GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I would not want to be short now. I have been selling all the way up to 211.50 and only have a couple longs left. She is retracing all that she fell from earlier.

Wait a coupld days? I hope you wait a couple days to get short, not get short now then wait, in a couple days she may have peaked out.
I feel sorry for anyone who got short into 210.s or 211.00.

FXstar I too NOW believe in reincarnation and never used to years ago.
Even though I was taught in a catholic high school freshman year all about all the worlds religions, and learned the MAJORITY of the people in the world believe in reincarnation. I even believe if you lead a horrible life here you could come back as a rock.

I only have one long left from 211.70. She seems to be heading back NOrth for the weekend. I will be flat at 212.10 beofre the day is over at the rate she is going.

See I sold my self short. I should have help all those longs for more pips.
But oh well pips banked another day another 200 pips.

I missed that dip earlier.:mad:

Iā€™m glad some of you guys caught it and made some dough.

I didnā€™t even bother looking at the NY session this morning after the crap London was giving.

I was [B]snooozzzzingggggg[/B], therefore I was [B]looossssingggg[/B].:slight_smile:

I hate to say it, but if it wasnā€™t after 1400 ET on a Friday, Iā€™d be looking to scale in short back in this area. :wink:

And I do think the market has a ā€œcollective consciousnessā€. It is not a discrete metaphysical entity, though - a thing with itā€™s own volition, sentience, intentionality. Any market is the psychological summation of the individuals who constitute the crowd that makes it up. Crowds do interesting things, making counterintuitive choices in unison that the individual participants would not. The will and emotions - but more often the emotions - of the crowd lead the market; and to the degree any one individual can tap into the prevailing sentiment of the crowd without being carried away in the torrent of fear, foolish hope, ego, and ignorance, they have an edge over their peers. To put it another way, to the degree any one individual can maintain reflective distance from the prevailing sentiment of the crowd, they can both know it and exploit it for their own use without getting caught up in it.

So, knowing the ā€œcollective consciousnessā€ is invaluable; but the pseudo-mystical inferential leap that goes from what Iā€™ve just described to a state where ā€œthe crowdā€ is real, living metaphysical assimilation of itā€™s component parts is unjustified, and in any case useless. Maybe thatā€™s a point on which weā€™ll have to disagree. As Iā€™ve said before, I am not a naturalist/materialist/physicalist by an stretch, so it isnā€™t a refusal to ā€œbelieveā€, as such - just an understanding of the market that doesnā€™t accommodate the idea.

But I appreciate your compliments, rrram. :wink: I have done some hard work to achieve what I know and what Iā€™ve earned. Everyone is different, but there arenā€™t many who can claim genuine, lasting success as a trader who have not put forth a lot of time and effort.

I just bought a g/c leader.

And yes, there were some very good pips to be made. The ride down this morning was great; from 212.02 took off half @ ~210.51, the other half back at 211 (this is the part where I missed the ride up). Then short again from 211.45 to 210.90, and then another 30 pips up from 211.10 to 211.40. Now Iā€™m flat; and am actually going to contribute to the lack of liquidity by vacationing this weekend and next week. Elijah will have to find someone else to take the other side of his longs. :smiley:

Ha ha haā€¦ That was easy. I just sold it for +15 after the -9 spread I had to pay. Perfect scalp.:smiley:

That was more of a price move in 2 minutes than most days this week have had all day.:smiley:

I will try to find another leader on that pair if this candle drops back to where it was when I bought.

If you stay flat in the market next week, try not to stay too flat at BP. I understand if you do. A real vacation would be nice. If I had one, I would be flat at BP for a week if given the choice.


I just bought another g/c leader. I will try not to scalp it if it moves way up again. Maybe it will have a huge gap open next week and I will either sell or buy more depending on the gap.

Sinking like a rock now. I already picked up my second long. Is there some fundie sentiment I am missing? I am not keeping up with news right now. I donā€™t even know where the DOW is. I havenā€™t checked in a few hours. I am going to go find out now. Fridays at these levels are career enders in NY. I am missing the excitement. I am going to go check it out now.

It looks like we wonā€™t see the 10Kā€™s today.

I like this g/c movement. Reminds me of the guppy good ole days.

Tag, your it.

Iā€™m with ya on that one :slight_smile:

Got some more at just under 2.02.

I wonā€™t go long the guppy unless she gets back to the mid 210ā€™s ā€¦ but this one looks yummy.

what will we do? who will analyze the guppy for us??

Well have fun whatever you are doing & come back fresh & ready to filet some serious guppy.

We will miss you.

Be conservative with the g/c longs. The cable is still ā€œoverboughtā€ IMO. We could be in for a ride. But yes, this is yummy.:slight_smile:

The swissy is ā€œoverboughtā€ too compared to the dollar. Both currencies on this pair are at the same levels compared to the usd. I can see why you guys like this pair too. It has the volatile nature of the guppy. So when the guppy is doing nothing, you can see if there is a trade on this pair.

Yes, overall I want to stay short the G-Swissy but I think she is good for a bounce from here since GBP got within 45 pips of the 2.0 and didnā€™t make it, I am guessing it will have to tag it early next week, maybe even Sunday night and that should cause a pop in the G-Swissy as well. And I have several small positions so plan to take profit along the way.

BTW how many posts do you need for the Superior level in BP? Is it 600 or 500 ā€¦ wondering if I am getting close.
Congrats to Andrew who became a Master this week ā€¦ well deserved :slight_smile:

Yep :slight_smile: :wink: