Going offshore to escape the CFTC

many times, unfortunately I’m in NY with NY bitlicense regulations :hot_face:, Binance US is also another new option.

Yeah, Binance US is a no go in my state.

How was that free trial? Is it basically just a shortened version of the full challenge? Same trading rules that the challenge has and you can monitor your progress? Seems the simple solution, basically like demo trading until you are certain your algorithm/style of trading works within the rules of FTMO

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The free trial is the same as the challenge, except it is shorted to 14 days (I believe). Metrics can be tracked, similar to challenge.

Yes, the free trial is on demo, but so is the funded account. This is why they emphasize not using a strategy that is only profitable in demo, that is not profitable under real-life conditions. Most people shouldn’t have to worry about this, though.

There is no limit to how many free trials you can have, so hearing that people are failing multiple challenges in a row just gives further credence to this idea that many traders are not prepared.

just sounds to me like a lot of people take the challenge first (live trade), without the trial (demo trade) - just like in real life, so not surprising the majority of challenge takers fail, just like the majority of live forex traders fail.

Demo trading is laughed at (even in this thread) but it’s a vital part of learning how to trade. Sounds like the FTMO challenge traders just see $$$ in their eyes and jump into the challenge, only to find that their personal strategy doesn’t work. Hence, take the 14 day free trial first.

EDIT: and by “doesn’t work” I mean doesn’t fit the FTMO challenge rules


I’m going to knock out the challenge starting tomorrow. I have vacation planned last week of June and first week of July, so just trying to time everything out. I will keep this thread updated.


Good luck. Looking forward to your update.

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Just transferred BTC from Eagle FX to FX Choice and it worked perfectly (minus the couple bucks lost to fees and BTC flux) - first time I’ve tried transferring from broker to broker, so that’s fun.


Hey guys, I know it’s a risky proposition and I do not recommend it.
But with smallish funds I have been trading BTCUSD, deposits and withdrawals and no issues, on Evolve Markets. I have been using a VPS offshore when I have to login, to keep my US IP address off the radar.
The only reason is I am running some EAs I developed and they depend on a 24/7 crypto market, and MT5 brokers offering these conditions are incredibly thin.
In my recent search I found CryptoGT, which looks like a very futuristic exchange with great conditions, but not offering services to USA of course, focused on Japan, even though they have a tropical mailing address.

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thanks for the info, i guess

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Hi is anyone here familiar with brokers offering stocks? I don’t mean the dow jones index etc. So far I can only find hugosway and lmfx.

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FX Choice might be a very trustworthy, offshore broker, but their MT4 really stinks. Anyone else with them? There is so much lag and freezing compared to other brokers I use, I’m even thinking about switching back to Eagle FX to physically trade and copy trade to FX Choice. At least Eagle FX has a functional MT4. I’m using the same indicators on both brokers’ MT4’s so it’s not an indicator issue - no clue why it stinks so bad.

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OK, to be fair, I’ve pretty much just been doing demo work the past couple days with FX Choice and getting things ready, and that’s been the horrid MT4. My live account MT4 seems to be doing much better (knock on wood), so maybe there’s some hope for them yet. But that demo MT4 is all but unusable.

you didn’t like trading with eaglefx?

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I really enjoy trading with Eagle FX, I’m just thinking long-term and would rather put my weight behind a publicly registered offshore broker. But I’m planning to have at least 1 non-registered broker I can use to trade stocks and just to get BTC cash when I need it. Will either be Eagle FX, Crypto Rocket or Coinexx (which doesn’t trade stocks I don’t think, so that’s a negative for them)


EagleFX And CryptoRocket have major stocks to trade


I have live accounts with all 3 of those brokers, just need to close my eyes and throw a dart at one to choose. Coinexx MT4 froze up on me a lot, so that’s another negative mark for them, EagleFX and CR have worked great, at least on lots of demo work - haven’t done a lot of live trading with any of those 3 so can’t say for sure which one I’ll choose.

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Great. Thank you. I’m registering an account with them today. Also, forex pairs brokers allowing cent accounts? So far I found paxforex.

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Ok, to be even more fair and in full disclosure, I’m probably just an idiot. I think the issue was I had 2 FXChoice demo accounts on the same MT4 and for some reason that messes things up and slows things down drastically - on any broker, not just them. Added a new MT4 and so far things seem to be OK. Carry on…

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