Thank you for posting this Adir. I am glad you have posted this because I have had the same questions you did (just not in as much detail as you).
I found the actual link to the post.[B] It is from one of Jonathan Fox’s actual students[/B] admitting he had a fund for 30k, and that the fund was negative for the year.
Forex School Online with Johnathon Fox - Page 2
It was his student (who was in general supportive of Jonathan Fox) who said this. So to admit the fund exists suggests what Adir is saying is true.
This begs some big questions, such as:
If the fund isn’t negative, why try to sweep this under the rug and not address this?
If he is such a good trader, [B]why [/B]trade only a 30k fund? The profits would be peanuts.
Assuming he does 100 percent return, and he takes 20 percent of the profits, we are talking 30k x .20 = 6k income for an entire year’s trading.
What professional trader trades 30k for a 6k payday at the end of the year? He could sell 20 courses and make that easy, so this does not make any sense.
What also doesn’t make sense is that he could not even make money with 30k!
- If the fund is so great, why haven’t we ever heard another word about it over the last two years?
There are probably a lot more questions I am missing here. The fact remains, Jonathan Fox’s own student admits his trading fund is in the negative, should prove Jonathan Fox cannot trade profitably, and only loses money trading.
I think everyone should be having serious doubts about Jonathan Fox. If he doesn’t address this, then you have your answer.
Other Points by Adir
- His site is very similar to Nial Fuller’s. I do not think they are the same person, but they both have cartoon drawings of themselves, and give themselves high titles on price action.
My guess is Jonathan Fox saw Nial’s work and realized he could copy it, built a similar product to make money, because he can’t trade.
- In terms of proving he actually trades live, how come when he does a video, telling everyone where his entry, stop-loss and limit are, the charts do not show he is actually in any trade? MT4 shows horizontal lines showing the entry, stop-loss and limit, so if he was really in the trade, it would show it.
Why not show it as Adir suggests? It would demonstrate he is trading live, and making money with those trades. Doesn’t make any sense not to do this.
I also agree with what Adir says about many of the R-R ratios being quite poor on the trades he says were successful.
Anyhow - thank you Adir for pointing this out as it seems clear Jonathan Fox cannot trade.
If people in here aren’t asking questions about this, then they are paid plants/fake accounts, or oblivious to something that seems obvious.
I also notice Jonathan has been absent from this thread lately. Hoping this will just “go away” perhaps?