salmanno06, I found interesting material about FPA in internet. It is review from broker:
Beware of fraud: facts about ForexPeaceArmy
Web resource ForexPeaceArmy located at is an anonymous fraudulent project that earns money by blackmailing brokerage and dealing firms. Legitimacy of this organization is questionable: representatives of the project have never provided any real contact, except an email address, or any real location data.
The founder of ForexPeaceArmy is known in the web under the names of Dmitriy Chavkerov, Felix Homogratus, Forex Bastard. He has the reputation of a fraudster with the aim to make easy money from the following machinations: blackmail of developing Forex companies, and sale of false trading signals.
The first source of his income is Forex Peace Army online project. FPA is used to organize so-called Black PR campaigns against successful brokers: administrators of this site publish defamatory materials and discreditable information at and spread it in the Internet with the purpose to blackmail the companies. ForexPeaceArmy stops only if money is paid.
Fake signals is being sold by Felix Homogratus and his accomplices on tens of scam sites. After the purchase traders recognize that they were caught by swindlers, and FPA’s fraudsters have to create new sites to sell the same signals. As soon as the number of pretensions to the project reaches the peak, they change the name of the project.
Unfortunately companies-victims are not able to start the court proceedings against this cheating project because FPA is totally anonymous. Besides hiding their real addresses or registration data, they use capabilities of anonymous providers to continue blacking the companies unpunished.
With the aim to prevent advertising of scammers, most professional trading forums prohibit referring and linking to ForexPeaceArmy. And it is absolutely just. The whole trading community knows that FPA are blackmailers and hackers. The links below were found through the search engine systems when searching for ForexPeaceArmy scam:
Forex Peace Army link 1
Forex Peace Army link 2
Forex Peace Army link 3
Forex Peace Army link 4
Forex Peace Army link 5
Forex Peace Army link 6
Forex Peace Army link 7
Forex Peace Army link 8
Since fraudsters from ForexPeaceArmy started blackmailing InstaForex, we have officially call on everybody who has any information about these anonymous fraudsters keeping their location in secret to contact our Fraud Control Department by e-mail.
It is your choice whom to trust. But we kindly ask you to read the information above and make the right conclusions. DO NOT LET THEM CHEAT YOU! BEWARE OF FRAUD!