Going offshore to escape the CFTC

I wonder where and whom they get their data from

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cryptorocket is no longer on our broker list?

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Good catch, James.

Apparently, somebody named fxbro99 did an unauthorized edit of page 1.

You can see the edit by going to page 1, clicking on the edit-counter in the upper right corner, and scrolling back one edit to number 240. Then scroll through the List as it appears there, until you come to CryptoRocket.

I have been concerned that this sort of vandalism could occur, due to the wiki nature of posts 1 through 5 in this thread. The purpose of that wiki nature is to allow me to keep the List up to date with unlimited edits.

I donā€™t know who this fxbro clown is, but I will try to get him banned from this forum.

And I will repair the damage he has done to the List.

Finally, I will talk to Pipstadamus about how we can prevent this sort of thing from happening again.


James, maybe you can enlighten me on who this fxbro99 clown is. You seem to have had a brief conversation with him here ā€” List of Forex Crypto Brokers Accepting Bitcoin & other digital currencies

He seemed to be a fan of CryptoRocket. But, then he went onto page 1 and deleted them from the List.

Iā€™m in the process of contacting the Moderator to see whether I can get this guy booted off the forum.

I havenā€™t forgotten about repairing the List.


i have no clue who that person is and i hope he does get ban : :point_right: :neutral_face:, no member should be allowed to change or delete a broker info


i think i fail FTMO free trial challenge after 2 trades, here is my results


There is a common misconception regarding superior spreads with institutional feedsā€¦ retail commission based ECNs are extremely competitive at the top of order book with any institutional multi bank platform out there (Intergal, 360T, FXall, EBS, Currenex, Reuters, Hotspot, FXstream ect). Iā€™ve used Barclayā€™s Barx single bank platform in the past and the spreads were horrid @ bid/ask, but the spreads were fantastic if you had to fill 50M. The main benefit of being institutional is depth of market, being able to fill >30M with <2 pips slippage.

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Most of the brokers listed have no access to order book + time stamp sales so I donā€™t know where they would be getting this info from unless the brokerā€™s LPs are talking.

Wowā€¦ Did you make sure you lowered your trade risk enough to fit within their requirements including open position drawdowns?

I have 2 systems that could possibly workā€¦

System 1 - @ .87% risk, potential 4 losses a day = 3.5% out of 5% daily limit, historical maximum losing streak draw down would be 6.7% out of 10% limit

System 2 - @ 1.38% risk, potential 2 losses a day = 2.8% out of 5% daily limit, historical maximum losing streak draw down would be 8% out of 10% limit. When 4 losses buffer is made, I would bump that 1.38% risk up to 1.76% until that buffer was lost, 2 losses a day would then = 3.5% out of 5%.

I think if you go in with a plan it should be easy to stay within the limits.

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no, i was trading my system how i normally trade. i guess i could lower my risk to fit within their rules

Thatā€™s what I did, simply adjusted risk to fit within their parameters. Should wrap it up this week. Took a bit of a hit on Thursday with some CAD weakness, but recovered on Friday, so in good shape.

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So the spreads on majors are OK, Iā€™m just shocked at GBPCAD being over 6, GBPAUD over 5, two of my favorite crosses to trade. Traders Way under 2 on both. I guess I am part of that ā€œmisconceptionā€ group, as Iā€™ve always assumed the more LPs you have feeding, the tighter the spread.

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Chore accomplished. The guy has been banned. Not by me, but by our Moderator, Penelopip.

Her PM to me said, in part ā€”

ā€œSo, just to let you know, weā€™ve already banned fxbro99 from the forums. Moving forward, weā€™ll be looking into possible ways to ensure that such incidents do not happen again in the future.ā€

Thanks, Penelopip. ā€” We all love you.



Yea 5-6 is very bad., was that UK/US session?

It was Asia, but once again I was comparing other brokers at same exact time. I mean this is LMAX, I am truly shocked.They are really no better during US/UK either.

If you do FTMO and you do indices, the spread on SPX500 is 0.9,compared with coinexx 0.3, and emini futures 0.25.So I am not sure my daytrading indices strategy works on FTMO.
Then I compare with C2, here is a C2 strategy with highest subscription price:

It charges $1000 per subscriber/month, and has 9 subscribers.

Note the strategy has 28% drawdown and still has high sub fee.

Here is anothe one:

With average monthly profit less than 10% and drawdown lower than 10%, sub fee $138 and has about 60-80 subscribers.

I really donā€™t see how ā€œfailingā€ their free trial is any big deal. Itā€™s basically a demo account, right? And who hasnā€™t blown a demo account or two (or three) in their time.

This first free trial is basically just to see if your personal strategy works within the FTMO rules. Now you know it doesnā€™t. So since you can take an unlimited number of free trials (correct me if Iā€™m wrong), you can see how you might need to tweak a few indicators or a some risk management just to succeed within their rules.

If you have a successful personal strategy, keep doing that of course. But isnā€™t the chance to trade a $100K account worth a small tweak here and there?

Thatā€™s my plan down the road. Iā€™m a daytrader, so Iā€™m fairly certain my system will work, but if it doesnā€™t, I have no problem slightly changing things just to fit their rules

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yes sir you are correct. truth be told i donā€™t need FTMO but i see what your saying :love_you_gesture:

Exactly what I did, just tweaked position sizing. Of course, profit is lower, but no chance of hitting their DD limits. My goal is the 600K within 16 months, so I do need them as I do not have nor would I risk 600K offshore.

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Hereā€™s my issue with signal selling vs FTMOā€¦ if your system is good under the risk management rules, you can get 100K within 1 month and 300K within 2 months vs. how long it will take to build a subscriber base on signal selling sites.

I have a friend that tried signal selling with collective, signal start & Zulutrade. He had a pretty good system (>200% potential with <25% drawdowns) and It took him >9 months to start getting any subs and he eventually quit.

If youā€™re charging <$100 to match most of your competition you have to build up a substantial amount of subs. if your charging significantly more than your competition, you need to have >1 year trading history and it will typically take you >6 months to start getting any action.
The other issue for me is having your trade history in full view of the entire world with time stamps where your competition or anyone can possibly try to reverse engineer it. You can hide it on most platforms but then that significantly hurts your ability to attract subs.