I was opening a demo account in ForexTime to try their service and spreads since they are CySec regulated and also regulated by FCA. But when I logged on today I was registered to FXTM global site which is regulated by IFSC in Belize which is suppose to be FXTM Europe. Is there a difference between the 2 regulators? Is it better if the broker is regulated in CySec or IFSC?
To be honest i have never heard about IFSC, i did a small research and i found out that they are a regulator in Central America on the contrast CySEC is a European regulator which is well known as the FCA too. Maybe you have chosen a wrong link for registration. Try and contact their support to assist you and provide more information
i signed up in there Global website thinking that its under CySec but figured yesterday that its under IFSC in Belize. I just contacted there support and ask if i can still open another account under FXTM Europe.
I think it depends on how trustworthy you think they are and what you expect them to do. A broker who tries to scam you will do so regardless of regulation. CySec would be the ‘better’ regulator in my opinion.