Forex Price Action

What are your guys opinion of NZDUSD 4H PIN?

That really keeps you almost always on the winning side.


[QUOTE=“Ang101;525945”]What are your guys opinion of NZDUSD 4H PIN?[/QUOTE]

What is your opinion of it based on what you’ve learned from this forum?

yeah that makes sense and it’s what i’ve been trying to do. do you think i should change to a broker who offers 8hr and 12hr time frames? does anyone recommend any brokers who offer these timeframes? i’m currently with IG at the moment.

Looks to me Ang101 is on the right track using 4h and d T/F is powerful. I will add that Krugman25 is spot on, on the advice he gave you too.

Hey everyone! Hope you had a nice weekend and that your week started off great!

Wanted to share my results with you so far:

I’ve traded according to this methodology during august and i finished the month with a +26,72% gain and a total gain to my account of +15,11% since my account was at -11,5% at the end of July.

My risk on each trade has averaged around 2% but never exceeded 4%.

I am VERY pleased with that result since i have made many mistakes during the month and taken trades i shouldn’t have. But i am trading less every week and only taking better and better setups so i am moving into the right direction. Hope i am able to stay and get even more patient choosing only A+ setups during September and reproduce these results.

I’ve tried tons of different systems and approaches to the forex market but none of them have gotten even close to these results. On top of that this way of trading is crystal clear and the market gets easier and easier to read everyday.

Thanks Jonothon and everyone else for sharing this knowledge here on babypips and keeping this thread fully alive! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate your generous assistance through this thread and your web site. I didn’t see I was learning bad habits, but you are right and I will change that.
Good to know that my R/S lines are OK, I have spent some time learning that. Now I need to improve in recognition of PA patterns, among other things.
Thanks again and regards.

Well I did ask what do you guys think, but from this thread Id say that the Pin bar in question is small in comparison to preceding bars and the level it retraced is not a KEY level and you can see when price was last in this zone it was chop chop chop!

Answer your question? :slight_smile:

I wasn’t trying to be rude, I genuinely wanted to know what you thought about the pair. It’s easy to make a trading decision based on someone else’s opinion, but ultimately the decision needs to be yours. I think you gave a great commentary on the pair and pointed out some real concerns with the quality of the trade.

I just pulled the trigger on GBP/JPY short position, I think it is a good setup on the 8 H chart

Hi Eternal newbie,


What’s your setup called?

Just an Insider tip;

A lot of PA traders looking to place buy stops on top of that massive bull candle
Nice break out+close above resistance+IB comming up+trading with the trend…= KACHING!!!

If you are trading real money, then you just handed it over to them with your Stop Loss.

This is not a metaphor.


Last week I learned a lot about the value of setting your trades up and then letting them run their course. I exited my GBPCAD daily short and then long positions short of my pre trade take profit point. This happened because I was watching the charts all day and got an itchy trigger finger - trying to lock in profits. What I took away from this was that less screen time is better. Analyze trade set ups, enter good ones, and then let them be.

Thanks to everyone here for all the generosity in sharing your knowledge and experiences.

Thank you for your reply

The way I saw it was first bullish candle couldn’t break the resistance line, second candle has a lower high with a doji formation

So I felt it was overall reversing to bearish.

I am trading with real money but, at the moment I am 20 pips green so I can still close it and come out a winner

Just so I learn can you tell me why you think it will go higher ?

What is the price action signal that caused you to get into the trade? On the 8 hour chart I don’t see any valid PA. That doesn’t qualify a pinbar as it doesn’t protrude past the previous candle. For arguments sake lets say it did, it is still about 4 times smaller than the huge bullish candle before it. You also pulled the trigger 30 minutes before the candle even closed, price could still make big moves before the close so you have no possible way of knowing right now if a good PA signal will form. This trade really has no edge to it, so if you do win, it will be out of luck. I hate to be blunt but nothing about that trade follows Johnathons PA method. You can’t hope to make the profits that Johnathons method has to offer, but not follow any of it’s rules. As a trader who lost about 80% of my account when I first started trading, I implore you to go back and read or re-read minimum the first 50 pages of this thread and also take some time at FSO website reading through Johnathons articles. As Mr. Fox mentioned earlier, becoming a disciplined trader is an absolute must to be consistently profitable. Taking trades without a PA signal and entering trades before the candle finishes closing is a nasty habit you will need to kick.

You are on the right track Krispyburger.
Letting the trade play out becomes more difficult when you are constantly starring at the charts, cheering and booh-ing every pip profit you make or lose.



Thank you too for the reply, there is nothing wrong in being blunt I am here to learn and it is money we are talking about so I do need my reality check

As I said previously I am currently 20 pips green in this trade and everything I see is showing its price is pushing down and not up

So I moved my stop lost to + 5 pips to lock in some profit and I will how it goes.

A big thanks for the help to everyone and please do hit me hard as I need/want to learn

No one knows if it will go higher or low, the purpose of a good price action method is it gives you a market edge. It greatly increases the probability that the trade will go in your direction by stacking the odds in your favor. The previous 2 candles were large bullish candles, that was a lot of price movement in a short amount of time, the market may be building up orders for it’s next push higher.

Hey mate that is cool, you are trying to get advice here,
BUT there is one thing in our profession that we never do, telling each other to open or close a trade!
It is a no go unless we are signal providers and then again that’s not the place for it.

Krugman told you off, with all right. The good thing about this thread is we are concerned about each other willing you want to help yourself too.

The way to start is reading and posting questions,studying trade ideas folks post in here and ask questions again.
That is the way to do it.


Good to hear! You sound way more willing to learn and grow than when I started. I was way hard headed, haha. Stick around, you are on the right track.

Did you take the aud/usd trade Krugman?