First, I want to make an experiment: have any of you heard about Chiloé Island?
Well, It’s where I live. Open a map and look for it, it’s in the Patagonian region of Chile, a beautiful and rainy place. A bit isolated as well but we have everything to live a good life.
I was about to buy a new car in the past month, my old Dahiatsu -'97 Feroza- coughed up his last smoke and required some mayor maintenance. Loved that car. But i’m more of a bike guy, so I decided to save the money and wait for the national lockdown to pass to buy a car. Then i realized that i always wanted to do some trading, and this was the time for it. I’ve been studying for the past week and I think I grasp the basic concept. Came across this awesome place and it’s free treasure of knowledge, so here I am. My plan is to study about a month, then open a demo account and try different aproaches and strategies and build a statistical model of wich one of them works better, and then commit a small amount of real money to try my hand. Nothing too big, I know that learning by error comes first: i’m an engineer but also a mountaineer, in every summit I’ve made patience, constant effort and planning ahead have proved key to success. And knowing when to retire.
I’ve read a few posts here and there and I was pleasently surprised to see people giving advice and being polite to each other. Educated. It’s something really invaluable these days.
Anyway, hello to everybody, my name is Manuel Cano. Glad to be here.