GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I changed accounts. I also have accounts in my wifes name that I have trading authorization on. So I always have an account that is empty.
my forexcom account is empty. I gotta get $1000 in there before they cut off my esignal feed. I have been playing forex so long I have accounts all over. SOme of them I guess got closed when I withdrew all the money.
But most places like won’t close your account because you remove all your deposits and profits and zero your account. The account I am trading now is my wifes and had $40 left in it from when I got wiped out on 3/16/08 a few pips up from 192.60 where it bottomed. That was very sad.
Because if I lasted through that down I would have made a small fortune on the way back up. I have a loss leader at 205.oo now. I bought it when price hit 205 then it went down lol. I made a few hundred pips today while I Was doing service calls. fxsol lets you change to micro on your own from the account settings I learned. SO I vcould have been playing 5k lots which may be the ideal size. I just don’t have enough funds to have 50K consitantly sitting in forex. I have mad mortgage payments (DRAWDOWN UGH!).

Still have a loss leader at 205.00 and next one down is 204.59.
Trying to get a few more 20 pips down .39 .19 .99 and so on down,
spacing wider in the event of a move south, but it sure looks like to me we will recover to previous levels into 208 and 209 and I think we could easily hit that before WE if all goes well. Thats only 350-450 pips up.

I keep coming back to my terminal to find open orders with no Tp’s or with TPs set at 100 pips that haven’t hit their targets yet. Often I close them for 20-80 pips. I am trying to get the loan club going and close some of my calls.

Be ready for some more GJ positive news this morning at 830.
Careful though after that as bernake is talking.

We seems to be stuck between 203 and 205 and lately can’t seem to get past this mornings high of 204.42.

Be ready for a higher than expected US HOusing starts.
And at 930 EDT expect a poor consumer confidence number
which should run Gj down for an hour or so before it returns to the

Same plan as always. I’m up now about 2000 pips for the week.
Next week I refund my account with some real money and prolly will change my lot size from 1K lots to 5K lots exactly half of a minilot.

I have received some weird emailing talking about
some action by the people of the United States, due to government incompetence. But I think it is due to theft, greed, and deception
I will find the PDF and post it.

These are very troubling times in the US as our government continues to rob us blind and steal from us by deceiving us.

My labor is my PERSONAL property. Neither I nor my labor belongs to the USGOV. I am not a slave. Abe freed me. God created man with certain God given rights which cannot be removed by ANY man. Those who attempt to thwart the divine intentions of the creator will be struck down.
There is ALWAYS justice in the end and this string of recent outlandish events
are no exception.

“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather restrain your wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will execute justice for you, said the Lord” — Lamsa

Justice is always executed WITHOUT exception and everyone will eventually get what they have coming, there is no other way!

Looks like we have some good support at 203.90/204.00.
Even the 200EMA is at close to 203.90 at this point.

Be ready for a big leg up after we bottom out 30-60 minutes after consumer sentiment! I expect a 50-100 pip move down after thew CS report.
ANd am about 99% sure the CS report will be lower than expected,
which should jolt GJ down, so we can load up cheaper on some longs.

10:09 AM EDT 203.74! buy :slight_smile:

Welcome! Since you are playing against me, here is the rest of the plan.
I am buying all the way down still into the high 197’s. I encourage you if at all possible to run it down that low so I CAN make a killing on the way up,
because even at 1K lots I am still making good money for the amount of time invested.

I am becoming more and more patient. SO all you shorties…bring it…run us down…you won’t be able to hold her down and when she breaks free, lookout.

I am the flipper.

History always has a “way” of repeating itself.
The egoic mind has a way of tricking you into thinking that the past has something to do with the future. It doesn’t outside of cause & effect.
It is because of this that the market does have a memory, because it is the TRADERS memory that is seen as the markets price memory.
In reality the market does NOT have memory.


Still pretty new to forex. I’ve been demo-ing for about 6 months now trying out different systems after I busted two live accounts. Live and learn right? Anyway, it’s looking like the GJ is consolidating on the month TF fixing to head up. On the weekly, it looks like it’s about to head down for a while. Have you ever thought about maybe using any indicators to hold off buying until it is trending up on the weekly, daily, and 4 hr, then starting to buy every 25 pips or so if it goes down? Then instead of settin your TP at 30 pips, let it ride till the end of the 4 hr trend. Just an idea. Wanted to get your 2 cents on it. I might try this strategy in my demo for a while. I’ll keep you updated. What do you think?

