Forex trading in Cambodia

Dear all traders in Cambodia. I wish to particularly know about funding forex accounts in Cambodia as I have had issues while making my deposit using visa debit card and wire transfer from my banks.

I wish to fund my accounts with AAAFx International or FinPro Trading. Have anyone in Cambodia used these brokers as I have found they have very low spread and low commissions.

If you happen to know other great online brokers, please share with me too and your bank so that I can open an account with that bank and fund my account.

Thank you very much in advance and sorry for any inconveniences.

Kind regards

Hvn’t tried the brokers you are talking about but they do have good reviews if your search around the forum but i m not sure how the banking side works in Combodia… banks are a real pain these days, you shuld try crypto currencies . there are many crypto brokers out there that offer competitive conditions. This thread is a good source

I’m with coinexx from the list. Hope it helps