…just posting this as a public service… I don’t know
whether it works in all cases or not… but this avoids
access to the various DNS services which, in turn,
avoids some redirection, etc…
[…incorrect info removed…]
[MAJOR-EDIT] I removed incorrect information. Indeed, if
you are able to follow the instructions, then you can access
1broker.com from a U.S. IP address. HOWEVER… in the
case of Windows you will face a couple of minor hurdles
in changing your hosts file… Firstly, here’s a screenshot of
access to 1broker.com using the hosts modification, and then
I will explain the minor hurdles you need to jump through…
I just want to explain what’s happening here. You want to
edit your “hosts” file. First of all, it has no “file extension”
so you won’t be able to use Windows notepad to edit it, as
it is fairly dumb as concerns needing a file extension. My
recommendation: get Notepad++ from this site.
It is a safe, open source editor which is better in all respects
than simple Windows notepad…
Another issue is that “hosts” is considered a “system file”,
and so Windows appropriately “cloaks” this file from the
naive user. You want to change your Windows Files and
Folders view to NOT hide any system files, and also to show
all “file extensions” of all files…
Then even knowing this, you may try to navigate using
Windows Explorer to the specific location of your “hosts”
file… but find that it seems NOT to be there !! It is there,
of course, but being “hidden” from you…
The specific path to the “hosts” file, which you should open
in Notepad++ (but firstly, run Notepad++ “as administrator”)
by entering the full path:
That will open the file. Then follow the instructions shown
above to enter this entry on a single new line. I use a
TAB to separate the two:
“ 1broker.com”
that space between the two should be a TAB character,
I think… but spaces may also work.
Then you need to SAVE the file, and the system could complain
that it can’t do that since privileges may be required. Notepad++
can “reboot” itself into privileged mode, but you’ll just need
to try that…
Once you have the “hosts” file changed… Whew !!! Then
you can ping 1broker.com and you will get a ping response
from a Windows Command Prompt. More importantly, if
you enter http://1broker.com into a web browser like Firefox,
you will get through to the image above, which I posted,
EVEN from a U.S. originating IP address…
Sorry this seems complex but, hey, you learned a little bit
about the local hosts file on your Windows system; and of
course the same technique would work on Linux, etc…
[EDIT] unless you make this change in your “hosts” file,
you will be unable to use a browser. If you enter
in the absence of making a change to the hosts file,
then you will get a malformed http request related error,
and CloudFlare will popup a page which will completely
confuse you… You must make the change in your local
hosts file, and then it should work !.. Geez ! lol
[EDIT-final] Please don’t mess up your local hosts file…
Get some help if you have any doubts…
[EDIT-one-more] Here are some entries you may wish
to make in your hosts files, as I did: 1broker.com evolve.markets coinexx.com finprotrading.com 1fox.com turnkeyforex.com