Going offshore to escape the CFTC

lol, Yes I know, but they can go much further. :pray: Not

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Turnkeyforex has joined hands with Coinexx:-
I am delighted to inform you that Turnkeyforex has joined hands with Coinexx today, to bring to you the best of trading conditions and technology. Everything remains the same and even better for you, including commission, spreads, execution. You may simply log into the same MT4 mobile app that you have been using, the account number will be same as well. Simply choose the server name “Coinexx-Live” for Live account and “Coinexx-Demo” for Demo account.

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There was already a connection, so if they could get the other family member at finprotrading to refund traders their money, then that would be great.

I’m calling you out coinexx and i stand by my statement 100%



Who is going to try this prop firm?
Seems it is 5 times better than MFF.

  1. 200000 challenge price is 30% of MFF’s.
  2. No time limit on challenges, any time you reach profit target you get funded.
  3. No daily 5% drawdown. This is very important as one can’t compound in a prop firm account due to daily 5% drawdown rule.
  4. 7% profit target for phase 1, 3.5% profit target for phase 2, both are less than MFF.

Their instant account is even better.
For their 50000 account you only pay $499 to get 5000 drawdown, that is a 8 times value(discounted at 80% split), which means you pay $1 to get $8 to trade.When you reach 10% profit target, you can double you account size.
That means once you reach 10% profit target, 1, you made $4000(only paid $499).2. you get another 50000 account . Now your account is 100000. Another 10% you will get $8000 and a 200000 account.And there is no time limit to reach 10% target. If you trade your own account, you make 100% profit. While you trade their instant account, you make 800% profit plus getting an extra account on the same performance.
If this is not a scam, it will completely change the landscape of prop firm industry.


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You, lol it does sound good, :+1:

Captain obvious may say otherwise…

I just took a harder look. It doesn’t look legit to me, but I’m not in the prop game market, so I’ll leave that up to you guys.

I don’t understand how they can scam you.
If you pay by credit card and they don’t pay you when you withdraw, you can talk to credit card company to void the credit card transaction. They get nothing.

I wish it was that easy, it’s becoming harder and harder to void or get your money back in a case like this

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The claim to be baller fund managers, from their FAQ’s:

And yet their physical address in Las Vega is this place:

If it walks like a duck…

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I just like the way they spell there for as opposed to therefore. Those little details, man, like spell and grammar check go a long way with me. You already know my view Crypto, but I’ll post it here as well:

My Forex Funds and FTMO tier 1.
True Forex Funds, E8, TheFunded Trader and The Prop Trading tier2.
The rest, don’t bother, I’ve been doing this 2.5 years now.


At this time EternityGlobalFX does look suspicious , but there are not enough evidences to make conclusion either way. We can just wait and see,time will tell.
I am not entirely dependent on prop firms.
The major problem with prop firms account is you can’t compound in prop firm accounts.
Plus, you still have more risk with them than with your own personal account.
Although I do have multiple accounts with prop firms currently, this is only a temporary stage for me. As soon as I accumulate enough capital, I will trade my own account only.
I think if one is talented enough, he should control risk by developing a mature strategy, which can ensure the safety of his capital,not by prop firms accounts.
If you depend entirely on prop firm accounts, your growth potential will be seriously limited.


Scammers love people who have the naivety of a child.

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I don’t think you understood my post.

I understood you perfectly. Especially when you stated the following:

You really need to improve your reading.

You understood zero from my posts.

Show my posts to your friend or your family and ask their opinions.

I have no desire to talk to someone incapable of reading correctly.

Anyone here have any details about Turnkey and Coinexx getting together?

I decided to pull some idle funds from Turnkey five days ago and still haven’t received anything after an email confirmation from “Mark Kemp”. Anyone know Mark? He hasn’t replied to any email since Tuesday.

Subsequent follow up with Marsha and Dave on support chat yielded more excuses. I’m not in panic mode but it’s very unusual to have a withdrawal take this long?

Here’s a snip from my third conversation with support. Same story, different alias:

Very unusual. Hoping to hear about a recent transaction with them that went well. I can’t help but wonder if Coinexx took them over because somebody at Turnkey departed with client’s funds?


Before they all left the U.K.

Same guy own turnkey forex owns finpro trading who was also a directer on turnkeyfx board

three different companies with the same people


finprotrading. com


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-From FTMO via FF.

I personally do not use CTrader. But this is getting ridiculous.

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Yes, but these firms don’t need to increase their scrutiny

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