Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Friend of mine just opened a new account (from USA IP) today with crypto rocket and funded it too. No problem with crypto rocket from what my friend is saying. Talked with them on the phone. They called him to see if he needed anything. Crypto Rocket called me last year when I opened a account with crypto rocket too.

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yeah i just open an account with them using my friend computer from an U.S. ip address everything went smooth, and yes i do have a live account with them already but just wanted to confirm what you said.

EDIT: they do confirm on live chat they no longer accept U.S. residents so they should be remove from our list

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Email to CryptoRocket support —

CryptoRocket has replied that “a ticket has been created”.

Waiting for further info.


Just told me in a chat that they (CryptoRocket ) DOES NOT accept USA clients anymore…

Said that existing clients can stay and continue to trade… They were resistant to tell me that for some reason

Reply from CryptoRocket support —

I received this reply a little over an hour ago.

CryptoRocket reply - 1
CryptoRocket reply - 2


In large part because of this thread, I’m sure. I am no expert, so I wonder how likely it would be that US traders would actually be welcomed back at a later time.


Dang, they sounded great… So sad to hear.

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CryptoRocket :+1: :+1: :+1: wish you guys the best

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sound like their growth came from non U.S. traders and they no longer need the U.S. market

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We could likely speculate, either way.

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if their growth came from the U.S. market why stop serving that market, doesn’t make business sense

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Hi Clint,
Thank you for reaching out to Crypto Rocket and obtaining such a full reply. Love this forum!

I have done a bit of work around compliance of multinational corporations with different governments in the energy, insurance, transportation and legal sectors. In all cases, it has not been a choice of the private companies to actively discourage new members from any country. It is much more likely that, because the US government controls all other countries via exchange of almost everything worth having via the USD, they basically dictate what others must do by making it very awkward for those large corporations (like banks, oil companies, insurance companies, global freight companies) to do business with their own citizens unless it is via their own systems of surveillance. Years ago I worked with American engineers overseas and they were the only nationals (apart from Philippines who adopted US law) to be taxed by their government whilst working wholly abroad. Of course, Crypto Rocket cannot say that in public because it is offensive to Americans. They have a right to vote for a government who would not control them so much, but the last time I looked, neither reds nor blues have any intention of making that happen - in fact, just the opposite.


I am probably not the best person to speak on the matter, but if we assume that US traders bring with them large trading volume, allowing CR to generate substantial revenue, then it would make sense that they would initially allow such things in order to accumulate enough capital to carry out their goal of becoming ‘appropriately regulated’.

Once the numbers make sense, there would no longer be a need to take on new traders from the US, especially if accommodating said traders could deter them in their goal of achieving less freedom.

This is all assuming that their reasoning is honest, as they could very well be blocking US traders to avoid unwanted attention as they continue to grow, with the goal of achieving more freedom.

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A broker gets customers from around the world through world of mouth, marketing, social media etc. This thread is amazing and surely bring customers but that is a very long shot to say large part of the growth came because of one (this) thread.

That would mean the brokerage does a very poor job if their growth comes from a single source where they are not even active. If this thread would be crucial to them, surely they would be active here.


I completely agree. Although the US market is big, the world market is even bigger. If they would not survive without the US market then they would have not chosen to be regulated and turn down US traders.

This must have been a well thought decision where they sacrifised the US market to get more customers from other countries or at least less pressure from the US. Just like any other business, they are not amateurs to turn down business without having good reasons for doing so.


I was speaking in general terms. As you say, word of mouth will likely be the biggest driver since people that are looking for credible information are more inclined to believe other traders that have first-hand experience, and that can speak about those experiences objectively, without some ulterior motive.

Threads like this one contribute heavily to those opinions and provide the kind of data that new traders will be looking for.

But really, it is not important. The point that I was trying to make was that US traders (including with the help of this thread) likely helped contribute to that success in one way or another, yet the decision was still made to deny services to US traders going forward.

This seems like a trivial matter to argue about, really.


what every the reason it was the best decision for their business at this moment. im thankful for the solid brokers we have on our list :smiley:


With Crypto Rocket, sounds to me like the typical crap this thread is all about - because CR is still basically a start-up broker, they are scared of the CFTC threatening them and doing bad things to them because they have US customers. So like they said, they want to get regulated so the CFTC can’t mess with them, like FXChoice and others are on the CFTC’s “hate list” because they are regulated and the CFTC can’t influence them.

so hopefully they will allow US customers again one day, but I’m thinking this is exactly like JAFX and they will make all existing US customers close out their accounts down the road


On a positive note, I did have a chat with Coinexx this morning and they confirmed you can deposit and withdraw via bank wire, which isn’t listed on their website - which is great. my bank won’t do offshore deposits, but withdraws are fine, no clue how much Coinexx charges for that or how long it takes, but it’s still a positive.

Like their spreads, but not their minimum 1.0 lot size for trading indices, but they are still worth getting into.

I’m actually a little more cautious about EagleFX now that Crypto Rocket bailed. thinking both those brokers are basically the same thing, so need to keep an eye on that one too