Has anyone ever used an EA from ForexRobotTrader.com - Automated Forex Robots and Hot Indicators from Don Steinitz ?
I’m seeing mixed reviews on his product…I was think of purchasing the Fractal Pterodactyl Robot.
MDP & FGB are doing nothing for my account…
A few years ago, several traders and myself bought some of Steinitz’ robots. They did very well in demos. But, we began noticing many complaints, on his forum, from those who were trading them live - except for Don. So, it seemed to me that broker-interest may have played a part in that. Then, I read where brokers can get access to robot info and some manipulate that knowledge to their advantage and the trader’s loss. We decided not to risk our money until we find a broker who realizes that they’ll make much more profit from the spreads of mega-numbers of robots trading at the mega-number level, than they can from mega-numbers of discretionary traders, trading at much lower volume of orders. Still looking…