Forex Trading - Is it just a form of gambling?


Sure it is not mindless casino gambling… But you are risking money on an uncertain outcome. That is gambling… You can argue that it’s not but your arguments should be mailed to Webster so you can convince them to change their dictionary.

gambling is risking money for pure luck you will not have anything in return but a chance which is most of the time=0
0.0000001 chance to win the lottery is 0
trading is exchanging one goods for another
you will still have something in return mostly equal to what you bay for
if that does not make any difference between gampling and trading you should have some problem of your logical thinking.

Commodities/currency futures are NOT the same as spot forex. With futures, or even forwards, if your trade expires before you unload, yes you WILL get oil on your Italian suit. Or a full lot of euros will show up in your account.(along with a necessity to make good on the rest of the leveraged part of the trade)

With spot, we NEVER intend to buy the currency we are “trading”. Why do you think there is a “rollover rate”? It’s all a game.

No. That would be the lottery, or a MegaBucks slot machine.

Don’t confuse this with games of chance. It’s not.

One can definitely find an edge, and exploit it. But it’s still a gamble each time a transaction is entered. You might win, you might not. Even if the odds are on your side.

ok if you don`t like the idea of spot forex market you can simply trade in cash or transfer your money from a currency to another in your account. that does not make any difference on the original idea of trading.
when you trade EUR/USD you sell or buy EUR for USD regardless if they exchange it in front of your eye or they just do it on a book, your gain/loss have been recorded regardless of the currency you get paid with.


No. That would be the lottery, or a MegaBucks slot machine.

Don’t confuse this with games of chance. It’s not.

One can definitely find an edge, and exploit it. But it’s still a gamble each time a transaction is entered. You might win, you might not. Even if the odds are on your side.

gambling is the same regardless of the winning percentage of it, it is only a chance of luck to win whether its percentage is 10%or 0.000000000001%

Ok. Master Tang can I start chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” yet?

gambling is the same regardless of the winning percentage of it, it is only a chance of luck to win whether its percentage is 10%or 0.000000000001%[/QUOTE]

Okay… Answer this question. Is poker gambling?

i never play it before

simply any game that the pure luck play a rule with it, is some sort of gambling if you play it for money.

Any game that you play with pure luck involved, is a game of chance. And yes, it’s gambling.

Is sport betting gambling? And even if you’ve never played poker before, it’s still played in casinos. Is it gambling?

don`t mislead people about what gambling is

with any luck game you need luck to win no matter how professional you are with, you still need very much of luck which it can’t be learned and you can’t buy or even borrow.

with trading and any day job there is no place for luck you do it right you get the prize let the luck sleep in its bed.

you don’t go to a doctor to help you curing your body because he is lucky, you go to him because you know he is professional and know what it takes to cure your body.

trading is not so much different you need to be qualified to trade forex and let the luck bite on its nails.

now answer my question if you believe that forex trading is a game of luck

how many successful trader you meet who know nothing about technical and fundamental and still getting rich by trading depending only on their luck?

“would a rose by any other name smell as sweet…?”

We can all agree that we are using the term “trading” to describe what we are all doing here, which is speculating on spot forex and it’s future movements to make a profit… Sure there are other meanings of the word that include actually exchanging tangible goods for another, but that’s irrelevant to our discussion.

Essentially we are wagering on an outcome… I am willing to lose 2% of my account upon my bet that the euro will rise in value over the dollar in the next 2 hours.

That is what goes through my mind before every trade I make… I’m making a gamble on the outcome.

I think the resistance to using the word “gamble” is that people may think it de-legitimizes what we do. Fine, my city calls garbage men “waste disposal engineers” so as to not hurt anyones feelings…

If you need to call our gambling something else such as “speculating” or “investing” to legitimize it… Then cool!

At the end of the day all of us know what we are doing here… All of us know what it’s like to be at the end of a losing trade, that at our entry, we felt absolutely certain it wasn’t a “gamble”.

Everyone knows this is just semantics.

you have not answer my question yet

the question again

how many successful trader you meet who know nothing about technical and fundamental and still getting rich by trading depending only on their luck?

Zero. What is the relevance…?


well i know so many people who won a luck game by only luck.

they are lazy and have no special talent or skills and they won the luck game, only by luck.

in forex trading all of them will fall like a dead bird from the liver of the sky, there is no place for luck here.

the more you are professional and using the right tools the more you get successful.

best wishes

My turn for questions…

Have you ever lost a trade that you were confident of winning at the entry?

yes so many

:slight_smile: then we are on the same page… “gambling”, “trading”, “speculating” … All semantics

try to read post #63 very well with open mind.

got to go see you later.

If you lose a trade you are confident in, then you have to admit luck plays a part in the game. If luck plays a part than you are wagering on uncertain odds. We can all agree on this and that is the important part.

What we cant agree on is the word we use to name what we do…I understand peoples resistance to using the word “gamble” because it has negative connotations… So call let’s all call it “spanking the monkey” … Doesn’t matter… We at least agree on what it is we are doing if not what to call it :slight_smile:

Why should I answer your question? You’ve avoided mine, and I asked first.

Lose with skill, win with luck. That’s trading. It’s also gambling on a high level.

AGAIN. NOT A GAME OF CHANCE. It’s not the lottery, or slot machine, or Keno. To succeed, there needs to be skill applied. Like Poker.

The word “gambling” has several different uses. You are erroneously painting it into just ONE definition.

I’m done.

Have fun deluding yourself.

Now now boys:58: