GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I am short too Todd, took already good profits on a short since 208, took half off moved SL to +150, this baby will tank more.

No longs for me:D

wow thats a low GBP PMI number, time to get somem ore in the dip I guess.

I had to check my eyes when I read that one. I was thinking am I stil dreaming?
Did Todd chnage over to the other side and trading shrots now?
No Way I thoght, better read that post.

Well I didnt get many in the night. I only have 2 in the 204ā€™s.

I have my eyes open now so she is coming up to make my day.

Nice 2am-3am EDY run Down too bad I couldnā€™t load up at 204.00

You are absolutely right, Elijah, no shorts for me! I have not gone over to the other side!!!

But I am getting seasick here with this babyā€¦but she does move, doesnā€™t she!!

I have a ton of longs on this one, waiting for the come back.


I have been scalping and buying lower. I am trying to buy some at 204.99 .89 .79 and .39

I got some recently at 204.49 204.39 204.30 204.14

I added $260 to my account yesterday by visa to bring my total deposits to $900, to insure I didnt get run down too far while I was sleeping.

Am I right or what? I never understood why GJ almost always falls from 2am-5am EDT I guess during that time is the first 144 minutes of LOndon trading,
but I swear 80% plus of the time GJ runs down during those 3 hours every day.

I think she is rebounding back up.

UJ took a beating of course. GBP had bad news. GBP weakness is hurting us. As is USD weakness against the yen. But I expect the USD to rebel today and regain somelost ground overnight.

Again I want to thank Andrew and mytwo pips for contributing and we always need that opposing view and maybe I will learn to heed what they say more and master this buying of longs closer to the support level.

Andrew is prolly looking pretty good this morning. And GJ was tormenting in my sleep. She said I am falling and you are sleeping so hard you are unconcious. So I woke up at 428 in time for the 430am report, but didnt make much there, and instead got in deeper.

I think 205 is very much like a good baseliune and we should move up from here. We cannot fall any more today below the overnight lows I donā€™t think.

Each trading location also has its own personality. Like LOndon Asia and US all trade a certain way it seems when they are trading.

The short survived the night, but not much follow-through on that break to 204, as you know.

up up up.

Been scalping all morning in range down to 205.00 Selling on the way up bagging pipsā€¦ I have 20 lots waiting for the ride up.

Did I mention previouslyā€¦up up up?!! :slight_smile:

Anyways that was exciting I sold my swing trade of 5K lots for a meager 4 pips. MArgin useage is way down now at 5%. I will be scalping down all day and selling longs as she rises above 208.

There is always a line drawn in the sand at 206.50. I expect resistance here and all sorts of folks trying to get short at 206.50 but there is huge upward pressure in case you didnt notice. SO we may blow thru 206.50 or we may need a crack or two at it before we blow through it.

Folks are lined up to get short at 206.50, seller beware, GJ is going to rock the world today.

206.12 or 205.96 should provide ST support for the run back up to and maybe through 206.50.

Trust me on thisā€¦we are going to blow through 206.50 toiday and regain 208.00
if all goes well.

OK, now that makes sense ā€¦ I could not figure out why you wanted to buy at such high levels, but now I see it is not really what you want to do ā€¦ just as an incorigible scalper, you havnā€™t got the hang of mastering the retracements yet :smiley:
Iā€™ve been following this in demo account ā€¦ so far up $45k in just over a week. That is trading full lots in an account with $500k play money ā€¦ so no worries about margin calls.
Real life will be different, but this is giving me a feel for how it works ā€¦ it is almost too simple ā€¦ BUT ā€¦ ya need to wait for those retracements before buying into the next round IMHO.

I have my ā€˜loss leadersā€™ as Elijah puts it, at 209.32, five of them. I will keep them as a curiosity to see what happens longer term, even though I expect after hitting the 206.50 we will see a significant retracement to the 203ā€™s again. My next round of buys will start down there.

I wonā€™t go short ā€¦ I would not be that disloyal :D:D

It will be a while before we head back towards 203.

mmmā€¦ it is struggling here ā€¦ and cable was hit hard around 9am eastern ā€¦ anyone know what happened?

I must say, my Vegas Geisha (my nickname for her) appears not to be intimidated by cable weakness, holding up really well here ā€¦ it will be interesting to see which way she breaks from this 15ā€™ consolidation. I still say down, Iā€™m sure Elijah will say up, up & up. :wink:

i vote UP!

This pair moves with USDJPY, the ļæ½ has nothing on it really. Good US news/US going up against JPY, this pair will go up and vice-versa. It doesnā€™t matter how weak the ļæ½ is. Look at both charts side by side and youā€™ll see what iā€™m saying.

Not always.:slight_smile:

Most of the time, like you said, she looks just like the U/J chart with just greater range. But sometimes, just like a woman, she will change her mind and act more like the cable.

women change their minds??

The Vegas Geisha is not democratic :smiley: :eek: :cool:

Anā€™ down she goes (for nowā€¦)