Forex Price Action

First profit taken.
Moving to BE.
I suppose you too.

Yes I took full profit @ 1.6070 I know I could have gone further but I preferred to secure the money and avoid weekend gap

Tell me about it Aaron, thatā€™s not the best way to start the month.
I got kicked out of the Nok trade just to make things more uncomfortable.


To be honest, I havenā€™t seen a real A+ signal like they are being advertised since I started looking for them back in July !

What a week just had my GU trade hit both itā€™s T/Pā€™s. And jumped **** on my long, breaking even on the CHF/JPY before it dropped 90 pips. phew:46:

So in all gained 465 pips this week and made 13%ā€¦ all with no indicators, no advice but from the history and beginning of this wonderful thread and mr jonathan fox (upto page 120). And this is all live and for once i do not fear losing money.

Iā€™m sold PA is the way.

And to think i nearly (twice) bought into a system that would of cost my Ā£1000ā€™s.

May the FX be with you all and have a great weekend!


i thought of a good idea. form a group chat on whatsapp and notify each other of setups so we will not miss trades. i did it a couple of years back with my local team mates trading the stock market. maybe a 5 person group will be great. wondering if anyone think its a gd idea

13% ?? 465 PIPS ??? ONE week !!!

Gosh I would be happy with 400 pips a month and 6% :slight_smile:

You should stick around here more often and share your setups

Do you have a chart with the PA signal you took, daily resistance lines, SL and TP levels clearly labeled. Itā€™s hard to tell with the little info you posted. Thanks.

Very nice, Often it only takes 1 or 2 good trades to see your account jump 5-10% or more. I went long on the EURAUD about 6 weeks ago, I had risked 5% of my account on the trade. I ended up making a 1:18 RR ratio so my account grew by 90% in 1 trade, lol. It doesnā€™t take trading a dozen times a week to make good money, it truly is waiting for those high quality trades and low frequency trades, and bagging big profits from them.

I would suggest against this as that is essentially a signal service. Everyone here is at different places in their trading knowledge and skill, a trade Iā€™m comfortable taking and managing may not be for someone else. Also many off us donā€™t trade certain setups, such as counter trends. I know the intention would be good, but many people would just blindly take whatever is posted.

I find that either hard to believe, or you were on vacation for a couple weeks. Because there was a flood of clearly A+ daily signal that happened 4 weeks ago. I know there were newbie traders that made good bank on it, and many were like me whoā€™s trading account grew 20-30% or more that week. Which is more than most methods and systems claim for a yearly average. It seems we are in a dry spell right now, nothing surprising if you have been doing this for a while.

the set ups will be advised n its to notify a potential set up based on price action. if the trader doesnt see it as a good set up then simply dont take it. lets face it, theres too many pairs for us to monitor and with the power of 5 heads, im sure less potential good setups will be missed.

btw here is my last 2 trades for the wk which ive just posted: (chf/jpy & gbp/nzd)

about 160 pips profit + previous set ups this wk contributed by members here about 200 pips. luckily i got some time n read this thread n spotted the potential set ups.

Nice one, Krugman. I once wrote that even one win from D1 chart could equal a dozen of win from M1 chart. Depending on your own MM, itā€™s really not impossible to win a huge amount of profit in one trade. :smiley:

BTW, saying that there were no A+ setups at all for the last 4 months is a bit of stretch, Yves. Slow and steady, you are going to see them more easily. Patience is the key. :wink:

Well, Iā€™m not saying there werenā€™t, I was saying I didnā€™t see any. All the setups I spotted ended up not being A+ and the real A+ I only became aware of when they were already part of history. I think I am at that level were it is very easy to spot A+ setups once they are already played out. That Pinbar, beeb or bueb that looked like nothing suddenly looks a lot better once it is followed by a few candles that have gone all the way in the expected direction.

Nevermind, I need a break, at least a weekend and maybe more, motivation and faith have dropped dramatically and I am completely washed out.

Well done to all of you and have a great weekend !


I get what your saying but it would become a signal service by nature. By creating a place to post possible setups(without chart analysis), you are just telling people trade signals, and letting me analyze it to see if it is something they want to take. Which is exactly what a signal service is. The reason why I am pushing everyone here to post clearly labeled charts is that is what the difference between a signal service and an educational forum are. Potential or current trades with good charts and analysis turns it into an educational post. Even if no one were to ever read your posts, you are at least learning from your own analysis.

Hang in there Piping Hot, do you trade the 4hr charts? I know that itā€™s not advised but I really enjoy the 4 hour charts and have made a nice profit of 300+ pips off of them this week with some nice set ups. I agree that I have not had a single trade on the dailyā€™s yet, there has been some on there but they have not been for me. Personally I really like the 4hr as the risk is often lower which makes me feel much more comfortable at this stage. The shift for me, was until this week, I feel as though I have been waiting for A+ set ups to be decided on here, but at the beginning of the week I decided to grow some balls for better or worse and go with what I have learnā€™t here and it seemed to pay off this time round.

Have a good weekend Yves!


I would agree with you that the majority (90% or more) of the posts here have either by complete garbage or at the most ā€œalmostā€ A+ setups and ones I would never take. I took a very good quality AUDUSD short last week that failed and the very nice NZDJPY that also failed. The seniors and Johnathon all collectively agreed that it was an A+ signal. I think the hardest part is that when there is only 1 A+ trade in 1-2 weeks and that 1 trade fails, you feel like you want to try and make that loss back but you canā€™t because there arenā€™t any trades to make them back on, so you just have to sit on your loss until another good signal appears. or you can be like 90% of traders and keeps taking sub-par trades and making the loss bigger, sure it feels good to think you could make back the losses quickly but it usually just widens to loss.

Great work darthfrancis, way to go enjoy the week-end and everyone else. I am don my self.

You know, I really love this thread and I am proud to be part of it. You can look all threads on all the different forex sites but none of them are carrying such a high level of positive attitude and collaboration. But it can get quite confusing sometimes ! I think we newbies are mostly in the same situation, trying so hard and wishing so much that we miss the point sometimes and thatā€™s what happening to me right now. I donā€™t want to go into more details of what my trading has been like for the last couple of days otherwise I am going to get a hard time from Johnathon, krugman, kasravi and wm247 but it surely isnā€™t up to the level that is being showed here.

No, letā€™s face it. You have [B]NOT[/B] fully grasped what Johnathon is trying to advocate in this thread. [B]LESS is MORE[/B]. Period!

Please tell us the truth here, what is the tf you use in your chart? I focus in D1 chart every morning, it took me like around 10 minutes to check like 60 pairs everyday, and thatā€™s it. No need to stare at my chart for the rest of the days. Even when I encounter an A+ trade setup, read my trade plan, setup my order, and then bring it to the FSO community for full discussion, that only takes me like 30 minutes top every day.

Even Johnathon who has more charts to monitor than us only spends like 30 minutes to 1 hour to monitor his chart. Take a look on his article at FSO website: Daily Routine of Forex & Futures Trader

Just my two pipettes.