They are paid affiliates for the two brokers they list at the top of their broker reviews. You can confirm this by hovering your mouse over the links they provide to the websites for these two brokers. Are these reviews biased to encourage traders to choose brokers that pay the website affiliate fees, and make their competitors look bad by comparison?
We can confirm that even the objective information they list about is wrong. We are regulated by the NFA, but are not listed on their review page as an NFA-regulated broker. In fact, we are the largest NFA-regulated forex broker by client assets based on the latest CFTC data.
@musicguy1967, you mentioned in another discussion thread that you live in the US. Therefore, you should focus your search on NFA and CFTC regulated forex brokers. The CFTC and NFA set the requirements a broker must meet in order to offer forex trading to US residents. Though not an exhaustive list, this membership application will give you an idea of some of those requirements: Compliance Requirements for Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer (RFED) Applicants | NFA