Get 1000 - 3000 pips monthly with me

TP Hited …

Any hint to how your coming up with all these orders? Do you plan on diverging your system or are you bound by some legal agreement?

Number : 12
BuyStop GbpUsd at 1.5100

tp = 50
sl = 100

Number : 13
BuyStop EurJpy at 122.90

tp = 40
sl = 60

what timeframe are you using?

Hi, Was just wondering why there have been no updated posts here for a couple of weeks. Just joined you YM list, so maybe something thru there.
Looking forward to seeing what the signals can produce.
Gonna try the signals on my 2nd live account for .01 lots 1st to see how it goes.
Regards in Advance,

Sorry, forgot one question.:confused:
What time of the day do you trade (or post signals)? Just so I can coordinate my times from this end.

WOW, Looks like there will be a Santa in the neighborhood this year after all. Though I still favor the EUR/YEN, I must say that the EUR/USD alone gave me over 900 pips last week and GBP/USD gave me1400 plus. Grand total for the week was 3147 pips. Not bad for a 6 month newbie??? I agree! I have a great system now using two different sets of software simultainiously, each with only 2 pairs, atleast 2 charts per pair and the only common link to all the charts are the candles. I see moves as they develop and my entry points tend to be 30 to 45 seconds into the second candle depending on overbought/oversold conditions. I love my coach… I am a highschool misfit ready to apply for disability because of an auto accident when I was 17. I live in a trailer. Not for long I say, not for long. My question is, If you found something along the way that works and you’ve thrown your money into the market rather than into someone else’s hands, haven’t you paid your dues enough? I guess I’m fortunate enough in life to atleast have what I have because I have never been married and have no children… and I am a heterosexually oriented guy still hangin out for the right one at age 40. I guess a bit of a mamma’s boy, but who doesn’t love their mother. Not asking!!!, generalizing. I’ve thrown money at a micro account and watched as a combination of freezing software and variable trades that went from 1.3 when I got in stretch to 23.3 when I wanted to get out… Now… I have been financially raped by my broker, the market, or circumstance (which I doubt) quite long enough and have filed a complaint with their compliance dept. and expect to hear from tomorrow. If not… I have a phone number, and I know a few good attorneys. Here, nor there.
I just wanted to be a ray of light and hope. That’s all my life has ever aspired to, not for just one person, not for just one race or nationality, not for greed or love of money or attention, not hope of recourse, but because I see a need for love in this world that has to come from this world to help those who need help, whatever that help may be. Whether it be a fresh water well to be dug for a community somewhere in Africa or a computer lab for an elementary education program. I see a need for a foundation. I see a need. I see a need in many things locally. A race-blind legal system in my own community would be a nice thing to see as well, but I’m not sure, even with current political events that this will ever happen here, which is partially why I feel I must leave eventually. I am from a seed that draws ties to Native American ancestry but have know way to prove this due to the dignity of a woman’s reputation. Still, I see a need. I don’t know how to be anything but me anymore and being me has made a difficult road of the journey ahead and I know that if I am meant to make the journey I have been preparing for, it must happen soon. I am no saviour, nor am I a saint, but I see a need and I don’t know anyone else who can fill it.

Dude, I agree, I think he’s been already. A lot of pips racked up on your side! But what about the last pair? Which other 1 you trading? What TF? I’m Droppin this dope system on 1m scalps that’s just cleanin up on GBPUSD & USDZAR. Maybe we can exchange systems and really just take the whole market for a ride… I haven’t got 2 software packs runnin, but 2 monitors. I just love poppin my head back n forth. Indicators are : a disco style groovy sma/ema cross setup with volume. A coupla news reports (just to stay in touch) and a pivot confirmation formation that will blow your socks off!Tryin to pick the long term long/short but it’s just so much more fun grabbin those little cheeky buggers every 15 or 20 mins… . Madly clickin that mouse till it burns out. Who cares? Pippage… Pippage is the key and this system is takin care of that.It’s really like a tennis game where I can ace the market almost everytime.Sorry to hear about your accident. But as always, just keep on keepin on.Not to make this thread too personal but we have a little bit in common. Less than ideal upbring. Desire to break away…Small ramshackle country existence.Desire to see things right in our life times. It won’t happen. While ever politics plays a part in assembling the masses and blinding them with propaganda and unfounded fears,it will not happen. Yellow alert, orange alert, red alert. What is that for a nation of people? Might as well sound the air raid sirens when a ‘suspicious looking’ person doesn’t stop at the lights. Or when someone puts their bag down next to a bin, to buy a newspaper.We can’t fight it or help it, just do what we do. There is a theory of ‘the 100 monkeys syndrome’. Once a certain proportion of the population learn a particular behavior, that behavior becomes instinctive… All we can do, as individuals, is just put it out there… I don’t quite know what else to say (or do). I’ve never thought about diggin wells or feedin the poor. Just myself really. Can’t wait to pip it to the max and buy myself a 2 bedroom apartment. Maybe a car as well. Dreams man, Dreams. That’s the key to the Higher Self.With that ticker tickin away, like it does, and catchin the market on the good side of the bed all the time, how can we complain? Here we come to financial freedom. oh. Don’t forget early retirement.
If you have been preparing for the journey and the signs present themselves in an agreeable fashion, then go. Like they say in matrix. ‘take the red pill or take the blue pill’. Neo made his choice and almost saved the world. Pretty good adventure…
Anyways, Let’s share what we have and live our Dreams.Gotta fly, Last minute shop so the kids can believe in the make believe.
Merry Xmas
Maybe I’ll buy a beard n red hat n scare the pants of em. Just like when I was young!

Thanks to LungFish for your words. Atlast someone understands my perspective.

Happy Holidays and, as always, Good Pippin.

Forex market is not the dear of Santa he moves. This market is most of the times uncertain. Once it happened with me because of over confidence. When i used to trade with AVAFX my online broker. I put a trade opposite to the market. And it took a huge dip that day and i was let with 40 percent of my deposited amount. From that time i started trading with cautious. Most of the tips and analysis are provided by my broker and they specify a line at the bottom. Be cautious the market can turn without any news.

Hi Guys
please add my YM , because i haven’t enogh time for posting.
i send my signals from yahoo messenger.
have good time

YM : [B]vvin32[/B]

past week Profit: +420 pip

Happy New Year

Past week : [B]+110[/B] pip profit

so why not teach us how to fish instead of just handing us fish??

sounds like you want to get a bunch of people on board to follow sigs then start charging for them. if you are soooo generous, tell everyone how you are making the pips


Because its impossible from net, i can just send my signals.

I’ll be happy to get the signals from you as long as it does what you have described in your posts…i have also added you in yahoo my yahoo is fxtoddler…
Looking forward to your signals…:slight_smile:

its not stoped yet