Full Time Forex Trader

Trading full time takes time to get to , there was this 1 interview of a trader who trades the FTSE-100 full time took about 8 years before he started trading full time or I guess before he felt comfortable with himself the point is you have to fully know how the market work you have to spend time trial and error . You wouldn’t start a business and invest your live savings or a lot of money on somthing you don’t fully under stand . It’s not logical or smart I haven’t seen to many time traders or babypips or maybe the just don’t brag about trading full time becuase it’s a lot of work & anything can happen I have seen a few post on forex factory of full time traders and even a few millionaires

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yes. now i can get money enough for my life feom forex . i trade full time with it . but i do not open order all day .

I’m still a part time trader in forex trading. I try to maximize what i have get from my broker. I also try to use demo account to take part in demo contest to get more trading experience and also hone my trading skills.