Get 1000 - 3000 pips monthly with me

send me the info at <[email protected]>

<[email protected]>


i dont know why i can t see you in my list.can you addme please
<[email protected]>
thank you

Was just woundering if you can add me. Alot of people have requested to be added on and no one has said anything that is not working, so it must be good signals. :slight_smile:

My yahoo ID is: mash200079

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Can anyone comment on the signals they are receiving? Are you doing well with them?

add me 2 please
<[email protected]>

Could you please add me at viciouzreddragon @

Also since I am newb can someone explain what “Tp” is.

Could you please add me at mydolittle @


For those of you who are signed up, around what time do you get the signals?

Yes, what time do u guys receive signals and when was the last one received

Please add me:

<[email protected]>

Thank you.


I am starting to follow his trades and give a exact detail for the month starting jan 25.


Jan 25-Feb 19

Unfortunaltly he had a bad month so far and did not meet his monthly quota

Trade #

95= Not activated (did not meet entry point)
96= +50
97= +80
98= +50
99= +30
100= +30
101= -100
102= +30
103= +70
104= -80
105= Not activated (did not meet entry point)
106= -70

107= +50
108= never activated
109= +50
110= -100
111= -100
112= +50
113= +50
114= +50
115= +45
116= -100
117= +50
118= never activated
119= -100
120= -100
121= never activated
122= -100

Total so far
Negative -165 pips

Negative -165 pips

I’ve never even got his emails or msgs so I don’t even know what trade numbers your talking about.

Making 1000-3000 pips in a day is just impossible if you say making 1000-3000 pips in a month I can accept. Because making money in this market is not an easy task.


[B]M1234[/B] : please dont follow my signals and trade yourself :wink:


his signals are through yahoo messnger and
he posts on this website also.

Not sure if link will show below because babypips might not allow it

Get 1000 - 3000 pips monthly with me - Page 79 - CariGold Forum

beside he had a bad month anyway
Negative -165 pips

Yes, the usual rough patches now and again…hopefully you guys werent over leveraged.

please add me to your list writetodavis


Signal Hit!!!

tp hitted!!!