Free Mentor-ship Program

Now this is what I call very good advice. Thanks Jason :slight_smile:

David- looking forward to a response. Multiple questions posed on your thread, plus 2+ weeks worth of private messages sent with no acknowledgement from you. What’s going on here- why are we being ignored?

Thanks, your time is appreciated David! What’s your take on the long term strategy first with weekly to daily then work towards shorter time frames such as described in the article below?

oh it seems to me that all these questions are too inconvenient for dear David

I wonder what is the purpose of creating such account and giving obviously bad/false advice to newbies, usually people promote particular brokers.

David, Thanks for helping newbie traders like me who are here to seek help from experienced traders like you…

Pls ignore the comments from those members who have nothing else to do… then just waste time here :wink:

David Sir,

I need help with over-trading after i have made some profits i will continue in my trade and this will turn them into losses:17:

FU, you are not likely to get a response:

That’s the world of FX, a strange world indeed, seems everyone has an angle.

Hi, David. You reached out to me earlier today. You told me to come to this forum with any questions. Thanks very much. Like I stated in my post, I am looking for someone to trade with in the Euro session. Trade forex live. Someone with a proven track record that I can watch, copy, and learn from. If you offer a service like that, let me know.

Hey Peterma, how’s it going?
Sorry, but your link is dead- not sure what you were trying to pass along.

It’s become very clear though that a response is just about as likely as $100 Oil before the end of April.
Moving on.



Hi Jake,

Lol, hope you are not over at that oil meeting tomorrow, if you mention $100 per barrel they will all start drooling and memorising ‘those were the days’.

I was just noting the cut and paste, maybe David figures it’s the way to get learners interested in whatever, just seems a little weird, like the $100 per barrel I suppose :slight_smile:

Things are good, always learning, it never stops.

Your good self?

Lol! :slight_smile:

Ahh…yes, I noted that many many weeks ago. You’d have to hope that others pick up on it too.
I’m doing great, thanks for asking - and, great to see you still around!

The day you feel you’ve learned everything, is the day the market reminds you that you know nothing! :wink:

Hi Guys! Check out My trading journal right next here:) Price Action trading + Trading plan + account monitoring:) Hope it will add some spice here)

Some sites are offering 1/3000 leverage. Is it worth going with them ?

Oh I can’t wait to hear Davids response to this.

@ Stintin, do you understand what leverage is and how to use it to your advantage?

This says it all:

1:3000 Leverage: Golden Opportunity or Sheer Madness?