Going offshore to escape the CFTC

What did? I haven’t heard of a single person having problems.

re-read…late edit

Do you tear up the check or cash it…

brave…you do not hear much do you?

Advertisement the other day on TV. Do you have offshore bank account problems…well contact 1 800 we get you out of trouble .com. I have been seeing this add pop up on more than one channel.


The UBS case was a major instance of tax evasion. This has been a crime ever since taxes were introduced. Those account holders were brought on trial for evading taxes, not for having accounts overseas. Those are two critically different things.

The scenario that I cite is an example how us unfortunate USA residents who insist on opening offshore Forex accounts will be treated.

Be careful…you will not be able to escape if there is enough funding to enforce this Dodd-Frank thing…but fortunatley we are facing a depression and there may be no funding…you might get lucky…

Anyways most of you do not declare your forex Profits (there is not many of you that make a profit anyways)…but there is enough dollars to go after it in general…be careful


Let’s not get overly hypothetical. Gary Gensler may likewise proclaim himself the Hitler of our time. The sky may fall. Obama may become a Republican. Too many “may”. I would rest my judgement solely upon the current facts.

Who loses if your wrong? Traders do you really want to take this chance considering the negative environment this is for US Residents? Know and understand what you are getting yourself into. You cannot plead innocence or that you are a victim…

You can trade in the US…Just get use to having larger balances and hope that the new US regulation protects you and does not give a license to steal to the US brokers…as it always has.

Rememebr derivitives and leveraged instruments is bad…bad…bad…in the USA…Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are ok though…shhheeeesh


You and I, and many others like us.

It’s funny you and I seem to agree about so much :slight_smile:


Be assured that the US becomes more socialistic over time. There is no “if” about it. Just how quick it develops. I do not say it will become a hyper socialistic republic, but I am already in a stage to take action against that development.

The USA is taking on its OWN BRAND of socialism…no other countries in the world are trying out what Obama envisions…No matter how much FOX news yells and screams…the CNBC’s of the world will support the Obama machine.

anyways, I am straying offtopic once again…scuse’ me

shheesh…all this preaching that I am doing and I am still a junior member here…lol…I have more experience than the Forex Women here…


I can’t imagine the US becoming more socialistic than most Western European states already are (Germany, the Scandinavian countries etc). Yet they don’t even attempt to impose any restrictions on the retail Forex market.

“As for the USSA (the United Soviet States of America), there’s still one thing our Russian rivals didn’t have in the 80’s - free elections.”

The free elections part.

Did everyone see that article about the 6 fake democrats running in that election? If you really really want, I can find the link. Somewhere on digg.com I think.

Amusing, 'eh?


ElectricSavant, you need to update your avatar …

…before the Green Police come for you —

That in the ez there is no action against it has one reason: Fx is still currently not as popular for investments for retail traders as in the US. Plus people over here are more risk averse. If fx is becoming something like an issue, then they will take action as well. They even don’t need to worry regarding the US, because ppl can not flee to there to get better options.

The point is: DC is a big enclave of socialism. And socialism is like a virus. It makes deadly sick and infects others. There is no question if any party like the gop saves the country. They will go the way of opportunism as well. Just a matter of time. The key to this path lies in the people. If a majority shows with he election of Obama that they have no clue about politics, then I know what will happen in the future. DC will go for cheap promises and the ppl will believe in that.

I’m sorry to write that, but it’s better to know what will happen than not, even if it’s not bringing heaven on earth. The last 60 years were a rather prosperous time for the western world, because people were aware what value lies in fighting for peace. That slowly fades. It’s like with the markets: It can not only go up all the time …

That’s why I suggest to look for having an entity in a tax haven. Look back in this thread how much energy was invested by you, Clint and others to flee from the regulations. But the socialists follow and after every step you make they make another one and a half as well to make it harder for you.

Well, 50:1 is a problem as will be the 25:1 or 10:1 that may eventually become the new norm, which is why I was hopeful someone had compiled a list of reputable overseas brokers that do not have a US presence.
From what I’ve been reading, I suppose even those brokers will find it wise to not open accounts for persons living in the US for fear that those connections would constitute a “presence”.

Now that was funny…you got a chuckle out of me…


Yes, that with own brand might be true. However, socialism makes sick like a virus. Does it really matter if it becomes just cholera or the pest? This virus is spreading around the world and infects any weak countries. Better to prepare for it than to wait for it coming and then wondering what happened. Because there are a log of signals that it is inevitable. Right?


I am onboard. It took a while for me to see this. I have NEVER been a fear inspired poster and have never spread that type of message…Just check my posts. I have used the same handle for a decade at several websites.

I thought that certain things would NEVER happen in the USA, just to have my dreams shattered and fences crossed with the recent decisions. I still cannot believe that I might be alive to see all this change. A whole generation of people have failed our children…they know not what they do now.

We have a president that is at war with Wall Street and business. He tears down everything that he can and defends it with…“they are the ones that destroyed America”…We need change and hope he says…so doing everything opposite of what we know is what he believes. That is about as stupid as reversing trades in a losing system.

Central Planning has never worked and will not work in the USA. At least the libertarian party stands for smaller gov’t, but they will never have a president here (notice the word never…:slight_smile:).

It is going to take some getting used to…having a government that does not listen to the will of the people and marches to its own drum-beat. But I am not a rebel by nature…I was when I was younger, but not now. This is why I have caved in and stopped trading spot-forex. I apologize in advance to the soldiers here in this thread and I am on your side…I just have too much to lose if I were made an example of.

Clint TY for this thread and rallying the community together to form the list of dealers. I just want the users of this list to understand FIRST what they are doing, then to decide what they will do. Good Luck to those of you (or your entities) that are taking the CHANCE to trade Forex offshore while residing in the USA. [I]The USA is becoming an embarrassing set of initials…just now some states want their own currency (Virginia)…nothing united about that!..Texas last year wanted to split from the USA and form their own country…will history repeat itself? Will we have Civil War II ?? [/I]


ES, if TX will depart from the socialistic republic of the US, I am in the right place, lol.

Regarding rebels: Rebels are there for dying as statute example where the majority applauds for the leaders. Rebels may get their time when the majority disagrees with their leaders. I do not see this time coming soon. Right now it all goes the other way. Hope, yea. That’s like hope in a losing trade price comes back. That is what Obama promised. However, it seems we both know what we are talking about and we both know what we have to do. I’m not talking about digging a hole and climbing in. Just the opposite. Stay light on your feet. You have a great time! :slight_smile:

Check out Forex Magnates report that the SEC is extending ‘forex trading permission’ for another year to allow for a ‘thorough review’. Apparently, the authors of the Dodd-Frank bill were unaware that stock traders use the Foreign Exchange when trading stocks!