[-ForexPhantom-] Daily Crossover System

Hi FP and everyone

Update on my trades:

Open trades:

2009.03.31 15:10 | Long | UJ | -2pips
2009.03.31 15:35 | Long | GJ | +162pips | Locked in 111pips
2009.04.01 17:31 | Long | GU | +139pips | Locked in 105pips
2009.04.02 02:19 | Long | EU | -5pips
2009.04.02 02:20 | Long | EJ | -2 pips

Close trades:

2009.03.24 16:02 | Short | EU | +36pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.25 10:07
2009.03.25 01:18 | Long | UC | +308pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 18:12
2009.03.25 01:20 | Short | AU | +155pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 18:37
2009.03.25 03:26 | Short | EJ | +13pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.25 09:07
2009.03.25 10:16 | Short | EJ | +376pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 11:53
2009.03.27 04:53 | Long | EG | -191pips | Closed it manually on 2009.04:01 15:57
2009.03.27 04:54 | Short | GJ | +501pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 11:32

Total realised profit : 1,414

Thanks and really appreciate FP for sharing with us the system.

Hi ForexPhantom,

Thanks for this thread,i,ve been testing this system today and i’m already in a big profit.Sadly it’s a demo account.

Gbp/jpy long +430 (locked in 330)
Eur/jpy long +190(locked in 100)
Eur/chf long +70(locked in 10)

On all pairs i put TS 100pip,so it’s not over i might get even more.



That was a really good day,

Gbp/jpy +387pip hit SL
Eur/jpy +130pip hit SL
Usd/cad +100pip hit SL
Eur/usd +10 (too early locked in 10pip)
Eur/chf +10 locked in trade still going

Today total: +627pip



Yeah this was a good day, after what seemed to me as a slow week, with the markets not really going anywhere. :slight_smile:
Good to see another Marius on this forum and topic, where are you from?

Happy trading,

I’m from Lithuania :slight_smile:

Yes the EURUSD crossed around midnight (GMT) and shot up like a rocket!

Do any of you get in on a cross that has already happened and shown success? Say you missed the initial cross and whichever way it crossed played out but the two MA’s are still fairly wide apart, do you contemplate getting in or do you wait ever so patiently for the next cross? It seems like the average cross can last several weeks on the daily charts…


Hi Mike,

Yes I sometimes do that. Actually I tend to play it safe and wait to see a nice healthy cross forming. And yes, there are still good pips in it even if you go in a little later.

Happy trading,

Hi all,

It seems like people are enjoying PHENOMENAL success so far!

I’m very happy to see that.

Since last night, I’ve made a huge number of pips!!

cable = +354
eur/jpy = +268
eur/usd = +143
cad/jpy = +187
usd/cad = +208
cad/chf = +56

Total = +1216

Imagine my surprise when I turned on my computer today!

Now, these trades are still running free. I’ve locked in profits on all of them except the Cad/Chf.

I placed all the trades in less than 15 minutes yesterday!

If only I had this on a live account and was using a standard lot…lol.

Anyways, take care all!


hello everyone, first post here and i have a question.

Since the weighted moving averages have been attached to the MACD, it seems that the MACD settings actually effect the moving averages.

I dont have an MT4 platform so I had to set this up manually. I am using ACM.

so when i add a moving average to the MACD indicator i can apply it to MACD minus signal, signal, or MACD. which one?? it seems to me the only one that makes sense by looking at the lines it produces is the MACD minus signal.

and then there is also the parameters for the MACD. I saw on a graph pic from a maxximuz post that his is (4,9,5) these numbers do dramatically change the crosses postion, actuall i think just the signal nbr periods.

any help on this would be great, wish i could just get the template but i cannot.

thanks again

Hi there,

I’ll answer your question the best I can about the indicators.

The MACD is just used to hold the moving averages. We don’t actually use the MACD for anything other than that. In fact, we camouflage the entire MACD so that it’s invisible. You do that by changing the colors of every line to your background color.

Of course, you could just place the moving averages directly on the charts for the same effect. But that just doesn’t look as nice to me. :smiley:

Anyways, check out the first thread for tips on how to set up the averages.

It’s a 1 and 4 moving averages which are both linear weighted. That’s all you need really.


Hi Phantom,

I am confused.
You say that the MACD is only there to hold the moving averages.
But if you look at the settings for the MA’s, you will see that they are applied to the “First Indicator’s Data”, which in our case is MACD. So those are MA’s of the MACD, and not the price.
Plot the MA’s over the price and you will see that they are different of the MA’s that we are using.
But hey… the system works and that is what’s important. :slight_smile:

Happy trading,

I second this question. You guys are doing great though…

Hi there,

Yes, they are different. The MACD provides a smoother interpretation of the trend. However, you’ll notice that many of them share the same major crosses. But when you plot them on the chart, it’s very erratic looking and it’s tough to tell when you have a “good” cross.

