Going offshore to escape the CFTC


:smile: it seems @smallpaul and his army of these very fresh accounts are out to take down coinexx & turnkeyforex or fx ā€¦ seems like you and ur gang have special feeling for these brokers.

BTW there are other brokers listed in this thread as well whom you seem to ignore & never find faults in. though there are similar complaints about them on the web.

Just wondering which broker do you recommend we should trade with? Will be interesting to know ?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Very interesting - I hope they respond back to my FPA post and provide more information


@tipsypips Thanks for bringing it up


I have been reading this thread for over 2 years and have been active at contributing in it. Over last few months I saw this trend(ever since small Paul and his group of kids joined). Every week I see a slew of new users on this thread who post nothin but bad review about Finpro and coinexx. And its almost like a trend that new users with 0 or 1 posts come to this thread just to support small Paul in his agenda. Its clear and evident that his goal is to simply serve his agenda for negative seo against a very small group of brokers. If he was so active at trading with offshore brokers, why would he have never posted anything about any other broker that we have on the list.

Whats even worse is that NO-ONE else interacts with him or his team members (atleast not the old users of this thread) BUT he keeps making the thread more and more negative everyday. Its almost like, he is turning this thread into his own playground for his own little agenda and negating the hard work done by @Clint nd others. This thread now feels so negative that I donā€™t care of read it as frequently as I did in the past.

Iā€™m sure a lot of brokers can afford to hire a set of seo guys to do negative seo against other brokers. Imagine what this thread will look like if that starts to happen on this thread. I truly hope that this thread remains the holy grail for offshore brokers as it has been for years now.

@smallpaul and team of fresh accounts. WE KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT TURNKEYFX AND ITS GROUP OF BROKERS AND WE KNOW ENOUGH OF WHAT THESE FRESH ACCOUNTS ARE DOING ON THIS THREAD. This thread is for ACUTAL US traders who are bothered by CFTC and looking for good brokers, NOT FOR SEO TEAMS.


im only focus on the brokers i have accounts with

btw in case you didnā€™t know it i was the one who brought up coinexx and turnkey forex to this thread and most traders here was thanking me.

i donā€™t have to post here it donā€™t make no diffrence, babypips is not my life.

Thats probably the 10th time Iā€™ve heard that same thing from you in last three months. I dont think I will miss you much

dude who would miss somebody they donā€™t know, this is a forum come on now :rofl:

Second that!

couldnā€™t agree more, i have to scroll & sift through the posts so check if i have missed out on any posts made by clint, hyper or you

what a shame!

this thread will be fine, we can all move on and get out of our feelings. i do think itā€™s important that we donā€™t only show the good side of brokers but show when they do bad things, as far as agendas most post here from the regulars are always posting about how good there brokers is and get mad when someone post bad about that broker. so yeah there might be agendas here already.

EDIT: Lets move on

I really appreciate when people share factual data. Hyperscalperā€™s technical breakdowns are very useful. This includes the latency, spreads, and details of infrastructure. Also, examples like X brokerā€™s spreads widened to Y at Z time when news was released help a lot.
The list at the beginning of this thread is gold for those of us in the US.

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I have an infrastructure so I can use all of the brokers in our
list simultaneously. But itā€™s way easier to develop a relationship
with a couple of them only.

I canā€™t be bothered dealing with a range of brokers, each with
their own deposit/withdrawal procedures, etcā€¦ So I am
reducing my diversification just to simplify my life.

So [lack of] comments on the lesser used brokers, doesnā€™t mean
thereā€™s anything wrong with them; it is more a matter of
practicality. I am less interested in supporting them all than
I am in having one or two that I use almost exclusively.

I donā€™t want to put ā€œall my eggs in one basketā€ but, since I
"layer on top of" (through the NJ4X framework) MT4/MT5,
I feel confident I can move brokers, but only if absolutely

[EDIT] My main criteria are 1) commission and spread costs,
2) reliability and 3) ease of funds transfer and 4) minimizing
the impact of regulatory "over-reach of the Nanny State"
which is the ā€œraison dā€™etreā€ of this thread, as the French
would sayā€¦



I am just posting a link to a possible business structure
which may facilitate a trading business. How to STOP !

Just an idea of the possible scope of such structuresā€¦

No further commentā€¦


Hoping anyone with a similar situation can help me. as we all know that offshores donā€™t send a tax form, so for sometime now i havenā€™t really been accounting whatever little i made from trading as "trading profits, primarily cos wasnā€™t really sure how will IRS treat earnings from an offshore broker.

But my situation has changed off late. Have made a windfall trading profit so to speak and it looks like my reporting will be different this year. So iā€™m wondering, if i report these trading profits, will it get in trouble with IRS cos there will be no 1099 corresponding to those profits?

May seem like a silly question but any insight will help. Thanks

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google traders tax and your find all the info you need

You are required to report ALL income to IRS, whether or not there is a 1099B, Misc;, etc.
So, yes, you should report trading gains. How many do if not being independently reported?
Wouldnā€™t want to guess.

Speak with an accountant.

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best advice




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Everything you need is in your trade journal P&L on MT4. Run a report and give it to your tax accountant. Itā€™s very simple. Make sure they understand the nature of your trade accounts so they are sure to handle all of the FATCA compliance nonsense.

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On the subject of withdrawals- In my opinion, the 48 hour processing window is BS. Evolve processes withdrawals in minutes and at worst a couple of hours. They provide a BTC wallet with a fixed ID and their back office system makes the others look like clunky amateurs.

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Regarding withdrawals, I agree. I see many brokers opting to use a ā€˜manualā€™ withdrawal process, presumably, to mitigate potential issues with software errors, exploits and abuse etcā€¦, but as you say, a few hours seems reasonable. I would be curious to see just how many withdrawal requests are processed for each broker in a 24-hour period, though.