Forex Price Action

Just below your entry you have a proven area of Support that would worry me. i would have liked to see that PB close below it.

IMH, there isnā€™t any A+ setups that worth taking at the moment. Iā€™m just gonna sit at the side line for now. All the best for the trades guys!


thanks for your reply bhopsā€¦

oooh okā€¦ im focus only looking for a pin, but i didnt notice this areaā€¦ do you mean i should stay away from candle with long wick (support area)???

What I am saying is that we can see that price has hit this level several times before and bounced off aggressively. Price has struggled to close below this zone and now it is testing it again.

So where you can see areas where price has bounced off and created these long wicks you do need to be a bit more cautious.

aaah okā€¦ i c, just need more and more practice

thanks for ur explanation bhops :D:D:D

No worries just keep at it and keep asking questions, that is the best way to learn!

Almost 1000 pages on this amazing thread! :smiley:


There is no reason to ask questions or try to learn something that you might never learn how to do, go ahead and make yourself a favor and open an account with zulutrade!

Who will be the 10000 post winner i wonder ? xD

Care to enlighten us Eddy? There is no reason to try to learn something that you might never learn ā€¦? :20:

Thanks for your contributionā€¦ Captain Eddy
Here is your 5 cents change

i took the cadchf weekly trade on sunday evening based on the pinbar. i assumed the pa was strong enough to indicate price would go through the strong support. also, price is in a year long downtrend. will have to see how it goes

i also took the eurusd on sunday night based on the bueb. the usdsgd and usdcad both show similar beeb weekly setups but i am just watching these as they are a bit choppier than the other two trades. still not bad looking trades though weā€™ll have to see what happens

How much does zulu pay you Eddy? Do yourself a favour and dont grace us with your presence here again my dear

Hi all, congrats for the 1000, my gratitude,ā€¦and my questionā€¦probably asked before but i cant find actually.Due to you follow easily +20 pairs to catch the A+setups on 4h and daily timeframesā€¦whats is the average of trades one could expect to do weekly?..1 a dayā€¦2-3 vweekā€¦it depends on marketsā€¦

Thanks in advance and happy pips everybody

Congratulations Johnathon on hitting the ā€œ1000-pageā€ mark on this thread.

And even more amazing is that you still manage to keep it on track!
Ofcourse helped by everyone involved! Great community in here :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work and may many more pages be added in the future :35:


Ps. I had to be on page 1000 of this thread :54:

He wonā€™t be, he doesnā€™t have a choice nowā€¦ :cool:

It is all the great people that have been in here for a long time, the great seniors and all the new people that come on board the genuinely want to learn to trade price action!

Howdy All

Just thought id come say CONGRATS to Johno, well done dude!

Now that was #9999 go ahead and be #10 000

Oh dear, you got in before me!

Hey Bobba and welcome aboard,

as long as the other side of the pin is not taken out it remains valid.

It can stay this way for many days. The pin is a reversal candle and it can take a while for price to build the orders for the market to reverse. This is also why quite often you will see a pin bat and then an inside bar straight after. This is the market shifting orders and getting ready for the market to reverse.

So there is no rush and contrary to popular belief this waiting can actually be a good thing and a building of orders for the reversal of the market.


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Johnathon, is there some kind of way to adapt PA trading to lower time frames like 15, 30 minutes?
Im trying to win a trading contest to boost my deposit but it lasts only 1 week so its hard with 1 A+ setup/week any suggestions? :slight_smile: