Going offshore to escape the CFTC

No problem. Sorry for not being more clear. I think that it is important to reiterate the points that you have made and provide that clarification as most, new-to-offshore traders will likely have concerns relating to those things.

Last call

ā€¦ for a vote UP or DOWN on whether to designate LQDFX as a Trusted Broker

  • If you have an opinion on this question, and
  • If you have not previously cast your vote,

ā€¦ then please vote today, Friday, April 17.

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Still waiting on ach deposit to coinbase so I can fund LQDFX. With Coinbase, use a debit card and pay 4% or do ACH and wait a week. Both options suck.

Does anyone know if brokers allow you to transfer to another brokerā€™s crypto address? Wouldnā€™t see why not right, itā€™s anonymous.

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Is everyone losing faith in Coinexx now? Iā€™ve been hesitant to fund that account again because of the ā€œsecurity updateā€ problem they had plus the widening spreads (especially at close). Then also hearing more and more how itā€™s taking over 48hrs to receive payment. Itā€™s starting to sound like brokers like TW are far more reliable.


Youā€™d think a few of these brokers had that option. I feel like Iā€™ve heard about it before, but canā€™t remeber which broker. Maybe it was Coinexx themselves lol

Been with TW since 2015, they have never given me a reason to even consider leaving. I only use other brokers to mitigate risk. Some brokers spreads are a little tighter, some withdrawals are a bit faster, but spreads are definitely thin enough and 48 hour withdrawal from request to being in my bank account is quick enough for me.

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I transfer from broker to broker often. That said, I donā€™t transfer huge amounts. The safest place for your crypto is your own wallet.


Yeah I hear ya. I have no problem with the 48 hr wait time either. Iā€™m just curious, do all brokers widen their spreads at the end of the daily session as much as Coinexx?

Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m going to make TW my main broker.

Yes, I thought you could. Actually, safest place for my money is my FDIC insured bank account. Reason I was asking is Iā€™m funding a new broker and waiting a week for my ach at coinbase. Iā€™m thinking I couldā€™ve just transferred a little from each of my other brokers directly to lqdfx.
Iā€™ve also found out coinbase is FDIC insured on your usd wallet. So my strategy now is 50% of my capital in bank, 15% in coinbase(for any emergency margin requirements) and 35% spread over 5 brokers (7% each)

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NO. Sure, itā€™s a hassle when the server IP is changed,
and password change on server is required.

But they still offer the best deal in Forex, as far as I know.


Yes, for the most part all ECN brokers will have untradable spreads
on rollover.

Just the other day I was doing manual trading with MT4, and using Stops,
something I really donā€™t do very often. When rollover came, I was Stopped
Out of my positions at horrible prices.

Of course I was since broker Long stops trigger at BID price, and that
is when they widen. Of course I knew that, but just wasnā€™t paying attention
since, like I said, I donā€™t usually manually manage Stops. [edit]ā€¦and brokerage
server stops have this unfortunate behavior that they trigger Long at the
BID, no matter whatā€¦ LOL :flushed:



The response to my call for votes on the LQDFX Trusted Broker question has been underwhelming,
to say the least.

But, the few responses I have gotten were all positive ā€“ voting to designate LQDFX as a Trusted Broker.

To those of you who did respond, thank you :sunglasses:

Based on this small ā€“ but 100% positive ā€“ response, I will add the Trusted Broker designation to the LQDFX listing in Group 1, and I will edit the Historical Notes at the bottom of post #1 accordingly.

Congratulations to ā€”

LQDFX (The Marshall Islands) ā€” Trusted Broker tick_circle


thank you, base on them being around for awhile and most reviews have been positive with always paying withdrawals they deserve the trusted broker status


Thank for the responses fellas. Whatā€™s with the price the price difference in crude between the two brokers? WTI is 18.09 on TW and Coinexx is 25.20. Is that normal to happen between different brokers?

Liquidity may vary. Part of it may also depend on what you are trading. As an example, here is SPX on CryptoRocket (5 min chart):

Here is USDJPY on Coinexx and CryptoRocket (both 5 min chart):



Honestly, with CryptoRocket, I never see the spreads widen on SPX, even at session close.


hello, does anyone have any tips on how to deposit through crypto with these brokers that donā€™t accept tether without losing a lot of money though the transaction due to the price change of bitcoin ?

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what broker do you wanna deposit with, there are other stable coins you can use with brokers on our list.

you can use the less volatility crypto like litecoin or ether


I use USDC with Tradersway. Pegged to the dollar.

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With coinexx I am using USDC
I read up in the conversation that I can use usdT with fxchoice . But some brokers like LQDFX donā€™t have options for such.

Also update on previous , I was able to set up an account with ic markers with my foreign passport lol but I donā€™t believe I can make deposits because my bank account is in the us. If I deposit through crypto l, their withdrawal options are only bank so it doesnā€™t work out for me .