ForexPeoples Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD

Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, October 28, 2013

the bearish still on here and yes better sell for GBPUSD if the last intraday low near 1.6149 can be break down too by seller. we see the much price move now is down move. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, October 29, 2013

for GBPUSD also down = we see if the today price can hold move bellow fib 1.6123 - this is a range bearish that good for take sell. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, October 30, 2013

trend on GBPUSD is down - and better sell for today if price also move down to bellow the intraday low 1.6023 then. tcci average 20 on daily TF also still support for down trend till now. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, October 31, 2013

for GBPUSD - this likely same with EU, i see the pair can continue down trend if today seller break that 1.5997. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, November 1, 2013

for GBPUSD also on down - sell is better for today move, let sell if 1.6001 also had break by today seller group. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow), November 3, 2013

now GBPUSD enter to itโ€™s demand area (at 1.5910). we see this not so good for sell for a while time then. just be aware with bulls correction first on this pair (as long as seller still can not break down the line fib 1.5910 then). :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, November 4, 2013

the GBPUSD can continue down. now this pair on try to break to more down that 1.5908. ok sell if 1.5908 also had break by seller then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, November 5, 2013

on last candle - bulls on GBPUSD = be aware with still bulls correction here if price fib at 1.5984 also could break up by buyer move. let see. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, November 6, 2013

this is a still bulls and let take some pips from buy op then for GBPUSD as long as price move above 1.6066. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, November 7, 2013

for GBPUSD = i can say more nice down trend here after the intraday low at 1.6013 also can be break again by seller, if not, i just call flat for this pair. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, November 8, 2013

the trend look to still bulls. for GBPUSD if 1.6114 then had break by buyer move, take buy is better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow), November 10, 2013

this just flat brother. no good to take any new op as long as GBPUSD still move above 1.5972. so, only after 1.5972 break by seller, i will start support for sell. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, November 11, 2013

i still support for down for this GBPUSD - we can be ready sell only / if level fib near 1.5956 also had break by today seller move. just it. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, November 12, 2013

till now - this GBPUSD still on itโ€™s down track. we see if today seller also can break continue down to the nearest fibo at 1.5965 - i will recommended you to take same sell op then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, November 13, 2013

today we can give attention to the fib level 1.5853. so, i mean, make some sell is better for GBPUSD after 1.5853 break by next seller. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, November 14, 2013

this is a bulls move and i see if GBPUSD then also continue hold move above the 1.6047 = yes, this better to search for buy. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, November 15, 2013

trend for GBPUSD = bulls. today let see to probably price more break up (to above the fibo 1.6101). make some plan buy is better after that break to 1.6101 happened. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow), November 17, 2013

the GBPUSD on bulls - so if price still hold move above 1.6101 = this is a bulls track that better for buy then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, November 18, 2013

trend on GBPUSD is bulls - but if we want to take additional buy on this pair, please see to the 1.6134. only after 1.6134 break by buyer, itโ€™s time better buy. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for GBPUSD - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, November 19, 2013

for GBPUSD the bull was weak. and take a ready to sell if next seller group had move to bellow 1.6080. let see. :slight_smile:
