
Bro, that’s a REAL problem I have, I simply DON’T know to teach, I just know to learn and DO what I do. So I can’t answer to the “when” part of your question :wink:

And the Tiger pic, I like it too, jajajajajaja

And for mister market: good boy, that’s the way,

come on, you can do it

[B]toma que toma toma, que toma ta[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Yee Ha!

A little more mister market, come on, you CAN do it!

[B]te maté otra vez,
¿sabes por qué?
Porque te doy SIN MIEDO[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Definitely there is something strange in the 84 level, mister market. But don’t worry, everything is gonna be OK, you just be careful my shark and “métele sazón”

tén cuida’o,
este negro está proba’o

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

Everything IS OK, my shark

Bajo la vigilia de un santo, si vas bajo su sombra,
NADIE puede hacerte daño, ni mañana ni ahora

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

Que Bola Mi Herma!!!

And for those who follow Gurus, here is one of the best

XH Derbez - Nicolas Tranquilino - YouTube

The Never Following VIPER

Aquí me puedes ver bro, tranquilino, tranquilino en la lucha, tú sabes. And the same as you NEVER following Gurus cause the word Guru cames from:

“GU-GURU-GURU paloma, GU-GURU-GURU no llores”

as you well know. Jajajajajajajajajajaja

Cuídate bro!

Best regards

[B]La Paz sea por todas partes[/B]

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

It is simple mister market, “acepta que NO PUEDES con el chamaquito”

[Otros] se adaptan a las situaciones,
yo hago que las situaciones se adapten a mí

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

Forex for me is like gambling or joining lottery game… If you have luck of winning you better try it :slight_smile:

Learn how to treat it as no gambling if you want to get success in forex trading :wink:

And the “Game” continues mister market cause “la fórmula sigue”

[B]cantando NOS BURLAMOS de la crisis económica
intentar pararnos hoy ES IMPOSIBLE,
la fórmula que tenemos ES INVENCIBLE[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Seriously, my little shark?

[B]¡Qué bien me veo!¡Ni yo me lo creo!
Ahora soy el más lindo, ayer era el más feo[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Yes, seems this is serious, my little shark

PAMM Account: Petrov_Ivan (USD)


Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

It is not a game!

It is a ferocious beast. Either you ride it or it will slaughter you without pity!

Hola CP you are selling GU yes? so you are in profit? So why does it show a big drop in the equity chart? And Ivan Petrov is that your pamm acct is it?

Also I was wondering why do show the dollar index?

Hola TalonD bro! How is everything?

Sorry I couldn’t answer before, so, “vamo’ allá”:

you are selling GU yes? so you are in profit?

As you could see I just closed what I needed to close to be in profit, cause for me selling or buying is not the most important, cause remember “BULLS make money and BEARS make money, and LAMBS …”, what is really important for me is, [U]survive[/U] mister market’s intentions and make profit.

So why does it show a big drop in the equity chart?

cause the man bought at 1.5210 and sold at 1.5010. But I must to ask, a 9-10% drop is a big drop?

And Ivan Petrov is that your pamm acct is it?

your Sherlock must be on vacations to ask that. Ivan Petrov is considered the best Pamm Manager in the whole Alpari’s Pamm service and not without reasons.

Просмотр профиля: Petrov_Ivan - Форум Альпари

Also I was wondering why do show the dollar index?

Maybe simply because it is my main “indicator”?

See you and be careful out there

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

The 85 level was almost reached my little shark. МОЛОДЕЦ!!!

mira que te lo digo, y tú no quiere entender,
aquí dice EL INMORTAL, ¿o tú no sabe leer?

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

yes my Sherlock was on vacation LOL


I think it’s a game. It needs skills, brain, traning, and win and fail.
The difference is that forex is about money.

And we will keep dancing my little shark!

tú con tus locuras,
y yo que ya estoy LOCO

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

People kill each for gambling, which they don’t consider as just as game. Anything that involves money is not just a game, perhaps, not even a game at all. Forex is a very good business and has drawn millions of traders worldwide together. Without forex, many people would be jobless today,