I didn’t realize they were so different, but they definitely are. You need to follow the instructions or use the template attached at the beginning.

The system is definitely working. I started it on March 23, 2009.

Total Pips Gained: +1668


Hi ForexPhantom and everyone

Update on my trades:

Open trades:

2009.03.31 15:10 | Long | UJ | +111pips | Locked in 38pips
2009.04.02 02:19 | Long | EU | +164pips | Locked in 104pips
2009.04.02 02:20 | Long | EJ | +318pips | Locked in 248pips
2009.04.03 15:37 | Short | UC | -5pips
2009.04.03 15:57 | Long | EF | -15pips

Close trades:

2009.03.24 16:02 | Short | EU | +36pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.25 10:07
2009.03.25 01:18 | Long | UC | +308pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 18:12
2009.03.25 01:20 | Short | AU | +155pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 18:37
2009.03.25 03:26 | Short | EJ | +13pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.25 09:07
2009.03.25 10:16 | Short | EJ | +376pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 11:53
2009.03.27 04:53 | Long | EG | -191pips | Closed it manually on 2009.04:01 15:57
2009.03.27 04:54 | Short | GJ | +501pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.03.30 11:32
2009.04.01 17:31 | Long | GU | +105pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.04.02 07:48
2009.03.31 15:35 | Long | GJ | +334pips | Stop out, hit SL on 2009.04.03 06:30

Total realised profit : 2,027

Again, I would like to thank you ForexPhantom for sharing with us a great system :slight_smile:

Am still on demo a/c, will apply this system on my real trading a/c soon. Initial plan is to demo for a month, but seems like it really generate a great result, so will demo for another week…

Have a nice weekend :slight_smile:

nice system you have,I finally decided to look at it last night made 200+ pips on a live account.
How ever I want to talk to you about some optimization for Sl and other stuff
I don’t want to post it here, just so it doesn’t mess up anyones trading, and we can post it afterward when we figure out its successfully or not.
add me
[email protected]
[email protected]
skype: jado9111

Hello Jado. Nice to see you on this thread. I enjoyed your jadosystem thread very much.

What ever happened with that? It seems you worked “offline” and never returned to it.


Thank you for a great week FP!

will I got caught up in other indicators shi channel, 3 level zz semafor and some other ones then went back to smaller TF 5min along with some psychological factors kept me from sticking with the system.
my system gives you the entry point after the trend reversal is confirmed this one gives you an early entry point, so I’m thinking to combine both along with Xmess77’s indi(after he gives me the permission to release it; it might need more tweaks) so I’m going to make small modification for SL and TP if ForexPhantom like to do that with me :D, but this system is absolutely awesome i like it.
and thanks Ryan for your interest in my other system, i would like to hear your results pros and cons too.

Hi Forexphantom

I have been reading your thread and have to say a big thank you for sharing this with us, i work 9-5 so im hoping to trial this next week on my demo account.

Im from the UK and was wondering on the best times to check for the crossover, and on what currencies.

Thanks again and look forward to next week


thanks for the response, I will be trying this system as soon as i can figure out when the daily candles close on my platform cause i think thats when i will trade. I am also going back three months and paper trading on the signals to see if i can find good s/l and take t/p numbers as will as a risk ratio.

if yall could just do me a favor and look at your macd settings and tell me what they are so i can put them on mine. i have the short term ma at 6, long term ma at 9, and the number of periods at 5 as per maxximuz pic on page 11. is this what everyone is using? cause the number of periods changes the crossovers even adding and subtracting some. thanks again for all the great info in this thread.


Loving this method - thank you ForexPhantom.

Being stoopid newbie - I’ve been trading live since the beginning of the thread - and being a stupid newbie - risking way way more than a trader would. And being a newbie, not directly sticking to the plan (which I am going to try to do more closely)
All that said my very minimal live account has doubled since day 1 of this thread. :slight_smile: very happy.

Actually quite surprised there aren’t many more folks enjoying this - to put it simply, this method/system is awsome.

Sorta like those little ovens “Set it and forget it” - personally, I think this is best way to do this too, set it, and forget it for a few hours. although I don’t have a problem watching the pips go the wrong way - for some that can’t stand to see -70 -23 -45 -67 on the only 4 trades you have open, maybe this system isn’t exactly for you?

What I do - is a dime per 100 in account, and set S.L. at 100 every time.
I’ve got to change this - I am going to get burnt very soon. so as you can see that’s risking 10% on a single trade, and I’ve had up to 5 open trades at one time EEEEK 50% of account - fricken nutz. these again were in that first week, when there was 100% winners, so it turned out ok this time.

maybe I need some therapy on this - it just looks nicer to see profits in dollars, rather than cents.

I just wanted to say thanks to ForexPhantom - (I do NOT advise anyone follow what I did, as going forward, I probably won’t be - it would only take one bad day, maybe two, and I am out of the game)