Going offshore to escape the CFTC

i think things has change you need to ask them or just try signing up and see what happens, i do know once your account get large they will ask you for your documents

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thatā€™s good news, i hope their fees will be low


What does everyone know about Bittrex as an exchange and potential middleman like Coinbase Pro? They claim to be cheaper than Coinbase, no clue if you can use it to transfer from offshore brokers. Just started the research

At one point Bittrex was a major player but mostly in the altcoin scene after the fall of Mintpal. Them and Poloniex were the place to trade. However when Binance came on the scene they quickly ate their lunch. They only as of late updated their interface and created a mobile app. I have looked at them now as well as Kraken for the same reasons you stated.


I just switched to Binance US from Coinbase Pro.
lower fees by far, I also tested it back to my bank account , no issues.
Im still looking to do broker to broker bitcoin transfers but was advise by FX choice that it is not recommended. ??? seems like this should be no issue as long as you give them a crypto address

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As stated, they used to be good for exchanging alts but they had very low volume. Havenā€™t used them in years so cannot speak about now.


I transferred bitcoin from EagleFX to FXChoice no problem. They thought it was a good idea when it was going into FXChoice

Eaglefx thought it was a good idea your transferring funds to another broker

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Iā€™m saying FXChoice didntā€™ complain when I transferred BTC into their brokerage

And bitcoin transfers are supposed to be anonymous, so a broker shouldnā€™t know or care where it goes or comes from, in theory

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Great article from the NNFX YouTube channel today about how itā€™s all rigged against us:

EDIT: article is from 2019, but itā€™s still valid


This talk last night got me thinking: if Iā€™m already trying to mitigate my risk by using multiple offshore brokers, why not use multiple crypto exchanges to get that money to my bank?

Sure, thatā€™s more of a chance one of them might go bad, but it does spread the risk so instead of one exchange getting a big olā€™ transfer, I could use Coinbase Pro, Binance, CashApp, even Bittrex (after more research) to split that transfer.

Still probably want it over $5000 and closer to $10,000 if possible so I donā€™t look like a drug trafficker, but itā€™s something to think about doing

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Was going through my bookmarks and found another prop firm I had saved:

Not a promotion. No idea if they are good or not. But can compare/contrast with FTMO and others.


Thanks for sharing! Looking through their siteā€¦ They have options for MT5 which is good for me (MQL5)

I would proceed with them with caution. I canā€™t find how much their actual funded accounts are. All the numbers are for the Challenge accounts, and they donā€™t actually state on the website how much the funded accounts are. Seems like an obvious thing to do. So thatā€™s a big red flag for me.

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So talking to someone in chat, they say the account programs they show are the ones you would be funded with.

thatā€™s good to hear. one would think something so important would be more clearly explained up front though, but thatā€™s just the former English Major in me talking

Blueberry Markets is too. NNFX puts them as his #1 broker

EDIT: they do say this:

Traders are not allowed to coordinate their trades with third parties or otherwise copy their trading signals from a third party. Fidelcrest shall have
the right to deem that Traders coordinate or copy their trades if several trades with the same instruments in the same direction are made within one minute of each other.

does this mean we canā€™t use our own copytrading with them? or we arenā€™t technically 3rd party so itā€™s OK?

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Sounds to me we canā€™t just use a signal service to copy trades from. I hope so anyway. I already have built into my EA not trade one minute from my last position on the same symbol, so thatā€™s good. The reason these guys interest me more than FTMO are for the following reasons: they have MT5 options (Iā€™m a MQL5 programmer), you can start with small accounts (small accounts that can have positions open until the weekend, ProFX accounts you have to close positions daily), and their trading criteria seems easier to pass than FTMO. They also offer 90% profit after several months of proving yourself. They also have a nice selection of brokers to choose from. I have a lot more coding/testing (weeks) I need to do for my system to work with these prop firms, but once I feel Iā€™m ready, I do plan on trying out one of their smaller accounts and work up from there.

Soā€¦ why would a broker care about any of that ā€œcoordinationā€ at all ?? What legitimate reason would
there be to care about that? The more trades, the more commission for the broker, soā€¦? They have
to hire some programmers in India, for example, to code up a deep data mining app to snoop through
everyoneā€™s accounts and find this stuff ?? [EDIT] maybe I missed the context of all this stuff,
so Mea Culpa if thatā€™s the caseā€¦ :slight_smile:
