Funded Accounts

You really called flamingo a “little moron”??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Now your above statement is just about the hardest claim of all to take seriously - just look at the dung you are slinging at all and everyone!

You call yourself a “counsellor”, yet you call MaverickFX a scam, you then post a video of a MaverickFX trader saying that it is a good company, and then continue to call it a scam afterwards, now you are calling other posters “morons”, at least you had the decency to remove it!

Just go look in the mirror. You have absolutely no credibility left here whatsoever and only you go to prove that forums are the homes of trolls and egoists.

I came back here only this week to see if things have improved and you firmly demonstrate they have not - so I am done with you and BP (again) I have better things to do…

Oh, and don’t bother coming back with your “results” because they will only tell whatever it is you want to tell regardless of the actual truth.

I feel sorry for you.

Thanks to you others for your sensible comments and approaches - but this thread has once again descended into a complete farce that has nothing to do with impartial discussion of a topic. I am not really that surprised to be honest.

Cheerio and keep well you all. That’s it.

When conducting due diligence, if the party does not want due diligence conducted on them they will find any kind of insult throw at you any kind of argument throw at you and they will never ever stop.

The question to ask of ftmo and my 4X funds and Maverick FX is…

How can we verify how much funds you are in control of and how can we verify how much funds you pay out to traders annually?

Those are the only two questions that need to be answered.

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The think is I have been interested in prop firms since my first steps in trading so I have knowledge on the subject. But @silverf466 for some reason doesn’t listen to other people, since we had a back and forth on another thread I realized he will not be satisfied even with evidence. So I decided to not lose brain cells by talking to him, but I will say my opinion on the subject for the people who might be reading this and actually want information.

I my self have a funded account with MyForexFunds and yes they do pay out since I have been payed. They are not my favorite prop firm but I chose them because of their Accelerated program which is affordable for me and doesn’t have a challenge for you to pass and you get payed immediately. The prop firm I would recommend is The5%ers. I have a challenge account with them and their spreads are literally most of they time 0 at currency pairs. Realistic goals and very good support stuff which will answer very quickly and efficiently. There are other good prop firms I would recommend like Funded Trading Plus and Lux Trading(I have not opened an account with any of them, except on with Lux Trading which was a free trial). I recommend them because of their rules, but at the end of the day each trader is different and they will find some prop firms more suitable for them.

Trade Connect VVS is a YouTuber who does videos on reviewing prop firms so if you want another opinion you can get it from him as well. I personally don’t like the 2 phase challenge type of funding. Instead I like the instant or 1 phase account with more time to pass the challenge. But that’s my type of trading and others may have a different liking.


The question to ask of ftmo and my 4X funds and Maverick FX and audacity capital is…

How can we verify how much funds you are in control of and how can we verify how much funds you pay out to traders annually?

Those are the only two questions that need to be answered.

No more video testimonials. No more testimonials in the forums. No more oh my son-in-law earned $3,000 at ftmo…

Just answer those two questions properly and completely.

This would require a reputable law firm and or accounting firm to sign off and certify that they saw a bank statement that shows 96 million in the ftmo accounts and they saw tax records that show that they paid out x millions of dollars to traders.

Anything less than that is absolute nonsense.

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exactly right - this is one of the two reasons i so rarely recommend prop firms to anyone

i did so, with my son-in-law, only because he specifically asked (i‘m a former institutional trader, not that that helps to appraise funding companies!) - and then he went with one i didn’t strongly recommend anyway, and wouldn’t to most people, though undeniably it’s worked out very well for him - i think FTMO’s passing requirement (10%) and especially their time-limit are really super strict and demanding, but i certainly can’t question their integrity and honesty

i’m interested to hear it, as they were in second place on my list; i hope MFF is going great, for you, anyway (that was my putative third choice)

i actually crossed FT+ off very quickly, but only because they use 8cap brokerage (i did like the look of them, apart from that, but 8cap was a real deal-breaker, for me)

i know very little about Lux but i see they offer TradingView as a platform; that’s a big plus, IMO

fair enough

i think the 2-stage is understandable, from the funder’s perspective, as they have to try to exclude people who just got lucky once, quickly. to make a living as a trader, to make anything at all regularly or steadily as a trader, you’re going to need to be able to do it a whole lot more than twice, anyway, but as you rightly say, each trader is different and they will find some prop firms more suitable for them than others


When I mentioned the importance of verifying the fact that a prop trading company actually has substantial capital with which to award a live account to a successful trader, and these people don’t care about that they just want to keep promoting the prop funded trader scheme…

Imagine for a moment that these prop trading pay to play a challenge account companies didn’t have any Capital at all but instead they just have a website and they have the ability to sign you up with a demo account somewhere…

This would mean that they are collecting fees from unsuspecting newbies and they don’t even have the ability to give you a live account.

I’ll tell you what will change the game… If one prop trading company comes out with a verified Capital base and a verified track record that they’ve actually been awarding trading accounts to traders, the other prop companies would fall to the wayside.

I will tell you what I think happens at a bare minimum… I suspect that at a minimum there is an extremely high turnover of traders… traders come in many traders come in and play a challenge account a small percentage win but even after they are awarded a live account they get kicked to the curb in a very short time, which would make it a winning game for the prop company but an absolute waste of time for the trader.

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Everything you said here its true. The fact that people argue with you,shows to me how easy they manipulate with everyone,and how addicted we become to social media . If they (sites like FTMO) make 1 or 2 videos in youtube ,everyone will believe them :smiley:

Ages passed,but its always the same. No matter what field,or country,or religion,if majority was lied and one man appears and tell them truth ,they will just kill this man .
Two thousands years passed…still the same

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Yes, there are drawdown but I think it’s a great option especially for those who are completely ignorant of trading.

there are some interesting statistics and statements on this page

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  • We currently have 37000 ACTIVE live funded accounts from evaluations

That is a fabricated lie.

The funny thing about people that tell complete lies is that they don’t know when to stop lying.

37,000? Where are they? They must be invisible. That’s it only invisible people trade live through these companies.

These funded prop trading companies these pay to play to get nothing in return companies are absolute rip-off scams you get nothing in return for your fee except a boot in the teeth.

37,000 people is a small City, and we don’t have even 10 or 20 of them here at baby pips…

  • We paid out over $14,000,000 in February

I seriously doubt that.

I have seen 1 or 2 other prop firms use 8cap as their brokerage, but I didn’t though that was not good because I haven’t done any research on them. Do they have bad spreads or bad reputation?

The recently done some changes and added another program which is a 2 phase challenge that includes a salary. For their instant funding program you have 1 year to achieve 10% with a 6% drawdown to pass and also scale up your profit split to 100%. I don’t think any other prop firm offers that, that’s why I like them. Also which prop firm was first on your list?

That makes sense, a drawback of instant and 1 phase is that they are more expensive and are smaller in capital size especially instant accounts compared to the 2 phase ones.

Totally agree.

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they have a truly horrible reputation among a few people i know well and trust highly

also, a few funding companies are in the process of leaving them, and making arrangements with other brokers (which i think might say something)

TradeDay (futures only, not relevant to most of this forum’s members?)

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Interesting I will keep that information, thank you.

Haven’t heard of them but I haven’t had an interest in futures that’s probably why.

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