Look at the comments on here for example.
Successful traders do not whine about brokers or the utterly ridiculous stop hunting comments. All reviews are made by losing traders, not successful ones. Does this register? Ponder on this a bit because it is the ultimate truth on “broker reviews”. Losers review brokers and most broker reviews are negative. This is why I say it is worthless. So if you make pathetic losing trades upon losing trades, the broker is crooked right? Keep thinking that please. And keep on blaming the brokers and tell yourself that none of them are reputable. You are not being eaten alive by your broker; you are being eaten alive by huge trading banks trading with billion dollar trading accounts and central banks trading with trillion dollar accounts and they all know that most traders are trading with technical analysis and we all know where the most stops are don’t we? So do they. Unless you are trading with an outright crook broker manipulating the feeds, don’t blame your broker for your miserable trading. OK? And smart people would have understood my post immediately.
Ur post really help other trader choosing the right broker tq very much
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