I recommend doing all sorts of crazy things to see if they work to see if you can consistantly make a profit, some “way” other than following the crowd.
That’s what this started out as, some crazy idea. I have tried all sorts of things over the years deom and live and the trouble I ALWAYS had was with stop losses.

For the longest time I would swear that anyone could tell which way the market was going by seeing if I was long or short. Whichever way I was,
it was going to go the other way.

You have to learn forex through trial and error regardless of what other training you have had. My uncle thinks he is at 100% now. But until he puts his money up again he will never know.

Until I get some more money in my account I am set with 1K lots for now.
But for me, its pointl;ess trading demo unless I am tyring out something completely new that I am unsure of and want to test. Back testing is dandy,
But I would rather test on a live market even if just demo first to see if the methods could consistantly yield a profit. I guess in a way forex is entertainment for me, It is an exciting market, especially the GJ.

I was talking to my dad and he said he was trying to buy gold and missed it,
which explains why GJ is down (gold is up ST). I beleive GJ and gold go opposite directions generally.

I don’t know about those longer TF’s. I am not making a killing in interest on 1k lots but I also am not losing any money by using any SL’s

SO until I find something better, I am going to stick with it.

Friday closed at 430 on fxsol at 203.22 on the bid. Price went up almost another 100 pips before 6pm. Today price action started out at 203.71.
If it holds that will be some nice profits on those open longs down around 203.30.

I think we are going to be heading up from here. Tonight means nothing.
Look for the predictable run down overnight before sunrise EDT.
Tomorrow we shopuld be off to the races higher. With 2 weeks to go before month end we could see some significant up before Month End.

As expected there was a run down before sunrise. I made quite a few pips over night.

Today I expect GU to rebound up, expecting dollar to slide today.
UJ could hold 104 but I think we will slide into 103.50’s.

So GJ should slide slightly this morning then rise.

I’ve got some service calls today.

Last week stats: I Increased my account balance 33% for the WEEK!

Looks like we are finally going to see that upward push now!

I rarely look at the 30 min, but when I do and see the RSI going like that
and steady price movements up as I continue to sell all the way up,
I know it will continue. I will be flat at 205.20 and expect we could test 206
real quick.


:mad: What? You said, “I continue to [B][U]sell [/U][/B]all the way up” I thought we were only going long? Please clarify…I am royally confused, now!

RRAM you seem to love GBP/JPY. you were saying that it goes down at night before rebounding? Could you elaborate like general times, how much?

I made a few pips today, but it looked like a boring trading day.

GU is looking exceptionally weak and is likely to fall down hard and hold 194.00
UJ is looking Jolly! and 104ish has been holding for a bit now, I expect UJ to continue up, its testing 104.40 now, expect 105ish by about london open.

GJ is stagnating. The GBP weakness coupled with dollar strength against the yen should make for some good scalping going into Asia and London, but I expect until GBP recovers, unless UJ can scream up we are very rangebound in GJ (203-204.50ish).

you geek! I am selling my longs at a profit! :slight_smile:
As price goes up I bag pips.

GJ likes to go down 100-200 pips at 3-5am EDT. I trade this thing from Sunday at 4PM when fxsol opens until it closes friday at 430PM. I trade on NY time. I always have orders working.

There are some other interesting things recently brought to my attention about CAD/JPY along the same lines however the range on the CJ sucks.

I have always said certain markets normally seem to trade a certain way
most of the time. It all gets down to what the consiousness is of the majority of traders trading.

There is nothing 100% for sure in forex. See there are all sorts of powerful forces out there that can change anything at any time for sustained short periods of time.

When the hurricane is coming you stop trading and seek higher ground further inland!

I guess this all (GJ romance) started long ago after she continuously ate my stop loss orders. And continued up despite all logic and fundementals.
Most say GJ is LT trend down always, I dont know if I really believe this.
Her tendency is to want to go up. And it is traders wacking her down hard.

Anyways, GJ represents for me a great challenge in life. Not that making money is not fun. But conquering a beast that has just beat you in 79 games of chess in a row is rather rewarding regardless of the money involved.

It is silly how I sell my self short often and take less pips profit than I “should”