works! There are a ton of other people who may trade similar to me but none exactly like me with my methods!

If this was simply a marketing ploy why would I spend a couple hundred pages of helping people and showing how they can turn their trading around? Oh that’s right so I can get new trader to make trades for me! Hahahaha

Once again to the kind members in here. Please don’t be too mad with the people who stab you in the back as soon as you turn. If there is one thing I have learnt in this business is there is a lot of people that simply make horrible traders and lose a lot of money. This eats at them because they are normally very smart people. These people are the angry ones in the forums that seam to always have an axe to grind. They are too weak to say it to your face so what they will do is ask a ton of questions and email you. That will take your help and time and then when they fail to implement your strategies and they lose(because they don’t have the discipline to do what told) they turn. Until they learn to take full responsibility for their own trading and continue to blame others they will continue to lose. Don’t be mad at these people. Feel sorry for them as they are about to be blocked from this thread. This thread is for positivity only!

So lets get back into it. Someone posted a chart of the Aussie above. The level we thought may act as resistance did and price fell lower. WHen trends are so strong like this price will normally fall back into the next level before continuing. The level I had on the daily chart was for this scenario to play out. This is why it is key to have a good price action signal to confirm our trade and we don’t just enter blindly at any old level.

Price is now sitting on the major support level. What happens from here determines where this market may look to go. If price rises from here that resistance we have just failed to break will look to be tested again but if price falls througuh this support we could be switching to looking for short positions.



Im lost here, whats this talk about Johnathon? Is he banned??

Never mind, I just called the SWAT TEAM from FSO and Johno is now back, :smiley:

Nice size BUEB, I would of liked it closer to 80 though

Nice to have you back Johnathon!
i don’t post much but i do enjoy your training, advice and your thread!
