FXCM - non dealing desk, except?

Hello all,

FXCM is supposedly a non-dealing desk…but it says:

“No Dealing Desk (Please note FXCM Micro in its discretion may or may not offset individual transactions unlike transactions in most FXCM Standard accounts.)”

What’s this? Micro trading, or micro accounts do go through a dealing desk??

Thanks in advance!

Hello, Robert

That’s correct. Trade execution in an FXCM Micro Account is NOT Straight-Through Processing (STP) — also referred to as No-Dealing-Desk (NDD). There is nothing sinister about this. It’s a matter of trade execution EFFICIENCY for tiny lot sizes.

There are other differences between FXCM Standard Accounts and FXCM Micro Accounts that you should consider: on the plus-side, Micro Accounts typically have tighter spreads; on the minus-side, customer service is mainly through email and online chat, rather than telephone. But, you should get the facts straight from an FXCM rep.

You should take your questions about [B]Standard vs. Micro[/B] and [B]NDD vs. Dealing Desk[/B] (plus any other questions you might have) to Jason Rogers, FXCM’s representative here on the Forum.

Start by taking a look at this thread — 301 Moved Permanently — and, if your questions haven’t been answered there already, post them there. Jason is very good about answering questions promptly.

I trade through FXCM Micro (UK), and I have had zero problems with trade execution in my account.

I’ve been a client of FXCM for 5 years, since before NDD execution and micro accounts even existed. In my opinion, the horrors of dealing-desk execution are grossly exaggerated.

I hope that helps you.

fxcm is a good broker, shame they can’t provide the same parameters for their micro accounts though.

Thanks Clint,

Your answer was very helpful. I’m getting close to choosing…still pondering everything…


FXCM no dealing desk?
Absurd, Scam