Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Just don’t forget that the funds of the Cyprus brokers may well be in high-interest-paying Greek banks, or Cyprus banks exposed to Greek banks, since Cyprus is tied closely to Greece (and Turkey).

For that matter, it looks as if investorseurope is using a Portugese bank.

However, Greek banks are probably the riskier of the two by a wide margin.

Can you provide me with just one of those 16 million links, randomly selected?

Why should I after all? If you like the answer because it’s something what comforts [U]your[/U] prejudgement, then you go with it. If you don’t like the answer, because it doesn’t comfort [U]your[/U] prejudgement, then you come up with the next question. That is a never ending rhetoric. Time is the most valuable thing even before money. At least to me. If you want to park your money there, move on. I won’t hold you back from it. And I am not here to hold your hand while making a search at Google.

I guess as well I made clear that this is not really important. What does it say if refugees come through or not? That was your point and not mine. The point I made is that the Gibraltarian sea and the region there, particular with a border to Northafrica is unstable and there are some question marks rising. Like say Greece for now. Frankly, Greece can be assumed stable in competition to Northafrica. Would you park your money there? Good luck! I don’t.

After all, I would not seriously suggest to park money at just one broker if there is no other choice. Because that is parking the money in a trap and I even would know about it before. So I avoid such traps in forefront. That’s why I would go with an offshore company. Then I have all options and would not have to play that cat and mouse game where others would control what I have to do. It’s never a bad thing to look a little farther if it comes to money deposits and not just take the next door what is open and looks attractive.

At least please let me tell you I have an international company with branches in Europe and the US. So, I do not need to run in traps. I can go with every broker I like. If I would close my branches in the EU then I would still leave one open and restructure it for trading with a broker. This is a way easier and safe path than to move from one to another broker every couple of months just because the broker says he won’t accept me anymore. And I have all trustable authorities on my side. I am going the 100% legal path. No twilight zone where a broker accepts me only under some particular circumstances. I prefer [B]kiss[/B]. Keep it simple, stupid.

Because through your inability to support your statements with evidence I aim at permanently undermining your credibility, so that you would either not make them anymore or not be trusted even if you do so.

We are not at a court here. I made some points and even if I show up with some evidence like this newspaper story you come up with excuses. Plus I am not supporting control freaks. I won’t and can’t transfer to you the knowledge I collected in some decades in a few postings here. If you trust me or not is your decision. I have no relation with that broker or any other broker and I didn’t come up with brokers. So, why all the fuzz? As I said, park your money there! I have no problem with it. I just wouldn’t park my money at pirate bay. That’s what I wrote and I backed that by some facts.

I am satisfied that I’ve managed to demonstrate your complete inadequacy through the “facts” on the “pirate bay” you’ve presented and through the facts on “African refugees” you’ve failed to present.

You demonstrated your own inability to make decisions with an open mind. Plus the great ability to be ignorant. That’s all what you demonstrated here in my opinion.

Let the forum members now make their own decisions based on the evidence and facts they have and have not been presented.

What have I to do with others decisions? Sure they do. Why would I even think of the possibility to keep them off from doing so?

Your posts are still of value as I find them. Hardly anyone could amuse the forum readers with screams of “the pirate bay” and “the African regugees” in Gibraltar as you did.

Very good to know that you know what all other forum members think. I’ll consult you if I want to know what they think whenever I like, lol.

There’s no need for it - they are all perfectly capable of speaking for themselves.

So then why are you speaking for them?


Again you managed to demonstrate something. After you demonstrated that you are not able to use Google properly, that you are not able to accept the fact that the spanish authorities called Gibraltarians pirates and not I, you managed now to demonstrate that you make assumptions to know what the plural is doing based on a comment of a singular.

You know what? I guess you are related somewhat to that broker now. I have hardly seen such pressure with people who are not related to their idols. Even more warning signs popping up now. Lets assume for a second I would have the idea to chose that broker, that is no option anymore whatever they come with after your pressure here to argue against some serious doubts.

And now have a nice day. Frankly, we made our points and that’s it for me. :slight_smile:

During my time on forums, I have been periodically accused of being affiliated with different entities just for sharing information about them. In the end, smart people will always find their ways, just like the dull ones will always find their CFTC.

LOL! Could it be that you have a lot to do with lawyers? Your words are like that: accused, evidence, …

I just wrote down my opinion based on your behavior here at his thread. You could even be a fx “virgin” with no relation to any fx company. An opinion is not accusing. I used the word “guess”. :slight_smile:

Regarding cftc: I gave even you a hint how you could avoid that without stepping into some traps. And at least I think it’s better to have some regulation handicaps than to maybe lose the money at all. First comes money protection and then after that we can talk about making some …

Now, that broker could be completely sane. I just again made some points. If you use that for your decision making or somebody else or not is yours.

As I said, nice day and nice pips to you. :slight_smile:

I have looked at Trading Point some also I do believe they will open an account for a US customer. When you go to the website and click the link to open a real account United States is right in the drop down list of locations. Most brokers that will not accept US customers do not have a US option. Also there is this
Costas: “Do you accept US clients?” and yes we do.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

Have you contacted Trading Point yourself with a question whether they accept US customers at this time?

Sorry I have not but the baby pips post I linked to is from this week. I think all indications are they do take US clients and are worth investigating. they do say they are UK regulated and the spreads the advertise look very competitive. Better then what I am getting with my current brokers, US or offshore.