[-ForexPhantom-] Daily Crossover System

Now up +142; Locked in +72!


This is my first week using your method and I am +100 USD/JPY and made +30 EUR/AUD…thanks see you around :smiley:

Hi FP,

Updates on my trades:

Open trades:
Long UC; +202pips, Lock in 147pips
Short AU; +145pips, Lock in 91 pips
Long EG; -111pips

TS 75pips for all the above trades

Closed trades:
Short EU; +36pips, hit SL and stop out
Short EJ; +13pips. hit SL and stop out
Short EJ; +376pips; hit SL and stop out
Short GJ; +501pips, hit SL and stop out

Total realised profit: 926
Total unrealised profit: 236
Total trading days: 5

Pls refer to the attach screen shots for entering date and time

With minimum effort, entered and check once a day, great :slight_smile:


What is the basis of your recommendation on Equity/100,000 ?

Thanks FP

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Hey guys,

I’m fairly new to Forex, been trading with a demo account for a few months now and have stayed about even, although not due to any sort of skill on my part…

I’ve been following this thread as well as the hourly one by ForexPhantom and I think that daily charts are more suited to me as I seem to not be very good at scalping or trading on the lower charts. Are there any “favorite” pairs using this daily system? I went short on USDJPY today and this pair doesn’t seem to be cooperating albeit I got in a bit late :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the great charts and explanations!



Indeed USDJPY is not playing ball today. I’d stay in it anyway, no signs of a long yet. Trust the system :wink:

Happy trading,


I’ve been trading for about 18 months and have been looking for a system that works with my trading style. I like the Moving Average systems. I found a system that I’ve been using that is about 55% profitalble. Last Monday, I discovered your hourly system. That works great! I was in the process of porting it over to a Daily when you introduced this thread. I set everything up and by Thursday I was making beaucoup PIPS. As of today (using demo acct) I have 860+ of unrealized PIPS and 224 in profit. I’m trading in 8 pairs out of the 10 that I monitor.

As you can see this is my first post and I have to take my hat off to you. (Normally, I’m just a lurker). Yes there may be some conjecture about the trailing stop or the stop loss but in its raw form, this system is awesome. Thank you.

Suggestion for SL and TS for test:
I have found some success at setting the initial S/L at above/below the privious day’s candle or 150 PIPS with a 10 PIPS trailing stop. It isn’t a perfect method but it will follow the pip movement and handle the large sweeps in the daily charts. It does require some manual manipulation especially when you have a profitable postion but a slow mover. For example: a +48 pip postion that seems to have leveled, you may want to set the SL to get some pips if there’s a turn around.

I hope this helps everyone or hopefully it will generate more ideas to perfect this system.


Hi all,

My USD/JPY stopped out @ 96.73 for a +96 pip gain.

I still need to tally up all my trades for a pip total, but I’ve got a 100% win ratio.

I am trying to simply attach a snapshot of my trades (as in a detailed report) but it won’t save to my hard drive!! It says it has saved, but it’s not there. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, is there any easy way to calculate your pips gained, through excel or something? I hate having to add everything up all the time. I guess I could start an excel spreadsheet lol.

Anyways, I’ll work on that and get you an official total.

Guesstimating, I’ve made almost 70 dollars trading .01 lots, so it will probably be around 600 - 700 pips.

Take care,


Yes USDJPY finally turned around for me and I’m up about 15 pips right now, was 20 about an hour ago :wink: I did get in late, so the missing pips are my own fault.

What are your thoughts about getting back into a trade that seems to still be trending? USDJPY is a good example when you hit your S/L today…would you consider getting back in because the trend just developed recently and seems to be ok or is that against the rules? Thanks for all the great insight so far!


Hello ForexPhantom,

This is my first post although I have been diligently following this thread…In your opinion, would it be too late to enter into a long EUR/AUD and short AUD/USD?

Yes, I’d say it’s too late for both of those.

It’s best to catch them the instant they cross.

That sounds impossible, but with the daily charts it’s actually not because things move pretty slow.

Take care,


Hey Phantom and everyone else. I’ve been following this thread since it open and have used the indicator ever since. I have a question and that is has anyone thought of making a script to alert when a cross happens? I’m not 100% sure how to pull it off with my scripting knowledge just yet. It’s not that I want to be lazy, but I would like to know first hand when a cross just happened or about to. I’ll continue to work on something, but if someone else brings something else up, that’d be great for all of us.


Hi there,

That’s a pretty damn good idea and I know it’s possible to do that with a script (with email alerts at least).

Do I know how to do it? Unfortunately, no.

But if anyone else has any thoughts on that, please chime in.

Keep working on it, Jesse!

You could be our hero.


A very good idea but I would like to see, actually hear, a sound alert. I was at a presentation a long time ago and someone there who admittedly had a bare minimum 'puter said they used a baby crib monitor for sound alerts. One end in front of a speaker and the other around his waist. He could even walk around the yard and still get audible alerts. Now I’m through babbling, thanks FP for a good strategy. d.

New trade:

2009.03.31 15:10 ; Long UJ ; TS 75pips
2009.03.31 15:35 ; Long GJ ; TS 75pips


Phantom, do you enter if there is a cross during a candle? Because it happened to me before to have a clear cross, but before the end of the candle the EMA’s splited again, actually giving a very strong signal of continuation of the existing trend.
That is why I only look at the charts at the start of the new daily candle.

Another piece of advice… quit trading the demo and go live. Why? On the demo you only learn half of the game, or maybe less. Can you afford 50 bucks? Go for it then…

And as a side note, I never use T/Ps. This is me… it just hurts me more to leave 100 pips on the table, than losing 100 pips. Is this a winning attitude? Don’t know, it is just the way I am.

Happy trading,

Keep an eye on EURUSD and GBPUSD, they both look like they’re fixing to cross in the next couple days…


Exactly. Watch them closely!

As for the others, it seemed very choppy. The UJ crossed long, but it’s been all over the place recently and I don’t like that.

I think the cable and the EUR/USD are our best bets for new trades.


That’s pretty damn genius.

If only I knew how to sound the alarm…:frowning:


I totally agree with you about going live. I want to open an account for more than $50 bucks though. I think $200 bucks would be ideal because I’m trading the daily systems with .01 lots. I would probably just trade 1 or 2 trades maximum because I’m not using a S/L!

It’s a bit scary at the thought, but exciting also haha.

I’ll definitely be doing it soon with Alpari US. Should I do the micro account?

Yeah, don’t use a T/P, just a T/S.


Hi Phantom,

Not sure, I went with Oanda. Of course I am doing all the analysis using MetaTrader… I am using Oanda just to place the trades.

Know what? Not using a S/L would have saved me a bad trade today, so that’s a very good idea. But this scares me too :slight_smile: so I’ll use a very wide S/L, just to be safe from disasters that can happen (I don’t know… some news or anything). Something like 300 pips will do. In fact, if the price moves 300 pips against me, I’d want out of that trade immediately. :slight_smile:

What do you think about only going in on the start of a new candle, when the cross is confirmed?

Happy trading,