Is Forex trading for individuals allowed in Sri Lanka?
Is Forex trading for individuals allowed in Sri Lanka?
Yes, it is.
Now, under the present dictatorship , central bank of sri lanka banned any individual forex trading.
I am not sure and you should check the law, but if forex brokers accept your application and you are able to fund an account through an online payment processor or credit card I would assume you could trade. Again, you should double check so you wont get in trouble.
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The Central Bank wishes to inform the general public that undertaking foreign exchange trading transactions and remitting payments outside Sri Lanka for such transactions by any person without the approval of the Central Bank is illegal and violation of the provisions of Section 5(1) and 7(a) of the Exchange Control Act. This is considered as a punishable offence under the Exchange Control Act and the bank requests the general public not to fall prey to such transactions.
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