Going offshore to escape the CFTC

You know what’s even funnier? Liberals popping off here, totally unaware that without liberal legislation (Dodd/Frank) this thread wouldn’t even exist.

I was aware that the legislations and control over the whole " market and trading " environment…i am totally against that.
Recently i saw a news about Elizabeth Warren proposing more control and oversight legislation over the crypto market , thats is outrageous. i tried to be the centrist you can be against one thing and for another within the same aisle.

what even funny is you just assume i was a liberal and i am not even from your country, in my country we have center ,right and far right only , cant expect any better from whatever spectrum you belong to.

You honestly believe there was no fraud? They did it in 2016 also, but they miscalculated, they thought they had the margins covered. Shame to, Hillary would’ve been a great president :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That much is obvious, just move along. Not interested in changing your mind and you’ll never change mine.

noted ,now stop replying to comments lol and you might need to move along and mind your own business i am sure you have your own plates full. My original reply was to @Clint post and his commnets about singling out one insider trader

Wait a sec. So you’re offended by a remark someone made, in country that you don’t belong to?

JFC :joy:

and @Clint i am assuming you were referring to Nasty pelosi as her husband recently cashed in some big gains due to upcoming anti-trust investigation?

according to this sources it was a option that was about to expire that he had bought in feb 2020 and he had to excersice it , without it being relevant to any upcoming “insider news” .
expected better from you @Clint


Speaking of gains…

Do you really want to drag me into this little brawl you’ve started?

Well, I don’t expect much from you.

And you’re behaving as expected.

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exactly, i don’t need to drag you into little brawl, considering your comment about nasty pelosi, i don’t even know who that is, nor do i care much for their actions, its just shows your biased partison behavior.

My behavior is quite tame, i just like to call out people on their bs and hypocrisy, what else can i expect from such delinquents.

i thought people here do their due diligence and not buy into clickbait faux news bs, but mr big shot clint here calling out nasty pelosi, while his own dear cult of a party is filled with insider traders and only people they vote for are the 0.1 percenters who will work for the ‘unprivileged & poor’ and oh i heard they were gonna repeal Dodd & Frank ?

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You’re on the wrong forum.

Take your rants to The Lobby, where they belong.

i am sure you could do the same, and call people nasty, in The Lobby where they indeed belong. Cheers!

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when it comes to politics and religion it’s a never ending discussion and can easily turn this thread into one of those topics if we don’t curb our enthusiasm


Pretty…pretty…pretty good.

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i try :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

is there a thread that talks about the scamming deposit and withdraw methods to stay away from that some shady brokers use? for example ive heard a ton of negative stuff about vload and skrillx.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell suggested during the recent Financial Services Committee hearing that a digital dollar could fulfill the demand for stable coin.
Has he been reading this forum? :slight_smile:


All downhill from here… :man_facepalming:

*The Biden administration reportedly intends to ramp up efforts to trace cryptocurrency payments. *

The U.S. Department of State has announced it will be taking a seemingly more active role in the pursuit of keeping some crypto users accountable.


it doesn’t help that criminals are using crypto as payments, makes it much easier for governments to crack down on cryptos

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