Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Thanks @SmallPaul. @Clint @SmallPaul - As the seniormost members of this thread, I would urge you guys to review if Turnkeyforex should continue to stay on as a trusted broker on this esteemed thread, as I am not sure too many people here feel very comfortable with their shady practices, except few paid marketeers.


This doesnā€™t surprise me. I have heard several similar stories about notorious Turnkeyforex before.

They lure clients by showing low spreads and would suddenly widen them for traders making profits. If someone gets lucky and still makes profit, they would start shady practices to hold their money.


I would strongly support downgrading Turnkeyforex. They are well known thieves and do not belong on the trusted broker list.


True that - iā€™ll volunteer to review all the old scam reviews of all our vetted brokers here. Feels a bit off that few random new IDs have come together to gun down an old broker on the list. Seems like an agenda to me rather than a concern for members here. we 've seen that that from hugofx-coinexx-turnkey tiff here @smallpaul would agree and can make our who are the paid ones

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@SmallPaul which scam case are you referring to? Is it the following case? It seems to have been resolved:

ROLF seems whatever your agenda is but you (ALL) are looking fakeā€¦ using different names/IDs wont make you look like a genuine member of the thread nor will pointing out SPAM make me an affiliate.

So what exactly is FTMO doing that we should feel safe with their broker now? Iā€™m not with them yet but am planning on it. Is it that we donā€™t actually use that offshore broker? Or that we are sort of ā€œpaid helpā€ to FTMO so it counts differently? Should we keep a close eye on them now too?

That to is a concern of mine as well. Seems the US authorities have a hard on for anything offshore.


I think they have had a hard on for anything offshore for 5 years
They are putting it on display now


if what FTMO does makes them untouchable in some way, Iā€™ll be first in line for a new offshore broker business model where I sacrifice 10% of my profits to any broker just to trade the way I want


they stop paying that dude and he came back and said it, the fact that they scam him to begin with tells you, you canā€™t trust them

EDIT: btw I am poundtrader on FPA so you can see i posted in that thread as well


Are you talking about coinexx?


ohhh arenā€™t they same, remember reading discussions here that they share same backend tech providers. have an account with coinexx & this conversation makes me nervous. Read a thread on coinexx too on fpa about coinexx six fig loss where you also had inputs & still open no resolution. Are you trading with them?

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yes and if i was you i would also look at coinexx a suspect because i had withdrawal problems with coinexx and posted that here, i must say i prefrence my statement about turnkeyforex being a scam by saying in my opinion they are a scam, everybody must must do their own due diligence

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CFTC seems to like the idea, where traders get screwed by their own so called regulated brokers
where there is no check or a listening ear for traders, only because they get a slice of the pie from their ā€œregulated brokersā€
They are only interested in closing shop for anything offshore and keeping the funds for their own pie to get bigger for them to slice

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thanks, .5% seems reasonable

thanks @StellarBusiness, would Kraken be less that .5% transaction fee do you think?

EDIT: 5% would be $250 on 5k, i said $25 fee on 5k transaction

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For their pro accounts they definitely charge less than 0.5% as transaction fee