- Eurjpy Sell 114.02 tp. 112.92
Close now at 113.27 +75pips profit
- Gbpaud Sell 1.5998 tp.100 pip
The English pound getting weaker
- Gbpusd sell 1.2258 tp.1.2070
It hits 0.0900
- Euraud sell 1.4266 tp. 1.4151
- Audusd sell 1.7637 tp. 1.7587
It hits tp. +75 pips
It hits tp. +50pips
Close now 1.2160 +98pips
Close now at 1.5929 +70pips
It hits tp. +115pips
- EURCHF sell 1.0838 tp. 1.0770
17.Eurnzd Sell 1.5277 tp.200 pips
- gbpaud Sell 1.6050 tp.200 pips
- euraud sell 1.4391 tp. 200 pips
And my last fx. post
20.second contract on gbpjpy 128 tp.250pips