Giving up the pipe dream of making a living in Forex

If you, not-so-jolly roger, and the other one or two who agree with you are so unhappy with the main contributors on this forum you are always free to go elsewhere. Either that or start posting something constructiveā€¦and donā€™t forget to show some proof of your capabilities

And neither do they claim to PipNRoll.
But with all due respects, heā€™s not wrong is he.

And if he is wrong then obviously any or all of you 3 guys can very easily make him eat his words by producing a verified track record showing a consistently profitable balance :slight_smile:

I am not exactly sure why this is all about on the three of us. Did we do something wrong? Did we solicited anyone on here? Or maybe we rub the wrong ego and accidentally stepping on someoneā€™s toes? We are not claiming anythingā€¦ We are not selling anything! You guys might be barking the wrong tree. I did post myfxbook this year with 60% profit and I close myfxbook because there is no use for me to " flag" it. I even lay out that I am making progress with 3 years of experience in my belt. I didnā€™t mention any excessive claims and that I am still looking to learn moreā€¦

You guys who always ask for proof and myfxbook and it sounds like this is the only " credibility" that you are looking for so please show us how you trade and what strategy you useā€¦

Again, with all due respect, I think you guys are barking the wrong treeā€¦

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canā€™t speak for everyone but it was only emerald i am slightly dubious about. but since im not a regular in his thread or anything i havenā€™t bothered to ask him to verify any claims as it doesnā€™t effect me.

I think I am missing something here. So you are a bigshot on FF and you lurk babypips for a while and make an account only to cause trouble and harass other users you perceive to be bigshots.

Oh yeah, that makes so much sense! and whatā€™s your end goal if I may ask?

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Nobody is barking up any tree PipNRoll :slight_smile:

You kind of add yourself right into the mix by simply replying nearly every time this subject matter raises its head across various threads on the forum. Then PipMeHappy usually tags along on your skirt hems & gp00053 is generally thererabouts somewhere, hence the spotlight.

But not to worry, you guys arenā€™t the focus of the subject matter anyway.

A picure saying more then 1703 great motivational post ,AMEN

Judging by the post above mine you donā€™t have any excessive claims to boast of anyway, which kind of confirms double 6ā€™s comments of earlier.

Given the fact youā€™re not cutting out a profitable groove by now having absorbed everything this place has to offer what makes you think youā€™re going to learn anything else worth applying from the long standing contributors here?

Perhaps if youā€™d asked the 2 questions below a couple months after landing on Babypips your journey might have been somewhat less arduous & much more time efficient.

Thereā€™s a smart way to achieve something & thereā€™s a hard way to achieve something & usually in this business whenever you choose the latter it invariably leads to frustration & disappointment!

ps: only 1 person out of all you lot who have been butting heads with double 6, compact & Thalia have sussed out why theyā€™re [B][U]really[/U][/B] making such a big deal about this verification issue & more importantly, why theyā€™re trying to encourage you to even challenge these dorks in the first place.

Instead of wasting your time fighting them, just stop & think about [B][U]who[/U][/B] would want to encourage you to challenge them & [B][U]who[/U][/B] would benefit in the long run!! (& thatā€™s a [B]BIG[/B] clue) :slight_smile:

OK Dan, Iā€™m thinkingā€¦ thinkingā€¦looking for the clueā€¦AHA! got itā€¦

The Who | Official Site

This is year 2013. I was talking about this year 2014. Look guys I donā€™t have anything to prove. Like I said, I am only been trading 3 years on my beltā€¦ I am still on the learning stage but that doesnā€™t mean I am not allowed to post or share my experiencesā€¦

I apologies if I rub the wrong egos around here. Thanks.

I have never made the claim of being a profitable Forex trader. Would you like to see my investment portfolio? I have a few dozen solid blue chip stocks, an international ETF, and a bond fund. Not too exciting, but it gets the job done.

I didnā€™t mean to imply that you three were the worst offenders here on BabyPips. I am not privvy enough to whoā€™s who here yet to call them out. You three were simply the first ones to barrel into my thread.

You more than anybody would most definitely have benefitted from asking those 2 questions right off the bat!! :wink:

And it appears that as soon as you distanced yourself from one unnecessarily restrictive straightjacket, you voluntarily wrapped yourself back into another one.
Itā€™s not an entirely unsurprising development because we see this behaviour trait very regularly, but you seem to possess a little more common sense than the average forum participant which makes it all the more strange to witness.
Still, like i said in my prior post, thereā€™s the easy way & thereā€™s the hard way.

What is the most common mistake retail traders make & continue to repeat time & time again, even when prompted not to do so by seasoned traders (providing theyā€™re lucky enough to rub shoulders with one or more of them) & their [U]broker reps[/U]?

Here is myfxbook ā€¦ Filipina System by Filipina | Myfxbook

It is not pretty but I made ā€œsomeā€ profits for this year. I stop trading this account just to lock in my profits.
I open this myfxbook along with my thread

301 Moved Permanently.

Its a working progress and improvementā€¦

Pip, Iā€™d say the apologies are not due from you.

Iā€™m surprised at Torulf, there is little I can add, Torulf I have met you elsewhere, that is not your style.

Pip, the other guys have been here a while, I agree with them re the marketeers - in truth the way to combat marketeers is by discussing our own real market experience, the things that work, the things that didnā€™t - maybe how we view whatā€™s up ahead, maybe posting - 'guys watch out , this looks suss ā€¦ and so on.

Iā€™d say that maybe why I detest this type of thread most, I see members who I instinctively know have much to give, the reason they have much to give is because often they have received much.

The title of this thread is negative so it is not conducive to learning, thus I bow out.

They have received much, but what do they have to show for it? A few pixels on their screen and a number next to their username that ticks ever-upward?

The title is only negative insofar as it goes against the grain. My intentions are not to create a vitriolic environment or insult others. I play devils advocate and break the sanctity of the echo chamber. Many WWW forum goers (especially newcomers to trading) need a little boost before they begin to think for themselves and question what they see. Unlike others here I will not be banning those who disagree with me from my thread.

might want to rethink that little slipup.

Thanks Mr. Peterma! I agreeā€¦ :slight_smile:

This discussion is going no whereā€¦have funā€¦

Seriously Peter, I would have thought by now after everything youā€™ve witnessed & observed both here & elsewhere you would know there really isnā€™t that much to give!

You wrongly assume we know things you donā€™t & what that we know will offer you more than you currently have.
That aha moment you think you need is right there & has been ever since you decided to explore this endeavor further. The trouble is you underestimate its power & continually ignore it in favor of everything else you do!! :slight_smile:

What is the most common mistake retail traders make & continue to repeat time & time again, even when prompted not to do so by seasoned traders (providing theyā€™re lucky enough to rub shoulders with one or more of them) & their broker reps?

This discussion could very well be the most important one youā€™ve involved yourself in since arriving here.

Nah, Dan.

Not that I think I know it all, far from it, the truth is I have forgotten a lot, but I am thankful for what it is that I currently have.

Again, this is what bugs me - I have been around the block, I have lost and gained, the reality is there is little you could tell me that I havenā€™t come across already (Iā€™m not being a smart alec)

What bugs me big time, is there are guys here who pretend to protect what they call ā€˜newbiesā€™, but they give so damn little other than this special protection ā€¦ grrrrr